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513 Cards in this Set

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What is the most likely risk factor for developing clear cell adenocarcinoma of the vag?
Diethylstilbestrol exposure (DES)
What are the bands of the sarcomere and which ones remain the same length during contraction?
Z line (anchor), A band (thick and thin filaments), H band (only thick), I band (only thin)

A band stays same length during contraction
Brown muddy casts are classically a/w what renal disease?
Acute Tubular Necrosis
Broad waxy casts are a/w what renal disease?
Chronic Renal Failure
Which muscle is utilized to treat rib 3, 4 and 5 SD?
Pec Minor
Which muscle is utilized to treat rib 6-10 SD?
Serratus Anterior
Which muscle is utilized to treat rib 9-12 SD?
Lat Dorsi
Which muscle is utilized to treat rib 12 SD?
quadratus lumborum
What is Stein-Levanthal syndrome?
What is Wermer's syndrome?
MEN-1 a/w 3 P's --> Pituitary, Parathyroid and Pancreas tumors
What is Sipple's Syndrome?
MEN 2A a/w 2 P's --> Parathyroid tumor and Pheochromocytoma
What neoplasm is a/w MEN 2B?
How is the A-a gradient calculated? and what is normal?
PAO2 - PaO2 (normal = 10-15)

PA02 = (PiO2 - PaCO2 x 1.25)
What is the cause of hypoventilation w/ normal A-a gradient?
CNS depression
Anticipation in Myotonic dystrophy is due to instability during _______ meiosis
Anticipation in Huntington's disease is due to instability during ________ meiosis
Instability during paternal and maternal meiosis --> GAA repeats --> what disease?
Friedrich's Ataxia
What type of personality disorder is characterized by a desire for personal relationships but a lack of maintaining them, with odd/eccentric behavior?
Telephone consent is just as valid as written consent (true/false)
Where is secretin produced and what does it do?
S cells in the duodenum. Increases bile acid and pancreatic bicarb secretion
Where is somatostatin produced and what does it do?
Produced by D cells in pancreatic islets and GI mucosa --> inhibitory hormone that decreases SI fluid secretion
Where is GIP produced and what does it do?
Produced by K cells in the duodenum and jejunum --> stimulated by fat, sugar and protein --> increases insulin release --> lowers blood glucose
Where is VIP produced and what does it do?
produced by non-beta islet cells --> stimulates intestinal water secretion (VIPomas --> copious diarrhea)
Observational, retrospective study where a group of diseased individuals is compared to non-diseased. Subjects are surveyed based on frequency of predictor in question.

What type of study?
Case control
Survey a group of people to assess prevalence of a disease and related risk factors at a particular point in time

What type of study?
Observational prospective study that compares prevalence of targeted risk factors with a control group that does not have the risk factors and the likelihood of disease is determined.
Cohort study
Asthma is a/w type __ hypersensitivity
laboratory technique that uses a DNA sample which is cut into fragments by restriction endonucleases, electrophoresed and transferred to a filter which is then hybridized with a radiolabeled DNA probe. Regions on the filter that are complementary with the labeled DNA probe can be visualized when the filter is exposed to film
Southern Blot
_________ blotting detects DNA binding proteins such a transcription factors, and nucleases
__________ blotting is similar to southern blotting except that it involved radiolabeled DNA probe binding to a sample of RNA
A __________ blot is used to detect a labeled antibody as it binds to a relevant protein
What is the most common cause of DIC?
What comorbidity is most common w/ Dermatitis herpetiformis?
Celiac disease
What cranial CT finding is common with ADPKD?
subdural hematoma d/t ruptured berry aneurysm
What is the DOC for UTI in a preggo?
Positive Adson's test indicates compression between which muscles?
anterior and middle scalenes --> thoracic outlet syndrome
Spirochetes would be seen in a patient with neurosyphilis caused by the bacteria ________ _________
Treponema pallidum
What disease is caused by Naegleria fowleri and how does it get in the body?
causes Primary Amebic Meningoencephalitis. Gets in the body by crossing the cribiform plate into the subarachnoid space
Which phase of clinical trials is assessing the efficacy of a drug against the current “gold standard”?
Phase III
Which phase of clinical trials typically range 100-300 subjects with the disease to assess efficacy?
Phase II
Which phase of clinical trials is considered on-going translational research with drug in general circulation
Phase V
Which phase of clinical trials is considered pharmacosurveillance?
Phase IV
Which phase of clinical trials would use 20 volunteers without the disease being treated?
Phase 0 or I
Squamous cell carcinoma of the lung will mimic what hormone activity?
PTH --> hypercalcemia and hypophosphatemia
Which alpha-1 blocker is used to treat urinary symptoms of BPH?
Which disease may be unmasked by sulfa drugs and is the result of the inability to modulate oxidative stress?
G6PD deficiency
What is the gold standard Rx for bipolar disorder?
How many umbilical vessels?
2 arteries (go to placenta) 1 vein (go to fetus)
What are the first line drugs for stable angina?
Nitroglycerin + Beta Blocker
A pt with balance problems and a FHx of HCOM most likely has what dz?
Friedreich ataxia
___ tends to affect the proximal interphalangeal joints and the metacarpophalangeal joints while ___ tends to affect the distal joints
RA --> PIP

OA --> DIP
__________ disease is gastrin-secreting tumor characterized by multiple peptic ulcers in the duodenum and jejunum. It is commonly associated with MEN I.
What portion of the kidney receives the least amount of blood?
Medulla (loop of henle)
The ______ _________ muscle differs from the other muscles of the masticators due to its ability to depress the mandible allowing for opening of the mouth
lateral pterygoid
Which bac creates a gray vaginal discharge that has a characteristic fishy smell with KOH prep
Gardnerella vaginalis
Which cranial nerves go through the cavernous sinus?
CN III, IV, V1, V2, and VI
________ is common in women. It is defined as damage to the renal parenchyma and is usually the result of an ascending urinary tract infection
What is the pygmalion effect?
If a researcher allows a blinded group to know his or her beliefs in the efficacy of a treatment, then the study is at risk for showing the pygmallion effect
What is the Hawthorne effect?
the results of a study being altered by the fact that the subjects are aware that they are being studied
Endometriosis is due to functioning glands and stroma outside of the uterus and causes an increased risk for what obstetric issue?
As heart rate increases how do systole and diastole change proportionately?
diastole decreases more rapidly than systole
________ bias gives false estimations of survival rates due to the disease being diagnosed at an earlier stage
What is cilostazol?
a phosphodiesterase inhibitor used for intermittent claudication, stable angina
What is the enzyme deficiency in Tay-Sach's dz?
What is the deficient enzyme in Niemann-Pick dz?
What is the deficient enzyme in Gaucher dz?
Which lysosomal storage diseases are NOT AR?
Fabry and Hunter (XR)
What makes up Staghorn calculi?
Ammonium Magnesium Phosphate
_________ headaches are characterized by watery eyes, nasal congestion, periorbital pain, and Horner’s syndrome (miosis, ptosis, and anhydrosis). Alcohol is a common trigger.
_______ is the most common STD that causes burning urination and a mucopurulent discharge. Treat with ______
Chlamydia trachomatis

