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53 Cards in this Set

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extemporaneous speech
a speech that is researched, outlined, and delivered after careful rehearsal
impromptu speech
a speech delivered spontaneously, or on the spur of the moment
memorized speech
a manuscript speech committed to memory
manuscript speech
a speech read from a script
public speaking anxiety
fear of speaking to an audience
communication apprehension
fear of communication, no matter what the context
information underload
the situation that occurs when the information provided by a speech maker is already known to receivers
information overload
the situation that occurs when the amount of information provided by a speech maker is too great to be handled effectively by receivers
information speech
a speech that updates and adds to the knowledge of receivers
initial credibility
a measure of how an audience perceives a speaker prior to the speech-making event
derived credibility
a measure of a speaker’s credibility during a speech-making event
terminal credibility
a measure of a speaker’s credibility at the end of a speech-making event
the receiver’s assessment of the competence, trustworthiness, and dynamism of a speaker
Monroe's motivated sequence
a speech framework composed of five phases—attention, need, satisfaction, visualization, and action
a state of psychological comfort in which one’s actions, feelings, and beliefs are related to each other as one would like them to be
Maslow's hierarchy of needs
a model that depicts motivation as a pyramid with the most basic needs at the base and the most sophisticated at the apex
false division
the polarization of options, when, in fact, many options exist
post hoc, ergo propter hoc
the identification of a false cause
argumentum ad populum
a bandwagon appeal; an appeal to popular opinion
argumentum ad verecudiam
an appeal to authority
red herring
a distraction used to lead the receiver to focus on an irrelevant issue
argumentum ad hominem
the use of name-calling in an argument
reasoning from analogy
reasoning by comparison
casual reasoning
speculation about the reasons for and effects of occurrences
reasoning that moves from specific evidence to a general conclusion
reasoning that moves from the general to the specific
support that answers concerns of others
indication of the strength of the connection
potential counterarguments
explanation of the relationship between the claim and the data
facts or evidence for making the claim
debatable conclusion or assertion
the desire to maintain balance in our lives by behaving according to commitments already formed
social proof
the determination of what is right by finding out what other people think is right
confidence in the truth of something
predispositions to respond favorably or unfavorably toward a person or subject
audience’s judgment of speaker’s character or credibility
logical proof
emotional proof
proposition of fact
a persuasive speech with the goal of settling what is or is not so
proposition of value
a persuasive speech that espouses the worth of an idea, a person, or an object
proposition of policy
a persuasive speech on what ought to be
a statement that summarizes the purpose of a persuasive speech
persuasive speech
a speech whose primary purpose is to change or reinforce the attitudes, beliefs, values, and/or behaviors of receivers
the attempt to change or reinforce attitudes, beliefs, values, or behaviors
behavioral interview
an employment interview in which an employer looks for the employee to provide specific skills
case interview
an employment interview in which the interviewee is presented with a business case by the employer and asked to work through it
closed questions
highly structured questions answerable with a simple yes or no or in a few words
employment interview
the most common type of purposeful, planned, decision-making, person-to-person communication
open questions
questions that offer the interviewee freedom with regard to the choice and scope of an answer
primary questions
questions used to introduce topics or explore a new area
secondary questions
probing questions that follow up primary questions
stress interview
an employment interview in which more than one person fires questions at an interviewee