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18 Cards in this Set

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Yellow fever is a disease caused by?

An arthropod-borne ( ARBO) virus

Yellow fever is endemic in?

Tropical Africa and South America.

Where occasionally, it occurs as an epidemic

Which age group is affected by yellow fever 🤒

All age group

First case of yellow fever in Nigeria? And since then?


There have been at least 10 severe epidemics of yellow fever in Nigeria

Yellow fever is ..... In African monkeys , although?


Although they don't suffer recognizable disease

Thus, yellow fever is maintained in Africa by?

1. Monkeys

2. The wild mosquitoes - aedes mosquitoes which breeds and bites animals in the forest

Yellow fever is transmitted by

Different genera of mosquitoes

Aedes mosquitoes are involved in

The transmission of jungle yellow fever ( yellow fever in the forest) In Africa

In South American? Which spece of mosquitoes


Explain the link-host concept

Sometimes, aedes simpsoni , which breeds in banana tree acils near the forest bite infected monkey when the monkey come from the forest to raid plantations.

The aedes simpsoni may thereafter bite man and the infection is transmitted to man, and is thus called link host

Example of other link host in West Africa

1. Aedes furcifer - Taylori ..

2. Aedes luteocephalus

If a person is bitten by...... an outbreak may occur in the human population.

Aedes Aegypti

...... is thus maintained by man to man transmission by aedes aegypti

Urban yellow fever

Once a mosquito become infective after ...... , they.....

1. After biting an infected person or monkey

2. They remain infective for the rest of their lives

Symptoms of yellow fever 🤒

1. There are many inapparent infections leading to immunity without overt illness

2. After an incubation period of 3 to 6 days,

3.most clinically recognizable cases may begin with a sudden attack of fever , headache, generalized aches and pains ➕ abd. Pain, nausea +/- vomiting, weakness, prostration

4. May be followed by improvement in general condition of the patient before the final phase of the disease - jaundice, instead severe cases - bleeding from gums, epistaxis, haematemesis, Melana , internal haemorrhage

5. Oliguria and albuminuria are common

Control of yellow fever 🤒

1. Protection of susceptible person - vaccination 17D vaccine, immunity effective after 10 days

2. Reduction of vectors

3. Personal protection

4. Epidemiological surveillance

Best time for spraying insecticides for aedes mosquitoes

Late afternoon...

Between 5pm and 7.45pm

How many diseases are subject to international health regulations?

List them

4 diseases

1. Yellow fever 🤒

2. Plague

3. Small pox

4. Cholera