Rx = Doxy
A ______ tumor is a benign tumor that shows up in individuals between 20-40 years of age. The tumor shows in the epiphyseal end of long bones and shows as a double bubble or soap bubble on x-ray.
Giant cell
____________ = benign bone tumor that is a cartilaginous neoplasm in intramedullary bone. It is often asymptomatic and found commonly between the ages of 10-20 years.
___________ is a malignant tumor that peaks at 10-20 years of age that is found in the metaphysis of long bones and has a codman’s triangle or sunburst pattern on x-ray. It is the second most common primary malignant bone tumor.
___________ is a malignant cartilage tumor seen in men between 30-60 and may be primary origin or from osteochondroma. It is usually located in the pelvis, spine, scapula, humerus, tibia, and femur.
Mobitz Type ___ is defined by an unexpected dropped QRS without a change in PR interval
What are the three classic findings of Addison's dz?
Hyperpigmentation, Hypotension and hypoglycemia
What EKG findings are typical w/ hyperkalemia?
peaked T waves
Vagal stimulation releases ACh which activates M_ receptors, G_ subunit proteins and __________ _
M3, Gq, phospholipase C
hemolytic anemia caused by Mycoplasma pneumoniae is a type __ hypersensitivity reaction
__________ is a broad spectrum anti-fungal agent used for systemic fungal infections. It binds to ergosterol and forms pores in the cell membrane
Amp B
What happens to total and free T4 in primary hyperthyroid?
both increase
What is the MOA and use of sirolimus?
The mechanism of action of sirolimus is that it binds to mTOR inhibiting the proliferation of T-cells in response to IL-2 --> immunosuppressant
What is the MOA and clincal use of tacrolimus?
Binds to FK-Binding proteins which inhibits IL-2 --> immunosuppressant
What is the MOA and clinical use of OKT3?
This drug is a monoclonal antibody that blocks CD3 protein that is responsible for T-cell signal transduction --> immunosuppressant
What is the MOA and clinical use of cyclosporine?
This drug binds to cyclophilins preventing the production of IL-2 and its receptors --> immunosuppressant
What is the MOA and clinical use of mycophenolate ?
Inhibits de novo guanine synthesis --> blocks lymphocyte production --> immunosuppressant
What is the inheritance pattern of NF1?
Situs inversus is commonly associated with the dynein arm defect causing immotile cilia, _________ syndrome
What is the aortic aneurysm clinical triad?
flank pain, a pulsatile mass, and hypotension
Which ABX are most likely to precipitate ATN?
What is Conn's syndrome?
Primary hyperaldosteronism
What is the main concern in a preggo w/ pyelonephritis?
Pre-term labor
What is the MOA of AGs?
Aminoglycosides bind to the 30S ribosomal subunit and inhibit protein synthesis
Which ABX inhibit folic acid synthesis?
Sulfonamides (TMP-SMX)
What is the MOA of FQs?
Inhibit DNA synthesis
Which diseases must be reported to the CDC?
HIV, AIDS, syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, measles, mumps, cryptosporidiosis, Lyme disease, TB, tetanus, diptheria, rubella, pertussis, cholera, varicella, salmonella, shigella, and coccidiomycosis
______________ studies are observational, retrospective studies, where the subjects are chosen based on the basis of outcome
What is the first line prophylaxis for traveler’s diarrhea?
Quinolones such as ciprofloxacin or norfloxacin
What is the most common causative organism of Acute Otitis Media in the little chittlins?
Strep pneumo
In which sites of the nephron is mannitol acting?
PCT, thin descending limb, collecting ducts (water permeable segments)
Define Power (in a statistical sense)
1 - Type I error aka the probability of correctly rejecting the null hypothesis
Which anti-arrhythmic causes cinchonism?
What is the serologic marker for drug-induced lupus?
Anti-histone antibodies
During which stage of sleep will you see sleep spindles and K waves?
Stage II
Which EEG waves are displayed in stage 1 sleep?
During what stage of sleep does the brain use the most oxygen?
REM sleep
__________ is characterized by hypersomnia, overeating and mood reactivity
Atypical depression
Which cells does aldosterone act on to increase H+ secretion?
Renal alpha-intercalating cells
What side effect of long term use with heparin therapy is mostly likely seen in the elderly patient population?
Osteoporosis (type 3 osteoporosis is caused by the action of heparin binding to osteoblasts that causes the release of factors that activate osteoclasts)
What is the MOA of omeprazole?
PPI acts via inhibition of parietal cell H+/K+-ATPases
What is the MOA of cimetidine, famotidine, ranitidine, and nizatidine?
H2-receptor antagonists --> decreased H+ secretion
What is the MOA of misoprostol in treating GERD?
prostaglandin-like compound that decreases production of gastric acids, while increasing production of mucus and bicarbonate
_________, also known as vitamin __, is given to patients taking isoniazid for tuberculosis
Pyridoxine (vit B6)
Phylloquinone is vitamin ___
Which drug used to treat TB can cause red-green colorblindness?
What are the three major pyogenic bacteria with polysaccharide capsules?
S. pneumoniae, H. influenzae and N. meningitidis
Apo __ is found primarily on HDL and chylomicrons. It mainly serves as a cofactor for activation of lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) which serves in the formation of cholesterol esters
