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42 Cards in this Set

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According to the the basic model of ___ ___, "the media are themselves being made while they are simultaneously making something else." The process is __-__ and active.
Of the two types of models of communication, _____/_____ models see comm. as an act or process in which message/meaning is transported from one place to another. Is a process.
transportation/transmission models
One of the two basic models of comm., ____ models view process of communication as the production of common culture and are tied to notions of community.
Cultural models
Of the two competing views of reality, the ______ view of reality is external, knowable, fact-based, and ordered according to straightforward principle.
Commonsense view of reality
Of the two competing views of reality, the ___ ____ view of reality stats that reality is unknowable except through our cultural perceptions and understandings, as comm. is the "space of mediation."
Cultural Construction views of reality
The ____, or auteur, in most mediated, cultural texts, is multiple.
Traditional cultural approaches heavily emphasize the role of the auteur: who they are, relation to them, intentions.
Contemporary deconstructive, semiotic (cultural models) approaches de-emphasize the importance of the _____. source
Messages are ______: they are ambiguous and have more than one meaning
Semiotics is based on signs and codes. Signs have two parts: the _____: the material form, ie., a note, sound, word(s), visual, object

And the _____: the connected or linked or articulated meaning

____ are systems of signs. Cultural meaning depends on culturally constructed and shared these.
____ or interference are elements that interfere with or change the communication process. These are more important in transmission models. The source may by bias, unclear thinking, lack of skill and incompetence. The message may be disorganized, contradictory, and unintentional. The receiver may be tired, bored, bias, and may add their own interpretations. In the context their may be noise, distractions, etc.
____ is immediate in face-to-face contexts, but is at best inaccurate and ____ in mediated channels.

___ is the process of making messages, while ___ is the process of consuming and interpreting them.

____ is the circumstance in which a message is encoded or decoded, ie., time, place, culture, historical, and personal and social events. Private vs. Public may effect. (love songs, horror movies, etc.)
The ____ (s) (audience) are the people who are exposed to a text. They can be viewed as consumers, communities (of users or fans), and as commodities (sold to advertisers andmarketers).
CCC yourself correctly
Cultural models in particular are apt to concentrate on the audience to emphasize the _____ audiences make.
According to ____, ____ create communities with a collective shared sense of identity that is built around their appreciation of a particular performer.

According to ___, a member of a ______ visibly displays his/her identification with the icon of popular culture. Often involved in resistance.
___ ____ involves texts and information widely available throughout the culture and widely known whether or not most people have any deep attachment to those texts.
mass culture
On the other hand, ___ ____ involves a much narrower, more restricted group of texts marked by the traditional cultural canon even if that canon has recently opened up to more diverse multicultural texts
elite culture
There are three important qualities of popular culture:
1. It is, in a sense, the "___ __ _____ ____" - not uncommon, special, or diff.

2. It involves the _____ __ ____ - 'popular' is better construed with how important, or vital, the text is

3. It is ____ by the users
"Stuff of everyday life"

intensity of the appeal

According to Nachbar and Lause's Popular cultural formula;

"the ____ of a given cultural ____ (object, person, event) is directly ____ to the degree to which that element is ____ of audience beliefs and ____."
The problem with the popular cultural formula is that it is too ____, ignoring marketing, accomplishments, and using a mass culture approach.
The ____ is the spirit of an era, or the cultural mindset - view or understanding of reality. This involves two aspects:

1. ___ aspects are short term values and understandings

2. ___ aspects are beliefs and values that transcend the specific time period and represent the fundamental character of culture itself.


Elite culture reflects the culture of those with the social, educational, or economic position and ___ to enforce standards of judgment on others.
The basic underlying characteristic that distinguished mass culture from popular culture is that popular culture involves ____ audiences, while mass culture involves ____ audiences.
In the problem of _____:

1.___ evaluate, judge, and label cultural canons as good and bad

2. ___ describe and analyze culture


____ is the stories, values, myths, maps, codes, ideologies, etc. by which we make our lives. Can be looked at as the group of people, the stories themselves, and the artifacts by which they tell themselves.
____ groups tell themselves some additional or different stories or use atypical means of telling
______ groups tell themselves at least some stories in active opposition to those told by mainstream culture
___ ___ are special, important, symbolic cultural texts which are particularly important and generate central values for the group. Are more than mere signs and express deep-seated significant beliefs
cultural icons
There are two categories of cultural icons:

1. ___ cultural icons are conscious articulations of the cultural mindset and are powerful, exploited, and manipulated

2. ____ cultural icons involves unconscious resonance and choice, more accurate of what a cultural mindset is as opposed to what that mindset thinks it is

____ ____ is the understanding of reality or view of the world created by mediated cultural texts
mediated reality
The ___ ___ describes the relationship between mediated reality and life. This effect involves 4 elements:

1. how is communicated, ie music, painting, etc
2. acuality
3. CMR- what is made by source. heightened, as in art
4. PMR- what is consumed, actual interpretation. Applied to general understanding of life
cone effect
"real life"
constructed mediated reality
perceived mediated reality
All cultural texts generate messages and meanings of four different types
1. ___ meanings are about particular times, places, and groups, can be about human experience, and can have aesthetic meaning

2. __ ___ meanings are about a particular time, place, or group that involved the dominant culture, sometimes only a particular group or subculture

3. ___ ___ meaning are outside of a particular time, place, or group, and are considered to be generally universal

4. ___ meanings are connected to ideas about beauty and form
pop culture
elite culture
the ____ is the means of communicating, ie, print, film, or video
Degrees of mediation

1. __ to ___ live, sounds and light
2. ___ ___ PA, video screens, instruments, etc
3. ___ ___ no face to face, technology, telephones, email, etc
4. ___ ___ capable of reaching many people and uses technology
face to face
partial mediation
total mediation
mass medium
Two functions of cultural artifacts is that they are _____; serve either directly or indirectly to make money, and they are ____; they generate meanings.

____ connects ideas about power and ideas about the social construction of reality
____ is the process by which the dominant culture reproduces or reinforces itself
___ ____ is the opposed process to hegemony, and allows people in marginalized groups to make meanings opposed to those of dominant society
cultural resistance
____ ____ proposes that over time, heavy viewers develop views of the world that are similar to what they see on tv.
cultivation hypothesis