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42 Cards in this Set

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meaning: hatred

root - ANIM : mind, spirit, breath

sentence: We do not want animosity between plant management and inspectors.

what feeling do you get when you look at your enemy?


meaning: unison, together, agreed by everyone

root: ANIM: mind, spirit, breath

sentence: The assembly was almost unanimous in voicing its protest to the governor.


meaning: huge, magnificent,

root: ANIM: mind, spirit, breath

sentence: A magnanimous person shows great spirit.

what do you say when something takes away your breath?


root: ann, enn: year

meaning: retired, too old to work

sentence: We realized the baking soda we used in baking was superannuated when our cake didn’t rise


root: ann, enn: year

meaning: perpetual, something that lasts for a long time

sentence: Because she is a perennial optimist, it’s unusual for anything to bring her down.


root: ante, ant

meaning: preceding


common root: antediluvian, antebellum, antepenultimate, antiquated


root: ante, ant: before

meaning: old-fashioned

sentence: To most teenagers, phones connected to wall outlets are antediluvian in nature.


root: ante, ant: before

meaning: third last

sentence: the antepenultimate item on the agenda

ultimate - last; penultimate - second last


root: ante, ant

meaning: before a war

sentence: There are many antebellum buildings in that part of town.

bellum is war!


root: ante, ant: before

meaning: old, outmoded, no longer modern

sentence: Compared with modern satellite dishes, ordinary TV aerials look positively antiquated.

antiquity is the brand of 🍷! and taste of a 🍷 improves with age! older the 🍷 better is its taste.


root : anthrop: human

meaning: study of humankind

sentence: As an anthropologist, Sara spends her days examining the evolution of human beings.


root: anthrop: human

meaning: ascribing human characteristics to non humans

sentence: An example of something anthropomorphic might be a vase that is shaped like a human.


root: anti, ant : against, opposite

meaning: holding bad feelings

sentence: The traditional antipathy of the rhinoceros to the elephant seems to be mythical.


root: auto : self

meaning: a ruler with complete power

sentence: The king is an autocrat in practice as well as in theory, he has an absolute power .


root: belli, bell : war

meaning: war like, aggressive

sentence: He's looking for belligerent countries to take action in favor of peace.


root: bene, ben: good

meaning: generous

sentence: Gods may behave toward us in ways that we perceive as cruel for entirely benevolent motives.


root: bene, ben : good

meaning: good natured

sentence: Trade is not fair or benign, nor mutually advantageous in all cases.


root: cad, cas, cid: happen, fall

meaning: rise and fall of sound, intonation

sentence: The horse's breath made puffs of steam as she trotted along the road to the cadence of tinkling bells


root: cad, cas, cid: happen, fall

meaning: small waterfall, a fast downward flow of liquid

sentence: That decision set off a cascade of events.


root: cap, cip: head

meaning: cut off someone's head, behead

sentence: a particularly gruesome series of murders in which the victims were decapitated.


root: cap, capt, cept, cip

Meaning: spacious

sentence: that car has a capacious trunk that makes it a good choice for families


root: cap, capt, cept, cip

meaning: to enchant, seize or capture, capture with irresistible appeal

sentence: the clown captivated the toddlers with his balloon tricks.


root: cat, capt, cept, cip

meaning: cheating

sentence: She accuses the company of willful deception in its advertising


root: carn: flesh

meaning: physical, worldly

sentence: the preacher warned that those who were interested only in carnal pursuits would not see the kingdom of heaven


root: carn: flesh

meaning: mass killings

sentence: Reporters described the highway accident as a scene of carnage.


root: carn: flesh

meaning: amusement show

sentence: That part of town is a carnival on Friday and Saturday nights.


root: carn: flesh

meaning: embodied in human form

sentence: the general view that Hitler incarnated extreme egotism and indeed evil itself


root: ced, cess: yield, go

meaning: ceaseless, uninterrupted

sentence: the incessant noise from an outside repair crew was a real distraction during the test


root: ced, cess: yield, go

meaning: go back

sentence: The river is forecast to stay roughly at this level through Monday night and then begin to recede on Tuesday.


root: chrom: colour

meaning: a person or a thing that is chronologically out of place

sentence: Some experts believe that in today’s digital world, auto shows are an anachronism.


root: cide: murder

meaning: killing of a human by another human

sentence: He has been arrested for homicide.


root: cide: murder

meaning: killing of a king



root: cide: murder

meaning: killing of one's father

sentence: And so a new narrative emerged, one of patricide -- the killing of one's father.


root: cide: murder

meaning: killing of one's mother

sentence: Their son Orestes, supported by his sister Electra, then commits matricide as payback for his father’s death.


root: cide: murder

meaning: killing of one's own brother/sister

sentence: Bird explained to Vancouver news outlet CTV that a fratricide is possible should the eaglets get hungry.


root: circum: around

meaning: cautious, consider all situations and consequences

sentence: They are circumspect in all their business dealings.


root: circum: around

meaning: to get around a problem, bypass, dodge

sentence: He found a way to circumvent the law.


root: circum: around

meaning: indirect way of saying

sentence: had no patience with diplomatic circumlocutions


root: clin, cliv: slope

meaning: downward slope



root: cliv, clin: slope

meaning: inclination

sentence: Both virus species thus present an ongoing challenge due to their diversity and their proclivity for jumping hosts.


root: clud, clus, claus: shut, close

meaning: a secluded quiet place

sentence: a scientist who cloisters herself in a laboratory


root: clud, clus

meaning: relating to supernatural influences, hidden from view

sentence: occulted their house from prying eyes by planting large trees around it