Apo __ is found on chylomicrons. It is necessary for chylomicron remnants to be recognized by the LDL receptor of hepatocytes.
Apo _____ is found on VLDL, IDL, and LDL. It is necessary for lipid recognition by the LDL receptor located on hepatocytes.
Apo ___ is located on chylomicron remnants, IDL, and HDL. It serves, along with apo B48 to allow the chylomicron remnants to be recognized by the LDL receptor of hepatocytes and taken into the liver for repackaging into VLDL
Apo ___ is located on chylomicrons, VLDL, and HDL. It is necessary for lipoprotein recognition by the enzyme lipoprotein lipase which serves to remove triglycerides and cholesterol for extra-hepatic tissues
__________ is the agent of choice in treating acute Chagas disease
Which heart sound is a/w dilated cardiomyopathy?
Which neuronal system is disrupted in Parkinson's?
basal ganglia
Is Salmeterol a long or short acting beta agonist?
long acting
What is the equation for sensitivity?
TP / (TP + FN) = (1 - FN rate)
What is the equation for specificity?
TN / (TN + FP) = (1 - FP rate)
Adult w/ pitting edema and often hypertension early in the course, it also has negative findings on imuunoflourescence. Which glomerular dz?
________ disease presents with malabsorption syndrome, joint pain, and CNS symptoms. Small intestinal biopsy shows PAS positive staining.
What is the first step in dx of a pt with suspected endometrial cancer?
Pelvic US (if endometrial stripe is thickened, do biopsy)
What is the DOC for preggo w/ chlamydia?
Which kidney pathology has tram-track appearance?
membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
Which kidney pathology has spike and dome appearance of BM?
Membranous glomerulonephritis
Which kidney pathology has increased C-ANCA antibody?
Wegener's glomerulonephritis
Which kidney pathology presents w/ increased serum IgA?
Berger's dz
Which serology test is positive in the window phase of Hep B infection?
What is the function of Rb?
Holds DNA within G1 until it is ready for division in S phase
What is the cardiac index?
CO/Body Surface Area (index will be low in hypovolemic shock)
What happens to FEV1/FVC in obstructive lung dz?
decrease (goes either way in restrictive dz)
A child engaged in fire setting, cruelty to animals, lying, stealing, and/or fighting has what disorder?
conduct disorder
What is the adult form of conduct disorder?
Anti-social personality disorder
What type of cellular change occurs in chronic GERD?
Barrett Esophagus (glandular metaplasia --> squamous epithelium to glandular epithelial cells
What causes post-strep acute rheumatic fever?
Cross reaction of antibodies developed against streptococcus with other tissue (eg joints)
Information from eye is transmitted to calcarine sulcus through which structure?
Lateral Geniculate Nucleus
The medial geniculate nucleus receives input from the ______ colliculus and the ____ _____ and sends that information to the auditory cortex
inferior; superior olive
The ________ _________ _________ nucleus receives information about taste and sensation from the face and projects to Brodmann’s areas 3, 1, and 2 of the primary somatosensory cortex
Ventral Posterior Medial
The _______ ________ nucleus receives input from the basal ganglia and projects to the primary motor cortex and the premotor cortex
Ventral Lateral
The __________ ________ _______nucleus receives pain, temperature, and proprioception information from the spinothalamic and dorsal column/medial lemniscus pathways and projects to Brodmann’s areas 3, 1, and 2 of the primary somatosensory cortex
Ventral Posterior Lateral
A ___________ (follow-up, longitudinal) study is a comparative, observational study in which subjects are grouped by their exposure status, e.g. whether or not the subject was exposed to a suspected risk factor
What are the four treatment steps for hyperkalemia?
insulin, B-agonists, and sodium polystyrene sulfonate to lower circulating potassium. Calcium gluconate can be used for cardioprotection when arrhythmias are present
PCOS increases risk for ovarian cancer (true/false)
false (ovarian cysts are benign)
Which ABX bind to 30S ribosomal subunit?
AGs and Tetracyclines
Which type of hemorrhoids often present with painless bright red blood per rectum?
internal hemorrhoids above the pectinate line
White blood cell casts in urinalysis suggest ____________
Urinalysis revealing epithelial cells and granular casts is pathognomonic for the direct damage to the renal tubular epithelial cells that occurs in _____
ATN (acute tubular necrosis)
Aspirin acts on which arachidonic metabolite to slow the progression of CAD?
____________ is characterized by proliferation along the alveolar walls without invasion. Patients usually present with a chronic productive cough and chest X-ray that resembles pneumonia
bronchioalveolar carcinoma
_________ sign is an enlarged and palpable, but painless, gallbladder. A positive sign in the presence of jaundice is most commonly associated with pancreatic cancer
CA 19-9 and CT are very useful in the confirmation of diagnosis of ___________ _______
pancreatic adenocarcinoma
Pts with a BMI between _____ and ______ are overweight
___________ is an autosomal dominant disease characterized by proliferation of all the elements of peripheral nerves (neuromas), café-au-lait spots and Lisch nodules.
Cerebral abscesses are a/w what dz?
What are the glucose levels for gestational diabetes?
Fasting >92

