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31 Cards in this Set

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Procedure used to treat nocturnal upper airway obstruction
procedure performed for recurrent or chronic rhino sinusitis or adenoiditis and recurrent otitis media
What procedure is indicated for recurrent pharyngotonsillitis, chronic tonsillitis, hemorrhagic tonsillitis, peritonsillar abcess, streptococcal carriage, dysphagia, abnormal dentofacial growth, halitosis and suspicion of malignant disease
What are the anesthetic implications of T & A
-Preop anxiolytics

- inhalation induction with CPAP and oral airway

-opioids, dexamethasone + antiemetics

- maintain a low FIO2

- Do not blindly sx airway

-either deep extubation or when the child is almost awake

- vigilant postop monitoring!!
What are some preoperative considerations for a patient having a T & A
H & P / Exam

-coagulation status

-make sure no ASA in last 10 days

- assess for loose teeth.
typically caused by infections that originate in the tonsil and spread to the peritonsillar space
peritonsillar abcess
Where is the peritonsillar space located?
between the tonsillar capsule and the superior constrictor muscle
A peritonsillar abcess rarely invades?
the posterior tonsillar pillar
A patient presenting with peritonsillar abcess will have what S/S
-severe sore throat

-difficulty swallowing

-high fever

-progressive difficulty opening mouth
What are some anesthetic considerations in a patient with a pertonsillar abcess
- airway assessment

-you can use GETA on a spont breathing anesthetized pt. or sedation with topical LA or LA infiltrated at the site

-"avoid N2O during induction"

-will need 2 lg bore sx catheters and tonsil suction tips
What are the anesthetic considerations for Laser surgery?
- eye protection for everyone

-special high-efficiency mask

-Metal ETT (non-flamable)

-Maintain low FIO2 and avoid N2O) ...it's combustible
What are 3 forms of airway management with Laser surgery
-spont ventilation


-manual jet ventilation
what are the 4 "E's" for handling and airway "fire"
-extract, eliminate, extinguish, evaluate
is a disorder of breathing during sleep characterized by prolonged partial upper airway obs or intermittent complete obs that disrupts normal sleep-time breathing and normal sleep patterns
What is the most common cause of OSA in children
adenotonsillar hypertrophy
What is often the cure for childhood OSA
tonsillectomy with or without adenoidectomy
What are the symptoms of OSA
nocturnal snoring

breathing pauses


use of accessory muscles


excessive sweating
what is considered to be "reversible sequelae of OSA"
-failure to thrive

-neurocognitive deficits


-Cor Pulmonale
Eye drops contain?
-anticholinergics and phenylephrine
Glaucoma treating agents include?

-parasympatomimetic agents
What anesthetic agents do you want to avoid with eye surgery b/c of the potential to increase IOP


-direct laryngoscopy
what is a common s/e of eye surgery

*treat with multimodal Rx
The ocular crainal reflex involves which two nerves
trigeminal and vagus
what happens when the ocular cranial reflex is stimulated
bradycardic response
surgical correction of what condition involves isolation of one or more of the extra ocular muscles with subsequent recession or resection or the muscle
What S/E from Sux is 4 times greater for this surgical population (strabismus)
masseter muscle rigidity
In which surgical procedure is a small bowman probe inserted into the nasolacrimal duct.

And once inserted, what does the probe pierce....
Lacrimal duct probing

pierces the valve of hasner
What anesthetic technique is typically used d/t the short procedure time (5-10 mins)
mask ventilation
What anesthetic technique is used for cataract surgery
GETA with paralytics
What analgesia is typically used to treat patients with cararacts
What should you monitor for during the postop period for a pt who has had cataract surgery
postop apnea.....