2hr >153

1hr >180
What is the Rx of choice for gestational diabetes?
What organism is identified by Bordet-Gengou agar
Bordetella pertussis
What organism is identified by Eaton's agar?
Mycobacterium pneumoniae
What media is used to identify Legionella?
Charcoal yeast extract agar buffered with cysteine
What media is used to identify Haemophilus influenza?
Chocolate agar with hematin and NAD+
Compression of the __________ nerve is known as Cubital Tunnel Syndrome.
What cancers are a/w nephrotic syndrome (3)
Lung, Breast, Stomach
What paraneoplastic syndrome is a/w mucus secreting pancreatic and colorectal carcinomas?
Nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis
Acanthosis nigrans and seborrheic keratosis can both be paraneoplastic syndromes associated with what cancer?
Gastric cancer
What paraneoplastic syndrome is a/w small cell lung ca?
Eaton-Lambert syndrome
Transmural inflammation:UC or Crohn's?
Crohn's dz
Cobblestone mucosa:UC or Crohn's?
"String Sign":UC or Crohn's?
Noncaseating granulomas
Perianal dz:UC or Crohn's?
Crypt abscesses:UC or Crohn's?
Mucosal pseudopolyps:UC or Crohn's?
What enzyme def --> ambiguous boy parts until puberty?
5-alpha reductase def
At what age should a child be able to sit with support, jabber and coo, and begin to feed themselves finger foods?
6 mths
__________ _________is due to damage of the dorsal columns which manifests as loss of vibratory and position sense. This is associated with tertiary syphilis
Tabes Dorsalis
What organism causes a malaria-like parasitic infection that classically has intra-erythrocytic parasites on microscopy arranged in a characteristic "maltese cross."?
What is the DOC for Rocky Mountain Spotted fever and Lyme Dz?
Which key enzyme is inhibited in lead poisoning?
delta-aminolevulinic acid synthase (the rate-limiting step)
EF-2 is a/w what bacteria?
Corynebacterium diptheriae
What is first line Rx for tension pneumo?
Needle at midclavicular 2nd intercostal (Chest tubes are inserted at the midaxillary line and at the fourth intercostal space. This is the gold standard of treatment, but not the first line. )
What parts of the hand receive sensory innervation from the median nerve?
The palmar surface and nail beds of the first three digits
The extensor carpi radialis is innervated by the ________ nerve
The adductor pollicis muscle is innervated by the __________ nerve
The brachioradialis muscle is innervated by the ____________ nerve
The thenar muscles of the hand and pronator teres in the forearm are innervated by the _________ nerve
The supinator is innervated by the _______ nerve
Where does cervical dysplasia begin?
Basal layer of the squamocolumnar junction
What is the Galbreath technique?
Soft tissue manipulation technique that can be used to drain middle ear structures by putting traction on the Eustachian tube
Which type of headache is associated with ipsilateral Horner’s syndrome, lacrimation, and nasal rhinorrhea?
Which nerve provides parasympathetic innervation to the lacrimal glands?
Greater petrosal (branch of VII)
Are the upper or lower extremity portions of the spinal cord supplied by the artery of Adamkiewicz (also ant or posterior?)?
Lower extremity anterior spinal a. --> ant. horn, corticospinal tract, spinothalamic tract
What is the MOA of cromolyn?
Mast cell degranulation inhibitor
What are the DHEA, LH and FSH levels in PCOS?
Increased DHEA and LH, decreased FSH
Where are the majority of estrogens produced in PCOS?
Adipose tissue
What is the MOA of donepezil?
Blocks catabolism of ACh
Type II pneumocytes and respiratory tree development occur significantly at week ___
Characteristics of male and female genitalia form at ___ weeks
Week __ is considered full term, when all development should be finished
________ is non-invasive, motile and has bilobed nuclei
Angiomyolipomas of the skin, brain, kidneys, and other organs. Pt presents with a facial tumor. What dz?
Tuberous Sclerosis
_________ is characterized by hemangiomas in the skin and other organs and can be associated with bilateral renal cell carcinoma or hemangioblastoma in the retina
Von Hippel-Lindau
What is the inheritance for Tuberous Sclerosis?
The celiac trunk gives rise to what three major branches?
The left gastric, splenic and common hepatic arteries
The _____ gastric artery originates from the celiac trunk and supplies blood to the superior margin of the lesser curvature of the stomach
The __________ gastric artery is a branch of the proper hepatic artery and supplies blood to the inferior margin of the lesser curvature of the stomach
The _________ artery originates from the celiac trunk and travels dorsal to the body of the stomach, along the body and tail of the pancreas, giving off several branches that supply blood to parts of the pancreas, stomach, and spleen
Urinalysis revealing epithelial cells and granular casts is pathognomonic for __________
What is the DOC for panic attack prevention?
_____________ are commonly deposited in the tibial area in patients with Grave’s disease
Chvostek's and Trosseau's signs are indicative of what electrolyte disorder?
Medical history includes seizures while physical exam reveals fair skin and a musty body odor. Dx?
What causes measles? What are the 4 main symptoms?
Rubeola virus --> Cough, Coryza, Conjunctivitis, Koplik's spots
Both hands cradle the occiput while each thumb contacts the ipsilateral greater wing of the sphenoid. Which hold?
Base (Becker)
The _________ technique involves encouraging extension of the occiput while discouraging flexion
A bounding pulse with a wide pulse pressure and a “blowing” diastolic murmur is characteristic of _________ __________
Aortic Regurg
Which trinucleotide repeat disorder is a/w CAG repeats?
Huntington's dz
Which trinucleotide repeat disorder is a/w CGG repeats?
Fragile X syndrome
Which trinucleotide repeat disorder is a/w CTG repeats?
Myotonic Dystrophy
Which trinucleotide repeat disorder is a/w GAA repeats?
Friedreich's ataxia
________________ usually presents with stumbling, staggering and falling with childhood kyphoscoliosis. Hammer toes are a characteristic finding, along with pes cavus, dysarthria and nystagmus.
Friedreich's ataxia
Which hormone causes cervical mucus to become thick --> inability of sperm to penetrate?
What acid/base values are expected in severe Guillan-Barre?
pH down, bicarb up, PCO2 up
When the areola and papillae form a secondary mound on the breast a female adolescent is considered Tanner stage __
What is the MOA of allopurinol?
Inhibits the enzyme xanthine oxidase which is needed to breakdown purines into uric acid
The _______ ovarian/testicular vein drains directly into the inferior vena cava
What are the main 3 egg based vaccines?
Influenza, MMR, yellow fever
Which hepatitis virus is distinguished by its high mortality in pregnant women?
Hep E
The Chapman point 1 inch superior and 1 inch lateral to the umbilicus corresponds to the __________
Where is the prostate Chapman point?
Anteriorly located in myofacial tissue along the posterior margin of the iliotibial band
Where is the posterior Chapman point for the Appendix?
At the transverse process of T11
What is alteplase?
Which nerve root provides Biceps DTR?
__________ will show extra R-waves in the QRS complex
A pt w/ body dysmorphic disorder is likely to have what associated history when seeking cosmetic surgery?
Past cosmetic surgery
Falling forward on a pronated forearm is likely to cause what somatic dysfunction?
Radial head posterior
What is the longest stage of sleep and the associated waveform?
Stage 2
Anticipation in Myotonic Dystrophy occurs due to instability during ________ ________
Maternal Meiosis
Hunting Disease occurs due to instability during ________ __________
Paternal Meiosis
_____________ has a trinucleotide repeat occurring during both parental and maternal meiosis
Friedreich Ataxia
Mothers giving birth prematurely should be given ___________________ to speed up fetal lung maturation
What is the most common side effect of metformin?
GI distress
What is the most common side effect of sulfonylureas?
What is the pathogenesis of spider telangectasias a/w liver dz?
Excess estrogen
__________ is associated with the "W" sign which is made up of exaggerated x descents and steep y descents on right atrial pressure tracings
Constrictive Pericarditis
__________disease results from cellular inability to add mannose-6-phosphate to lysosomal proteins.
_____________ is a chronic, mild depression that lasts at least two years
Dysthymic Disorder
___________ is the most common bacterial cause of sinusitis
Strep. pneumo.
The ________ sinus is the most commonly affected sinus in children with sinusitis
The _________ sinus is the most commonly affected sinus in adults with sinusitis.
Phenelzine is in the class of antidepressants known as _______
Fluoxetine is in the class of antidepressants known as __________
Patients taking ________ must avoid foods high in tyramine, such as aged cheese, red wine, beer, and cured meats.
____________ disorder is characterized by the symptoms of schizophrenia -- delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, disorganized or catatonic behavior, and negative symptoms -- for longer than one month but less than six months.
Defect in the production of INF-gamma is incorrect because this describes a patient with _________
Hyper IgE (Job's)
Bruton's agammaglobulinemai is an x-linked recessive disorder which is caused by a defect in __________
What is the number one cause of mitral stenosis?
Rheumatic Fever
What drug should be used to control HTN in preggo?
What is the most commonly associated valvular problem w/ Ehlers-Danlos?
Mitral valve prolapse
A 65-year-old chronic smoker presents with unintentional weight loss and a dull constant epigastric pain for the past 2-months. Physical examination reveals jaundice and a palpable mass in the right upper abdominal quadrant. Most likely dx?
Pancreatic cancer
___________ is associated with smoking, Courvoisier's sign, jaundice and unexplained dull epigastric pain
Pancreatic cancer
__________ is a parasite which is transmitted from eggs found in dog feces and is responsible for large locular cysts found in the liver and brain
Echinococcus granulosus
______________: This amoeba is transmitted from freshwater in which it crosses the cribiform plate to the subarachnoid space
Naegleria fowleri
________ syndrome is caused by decreased synthesis of gonadotropin in the anterior pituitary and presents with anosmia , color blindness and lack of secondary sexual characteristics
Kallman (hypogonadotropic hypogonadism)
The normal physiologic V/Q ratio in the _____ of the lung is close to 0.6
While the sore throat and the fever are non-specific physical signs, the pseudomembrane in the tonsils and pharynx is pathognomonic for __________
What happens to PT, PTT and BT in a pt taking warfarin?
Increased PT and PTT, normal Bleeding time
Which MMR virus causes subacute subsclerosing panencephalitis?
Measles (Rubeola)
What is the inheritance pattern for tuberous sclerosis?
Cardiac Rhabdomyomas are virtually pathognomonic for what dz?
Tuberous Sclerosis
What is the most common primary adult heart tumor?
Atrial Myxoma
What is the MOA of tetanospasmin?
decreased release of the inhibitory neurotransmitters GABA and glycine
What is the MOA of AB toxin?
ADP ribosylation which inactivates EF-2
What is the MOA of TSST-1 toxin?
binds MHC-II and T-cell receptor, which leads to a large number of activated T-cells that release cytokines
What is the MOA of Streptococcus pyogenes exotoxin?
binding IgM and C3b, which blocks phagocytosis of the bacteria
What dz is characterized by necrotizing granulomas in the upper respiratory tract and kidney disease. Chronic sinusitis with mucosal ulcers is the classic clinical manifestation.
Wegener's Granulomatosis
Suspect a ________ mole when fetal parts are present, and beta-hCG levels are mildly elevated
What family of viruses is Rubeola?
genus Morbillivirus within the Paramyxoviridae family
Which virus is a/w Koplik Spots?
Measles (Rubeola)
What condition is characterized by a decrease in joint space, cartilage erosion, boney erosions, boney sclerosis as well as the formation of subchondral cysts and osteophytes?
What disorder is due to Hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase deficiency?
What are the most common colon polyps found?
Tubular Adenomas
Polydipsia and polyuria with diluted urine that becomes more concentrated with water deprivation is most consistent with what disorder?
Psychogenic polydipsia
What is the MOA of cholera toxin?
Stimulates a G protein to increase adenylate cyclase
What is the MOA of shiga toxin?
Inactivates 60S ribosomes
What is the MOA of pertussis toxin?
Increases cAMP by inhibiting an inhibitory G protein
What is Eisenmenger's syndrome?
Left side - Ride side heart failure
What electrolyte imbalances enhance digoxin tox?
ACE inhibitors lead to increased risk for what electrolyte imbalance?
What happens to Serum Na in Conn's syndrome?
Initial increase with a return to normal (chronic elevated BP --> ANP release --> decrease of serum Na)
The disease modifying anti-rheumatoid drug that causes retinal deposits is __________
Candida albicans prefers a slightly ________ vaginal pH
What is the main vasodilator of the afferent areteriole?
What are Kimmelstiel-Wilson nodules?
Classic finding in diabetic nephropathy
Which HPV strains are likely to cause laryngeal carcinoma and which vocal cords are affected?
HPV 6,11 --> True Vocals
What is the MOA of low molecular weight heparin?
Binds antithrombin III which inhibits thrombin and factor Xa
How is pre-eclampsia differentiated from gestational HTN?
Pre-eclampsia presents w/ proteinuria
What is the initial insult triggering diabetic nephropathy?
Hyperfiltration at the glomerulus
What class of drugs does Isocarboxid belong to?
Which NTs are innactivated by MAO?
Dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin
What is the MOA of TCAs?
Block re-uptake of 5-HT

Block alpha, M and H1 receptors
What type of shock can be caused by cardiac tamponade, pulmonary embolism, and a tension pneumothorax?
Obstructive shock
What are the three types of spondylolisthesis and where do they occur/who gets them?
Type I = dysplastic (congenital) --> Occurs in superior sacral facet, the inferior fifth lumbar facet, or both --> pt < 15 yo

Type 2 = isthmic form --> caused by a defect in the pars interarticularis but can also be seen with an elongated pars (L5-S1) pt < 15 yo

Type III = degenerative --> L4-L5 old pt
Hartnup dz is characterized by a def of what AA?
Tryptophan --> Niacin def
Which cells produce Intrinsic Factor?
Parietal cells
Which gastric cells produce somatostatin?
D cells
Which gastric cells produce pepsinogen?
Chief cells
What three drugs are known to improve survival in CHF pts?
ACE inhibitors, spironolactone and metoprolol
How does Sheehan syndrome present?
Ischemic necrosis of the anterior pituitary (Sheehan syndrome) is a complication of massive blood loss during delivery. The clinical manifestation is hypopituitarism.
Why is desmopressin used in Hemophilia A and Von Willebrands?
Increases the release of Factor VIII
_________ bias occurs when two tests for a particular disease are compared, and the new test detects the disease earlier than the older test, but the outcome of the disease is unchanged.
___________ bias occurs when information is gathered at an inappropriate time, causing results to be skewed.
The _______ nerve runs posterior to the humerus alongside the profunda brachii artery
The _______ nerve travels beneath the biceps brachii tendon in the forearm
What advantage does amoxicillin have over ampicillin?
Better oral absorption
________ prevention refers to early detection of disease
_________ disease prevention aims to reduce the morbidity of an already acquired disease
Prevention of disease occurrence is _________ prevention
What is the time limit for stable angina?
< 30 min
What is the most common cause of nosocomial pneumonia due to use of a respirator?
Psedo. a.
On what part of the bone would you find an osteosarcoma?
Primary sclerosing cholangitis vs Primary Biliary Cirrhosis: Which one is more likely in females?
Primary Biliary Cirrhosis (autoimmune association)
Where does acetazolamide act in the nephron?
Acetazolamide is a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor that acts at the proximal tubule to decrease sodium reabsorption
What is the MOA of mannitol in the kidney?
Mannitol, acts as an impermeant solute throughout the entire nephron --> prevents of water resorption in the thin descending
_________ functions by inhibition of iodine organification and coupling in the thyroid gland
_________ functions by inhibition of iodine organification and coupling in the thyroid AND inhibition of peripheral conversion of thyroxine to triiodothyronine
Williams’ syndrome is a congenital disease involving a microdeletion on chromosome ___
What is the treatment of choice for malignant hyperthermia?
Which apolipoproteins are necessary for chylomicron remnants to bind the LDL receptor on hepatocytes?
Apo B48 and Apo E
“Spike and dome” basement membrane thickening is seen in __________
Membranous Glomerulonephritis
Bacterial meningitis in a newborn is likely due to what organism?
Grp B Strep
Which lobe of the brain is primarily affected in Alzheimer's?
Which lobe of the brain is primarily affected in Herpes encephalitis?
Which lobe of the brain is primarily affected in Pick's dz?
Enlarged lymph nodes in the hepatoduodenal ligament will likely affect which structure?
Portal triad (hepatic artery, portal vein, common bile duct)
What structures are contained in the portal triad?
hepatic artery, portal vein, common bile duct
What enzyme is deficient in hereditary fructose intolerance?
Aldolase B
Fructose intolerance leads to an accumulation of __________
Increased intake of ketogenic nutrients, or foods with a high fat content, is used to treat _________ deficiency
Pyruvate Dehydrogenase
What is the Rx for McArdle dz?
Oral Sucrose
What enzyme is deficient in McArdle's?
muscle glycogen phosphorylase
What enzyme is deficient in von Gierke's?
What enzyme is deficient in Pompe dz?
Acid maltase
Which organisms require cysteine for growth?
ella's (Francisella, Brucella, Legionella, Pasteurella)
What is the most common causative organism for acute bronchitis in non-smoker?
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
What drug used for CHF would be the likely culprit of heart block?
What 2 diseases are a/w enlarged rugal folds?
Menetrier and Zollinger-Ellison diseases
By what mechanism does acetaminophen reduce fever?
Reduces fever by reducing prostaglandin levels
What is the treatment of choice for Neiserria?
What is the treatment of choice for Treponema pallidum?
Pen G
Exposure to naphthylamine is a/w what cancer?
Exposure to aflatoxin is associated with what cancer?
What is the mechanism by which indirect inguinal hernias occur?
Patent Processus Vaginalis
What is the cause of anemia in chronic renal failure?
Low erythropoetin
What are the three most likely drugs to cause drug induced lupus?
Hydralazine, INH, Procainamide
The _________ ligament contains the uterine artery, ovarian artery, fallopian tube, ovary, ovarian ligament, and round ligament of the uterus
What vit must be supplemented in INH use?
_________ murmur is a benign pediatric murmur that commonly presents in healthy children age two to eight years. It is typically heard as a mid-systolic murmur of musical quality between the apex of the heart and left sternal border
In which thyroid cancer would you expect high levels of calcitonin?
Medullary carcinoma
Dopamine is derived from what Amino Acid?
What is the MOA of pramipexole?
Pramipexole is a synthetic dopamine agonist used as an alternative in Parkinson's disease when levodopa doesn’t work
What are the two main receptors of the pupil?
M3 and alpha1
What is the only receptor on the ciliary muscle?
Paget's dz of breast is a/w which breast CA?
Invasive ductal carcinoma
Where is Tamoxifen an agonist/antagonist?
Estrogen agonist for bone (prevents osteoporosis) and the endometrium (increases risk of hyperplasia). It is an antagonist for breast (prevents breast cancer).
What class of drugs is citalopram in?
What other electrolyte should be checked with low K+?
What happens to K+ in DKA?
Where is folate absorbed?
Where is iron absorbed?
Where are vit ADEK absorbed?
Where are bile acids absorbed?
Where is vit B12 absorbed?
First year residents are allowed up to __ hours of work per week and can be scheduled for shifts up to __ hours
80; 16
What repair defect is Xeroderma pigmentosum?
Nucleotide Excision Repair
What is the MOA of theophylline?
Theophylline is an adenosine receptor antagonist and is structurally similar to caffeine. It is used to treat COPD and asthma patients.
Which asthma drug has a metallic taste?
Ipratropium bromide
What are Mallory bodies?
Mallory bodies are damaged cytokeratin intermediate filaments in hepatocytes often seen in alcoholic liver disease. They are associated with alcoholic hepatitis
What are councilman bodies?
Councilman bodies form due to apoptosis of hepatocytes infected with a virus
When would you see toxic granulation?
Toxic granulation is associated with inclusions seen in neutrophils during a severe bacterial infection
What is the Rx of choice for pts w/ SIADH?
Demeclocycline, an ADH antagonist
What is the MOA of methylphenidate
It increases the levels of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain through reuptake inhibition of the monoamine transporters
What ECG changes are seen in stable angina?
ST depressions
_________ refers to negligence of a physician to an established patient, which results in direct harm to the patient
Breach of Duty
__________ refers to the attending physician responsible for any negligence committed by any resident physician he/she supervises
Vicarious Liability
What are the Pheo rules of 10?
10% are malignant,
10% are bilateral,
10% calcify,
10% are familial,
10% are seen in kids and
10% are extra adrenal.
It is also associated with MEN2a (pheochromocytoma, medullary CA of thyroid and parathyroid hyperplasia/tumor) and MEN2b (pheochromocytoma, medullary CA of the thyroid and mucocutaneous neuromas-especially in the GI tract), as well as neurofibromatosis
SCID is commonly caused by a deficiency in ____________
adenosine deaminase
Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC/Lynch syndrome) is an autosomal dominant disorder of __________ genes
DNA Mismatch repair
What virus causes mono w/ a neg monospot test?
What virus has positive heterophile Ab?
What are the two best ways to prevent kidney stones?
A low sodium diet and hydration are the best ways to prevent kidney stones
What three organisms are transmitted by the ixodes tick?
Babesia microti, Borrelia burgdorferi and Erlichia chaffeensis
Which stain is used for connective tissue tumors?
Which stain is used for neural tissue tumors?
What are the precursor lesions for malignant melanoma?
Dysplastic nevi
What is the inheritance pattern for OI?
___________ can cause granulomatous nodules and the fungus appears as a broad-based budding yeast
__________ is seen as a budding yeast that looks like a large captain’s wheel
Acute vitamin _ toxicity can result in seizures, stroke, increased intracranial pressure, psychosis, liver damage, depression, and gastrointestinal upset
___________ is an autosomal recessive disorder, which is associated with a deficiency of 1alpha-hydroxylase
The _______ pharyngeal cleft develops into the external auditory meatus
The __________ clefts form temporary cervical sinuses which normally become obliterated
The ______ pharyngeal pouch develops into the middle ear canal
The _________ pharyngeal pouch develops into the tonsillar fossa and crypts
_________ is the antidote for heparin overdose
The term “bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy” is synonymous with ___________
What is the DOC for ventricular arrhytmias and what are the main side effects?
Lidocaine - the most common side-effects include tremor, slurred speech and seizures because it passes the blood-brain barrier
What is the MOA of amiodarone?
Amiodarone prolongs the action potential more than any other anti-arrhythmic drug
What is the point mut seen in sickle cell?
Point mutation causing glutamic acid to be replaced by valine
What drug is used to treat painful attacks of sickle cell?
Biopsy of this disorder will show lumpy bumpy deposits of IgG and C3b. Electron microscope will show subepithelial immune complex deposits.
Post-strep Glomerulonephritis
Fluorescence studies show a linear pattern of IgG antibody deposition
Will nephrotic pts become hyper or hypocoaugulable?
Loss of AT III --> hypercoagulable
Vitamin __, is a necessary cofactor for cystathionine synthase and its supplementation can decrease the severity of homocystinuria
Vitamin ____ is necessary for proper neural function and carbohydrate metabolism. Deficiency results in beriberi
Vitamin ___ is used in forming coenzyme-A, an essential component of the TCA cycle
What is the orientation of the superior facets?
Cervical: Backward, upward, and medial. BUM
Thoracic: Backward, upward, and lateral. BUL
Lumbar: Backward and medial. BM
What is the DOC for atypical pneumonia?
What chromosome is affected in VHL?
Which chromosome is affected in CF?
Which chromosome is affected in NF1?
What stain is used to detect ferrugionous bodies of Asbestosis?
Prussian blue
Do the Ab in Lambert-Eaton affect post or presynaptic membrane?
Which nucleus carries pain/temp from face?
Spinal tract and nucleus of V
Which artery supplies the lateral medulla?
Which branch of the CNV innervates the muscles of mastication?
Through which foramina do the branches of CNV exit?
V1 --> Superior orbital fissure

V2 --> Foramen rotundum

V3 --> Foramen ovale
Which nerve provides parasympathetic innervation to the parotid gland?
Through which foramen does the CNVII exit the skull?
Stylomastoid foramen
What is the most common type of leukemia found in men over 60?
Which hematologic oncology is a/w smudge cells?
What are the malignant cells of mycosis fungoides and Sezary syndrome?
In what dz are patients are prone to recurrent upper respiratory infections by staph and strep species while physical exam revels albinism and neuropathic dysfunction?
Which basal ganglia nucleus is affected in hemiballismus?
______________ is a serotonin metabolite elevated in the urine of patients with carcinoid syndrome
________ is found in the urine of patients with pheochromocytoma which presents with episodes of severe hypertension due to excess sympathetic stimulation
Homovanillic acid (HVA)
What is the most common site for atherosclerosis?
Abdominal Aorta
What is the MOA for metformin?
It works be decreasing gluconeogenisis in the liver thus decreasing fasting glucose levels and it also works as an insulin sensitizer
What is the MOA and most significant side effect of Sulfonylureas?
Sulfonylureas (glyburide and glipizide) and meglitinides (repaglinide and nateglinide) are drug classes associated with stimulating insulin release from pancreatic beta cells

Sig risk of hypoglycemia
What is the MOA of TZDs?
Binds PPAR-gamma --> insulin sensitization
The American Heart Association considers HDL levels >__ mg/dL to be cardioprotective
What is Churg-Strauss?
Allergic granulomatous angitis --> positive p-anca
_________ is a cause of watery diarrhea from eating undercooked seafood; most commonly oysters
Vibrio parahaemolyticus
___________ is a cause of bloody diarrhea from eating undercooked pork or produce
Yersinia enterocolitica
Nikolsky's sign is positive in ________ ______
Pemphigus Vulgaris
What is Res ipsa loquitur?
"The thing speaks for itself" --> obvious negligence
What is Volenti non fit injuria?
The injured party is the dumbass to blame for his/her own injury
What is the MOA and use of Epoprostenol?
Prostacyclin analog used primarily in pulmonary hypertension
______________ is a hypertrophic gastropathy in which significant protein is lost via the gastrointestinal tract, leading to diarrhea, weight loss, and edema. The stomach rugae are increased in size and may resemble cerebral gyri. Microscopic examination reveals several cork-screw-shaped glands composed of mucous cells and decreased numbers of parietal and chief cells.
Ménétrier disease
What is the DOC for carcinoid?
Octreotide, a somatostatin analog
Carcinoid syndrome can be associated with what vitamin deficiency?
Carcinoid syndrome is associated with what heart defects?
Right sided (eg tricsupid regurg)
Patients with what heart block often progress to a Third degree?
Mobitz II
What is the deficiency of hereditary spherocytosis?
Spectrin protein
What is the MOA of methotrexate?
Methotrexate functions by reversibly inhibiting the enzyme dihydrofolate reductase, which normally catalyzes the conversion of dihydrofolate to tetrahydrofolate
Which AA must be supplemented in PKU?
_________ _________ is characterized by eruptions of small salmon-pink, drop-like lesions that are approximately 1-10mm in size
Guttate psoriasis
Which form of sleep apnea is a/w Cheyne-Stokes respirations?
What is the treatment of choice for Loa Loa, Wucheria bancrofti, and Toxacara canis?
The __________ _________ represents the space available for the fetus as it descends through the pelvis during the delivery process
Obstetric conjugate
What is the MOA of ASA overdose?
Uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation --> reduces the amount of ATP produced
Which thyroid cancer shows psammoma bodies?
Papillary thyroid carcinoma
__________ syndrome is an autosomal dominant disorder that commonly presents with telangiectasia, recurrent epistaxis and arteriovenous malformations
What are the two most common causes of acute pancreatitis?
Gallstones and alcoholism
Which cells generate most of the basement membrane?
Basement membrane
What is pimozide?
The facial nerve exits the skull via the ______________
internal auditory meatus
The foramen ________ contains the maxillary branch of the trigeminal nerve
The foramen ________ contains the mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve
How do you calculate ERPF?
ERPF = (Urine PAH concentration) X (Urine flow rate) / (Plasma PAH concentration)

* PAH = para-aminohippuric acid
How do you calc RBF Using ERPF?
RBF = ERPF / (1 – Hematocrit)
What is the most common cause of death in pts with GAA trinucleotide repeats?
Freidreich's ataxia --> hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
When is Rhogam routinely administered?
28 weeks
What is the most likely cause of sudden death post MI?
ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation
Which diuretics are known to precipitate gout?
What is likely to accumulate in alkaptonuria?
After 34 weeks, treatment for severe preeclampsia involves_____________ as prophylaxis for eclamptic seizures and immediate delivery of the fetus.
IV magnesium sulfate
What is Leigh syndrome?
Pyruvate Dehydrogenase deficiency. Patients generally present with poor feeding, developmental delay, seizures, abnormal eye movements, ataxia, and mental delays
How does Alpha-1 antitrypsin def present in kids?
Panacinar emphysema w/ flattened diaphragms
Which dz is caused by a def of iduronate sulfatase?
Hunter syndrome
Which dz is caused by a def of Arylsulfatase A?
Metachromatic leukodystrophy
Which dz is caused by a def of Beta-galactosidase?
Krabbe dz
Which dz is caused by a def of Sphingomyelinase?
Which dz is caused by a def of Hexosaminidase A?
Tay-Sachs dz
What agar is used to culture Cryptococcus neoformans?
Sabourand's agar
What agar is used to culture Mycobacterium tuberculosis?
Lowenstein-Jensen agar
Which lung carcinoma is neuroendocrine cell origin?
Which disease is confirmed by a negative nitroblue test?
chronic granulomatous disease
What percentage of oxygen saturation would you expect to find in blood circulating through the foramen ovale of a fetus?
about 65% saturated with oxygen
The sacral torsion rules state that L5 sidebends ________ the oblique axis and rotates ________ the sacrum
same side as; opposite
What is pergolide?
Pergolide is a dopamine agonist which can be used to treat a prolactinoma
What are the BP/proteinuria requirements for mild pre-eclampsia?
The diagnosis of mild pre-eclampsia requires two serial blood pressure readings, over 4-6 hours, of greater than 140/90 and greater than 300mg/24hrs of protein in the urine.
What is the serum marker for sarcoidosis?
Elevated ACE level is a marker for sarcoidosis
which diabetic drug causes lactic acidosis?
Which diabetes drug is most likely to cause weight gain?
The most effective treatment against Trichomonas vaginalis is _________
What is the MOA of praziquantel?
Praziquantel increases calcium permeability of the fluke tegument
These patients lose the ability to develop both forms of mature T cells. This disease comes from the failure to develop the 3rd and 4th pharyngeal pouch which results in no thymus or parathyroid glands.These patients will develop tetany due to hypocalcemia and have an increased risk of viral and fungal infections.
Di George Syndrome
This disease is X-linked recessive and is associated with a defect in the BTK tyrosine kinase gene. This defect blocks B-cell maturation leading to a decrease in mature B-cells. Without mature B-cells the patient is unable to produce gamma globulins. Therefore, they will have a defect in opsonization of foreign invaders
Bruton's Agammaglobinemia
What section of the GI is most affected by celiac sprue?
blunting of the jejunal villi and the presence of anti gliadin antibodies
What is the most common cause of infection in Cystic Fibrosis?
The drug maraviroc stops HIV from binding to this protein
The initial step of infection requires CD4 to bind to this HIV surface protein
HIV binds this receptor on T cells
HIV binds this receptor on macrophages
The most commonly detected HIV antigen and target of ELISA test