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42 Cards in this Set

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Rarest type of co-worker relationship:
Special Peer
Differential treatment creates _________.
T or F: Employees talk to one another to make sense of the differential treatment of the co-worker.
Employees making sense of the differential treatment of a co-worker, center their talk amongst each other on____________ of the differential treatment.
Boss' Pet/Victim: List fairness and unfairness aspects of BOTH.
Pet: F: Respect U: mistrust/dislike
Victim: F: dissassociation U: sympathy
What are the 2 ways to manage differential treatment?
1. Make sure employees are treated fairly
2. Explain decisions (quality of relationships with emp. determines success of process)
What are the 2 workplace friendship unique characteristics? (V and P)
Voluntary: can't choose co, but can choose who to befriend
Personalistic focus: treat friend as whole person, not work role occupant
What are the workplace friendship functions? (3 of them)
Information exchange, social support (emotional and advice), power and influence (more power with info in org/ each friend has new info)
What are the effects of employee adjustment (the outcomes and consequences)? (3)
Job satisfaction ( good or bad), org. commitment (retention), stress (good or bad)
Factors that promote friendship development: (PPSDSWL)
Demographic and Perceived Similarity
Shared Tasks and Projects
Work-related problems
Life events (Marriage, divorce, illness, death, problems at home)
What are the elements of communication in friendship development? (Increase 4)
Increased Frequency: Feel free to share opinions, talk about anything
(The better the friends, the higher the frequency)
Increased Breadth of Topics
Increased Intimacy
Decreased caution (EX: dropping F bomb)
T or F: In order to disengage communication with a co-worker you can use depersonalization, betrayal, and/or cost escalation tactics.
What is the social information processing theory?
an employee’s attitudes toward the job and organization are socially constructed and influenced by everyday talk with other employees
Motivation is:
The degree to which an individual is personally “committed” to expending effort in the accomplishment of a specified activity or goal
T or F: A demotivated employee is considered to do "pass/fail" work.
A motivated employee has 2 types of incentives which are:
Extrinsic (benefits, parking space)
Intrinsic (self-actualization, a challenge)
T or F: Organizations primarily on EXTRINSIC incentives to motivate employees.
What are the two types of motivation theories? Hint (N and G)
Need theories:
Assume that to motivate someone you must fulfill their needs
Goal theories:
Assume that people are motivated to achieve specific goals
With Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory of Motivation, two needs have to be met which are:
Hygiene needs (extrinsic) and motivational needs (intrinsic)
T or F: According to Herzberg, employees are motivated when ONLY their hygiene needs are met.
F: No hygiene needs met = DISSATISFACTION, only hygiene = pass/fail emp. (prevented dissatisfaction, but not satisfaction still)
What are the 4 things we know about the effectiveness of goal setting? (GSDP)
Goal setting better than 0 goal setting, Specific goals better than vague, Difficult better than easy, participative equal to assigned goals
What is the goal setting theory "Expectancy-Valence Theory"?
Motivation governs how individuals choose among different voluntary activities/goals
What are the 3 components of the Expectancy Valence Theory?
-Outcome Expectancies (What outcomes can I expect if I do this task?)
-Valence of the outcomes (Are outcomes positive or negative)
-Effort expectancies (How much effort does the task require)
Explain the two types of employee evaluations.
Informal - continuous feedback from supervisor to employee
Formal - written record of overall employee performance
What are the 2 types of functions of evaluations?
Administrative function - to make administrative decisions (raise, promotion, discharge)
Developmental function - helps to improve job performance
What are the dimensions of job performance feedback? VTSFS
Valence, timeliness, specificity, frequency, sensitivity
T of F: The longer the supervisor waits the better for feedback of job performance.
T or F: Job performance feedback should be given as frequently as possible to the employee.
T or F: The supervisor should give feedback as sensitively and specifically as possible.
T or F: For the FORMAL appraisal process, the person conducting the process should have an appraisal instrument and appraisal interview to discuss the evaluation.
True. Instrument: example: online form
interview: example: board room meeting with supervisor and employee
What is the halo effect?
MOST COMMON ERROR. supervisor gives FAVORABLE ratings to all job duties based on impressive performance in one job function
Pitchfork effect:
Opposite of halo effect. gives negative ratings based on poor performance on one job function
What is the central tendency bias?
Rater avoids extreme ratings, rates straight down the line (3s out of 5s to stay in the middle)
T or F: Recency Error is rating someone's performance based on only recent events rather than their performance throughout the evaluation period.
What is the length of service bias?
rater assumes person is doing job effectively, because of employee's experience
T or F: A loose rater is one that rates employees based on others' knowledge of the employee.
F: raters who want to avoid confrontation simply evaluate the employee's performance as average or better and justify that by pointing out positive aspects of performance.
Tight rater:
Tight rater: no employee can live up to the standards of the supervisor. Seldom rate an employee as outstanding or excellent.
T or F: A competitive rater is unable to separate their own performance from the employees.
True. No one under their supervision should be given higher performance rating than the supervisor receives.
What is a 360 degree review?
an employee is evaluated by supervisor, peers, subordinates, and customers. All evaluations are considered in rating the performance of the employee.
Explain the 3 types of organizational conflict.
Interpersonal, Intragroup (subgroups) Intergroup (2 different units)
What are the 3 approaches to conflict management? (CAC) (Concern, Emphasis, Zero-Sum)
Competition, Accommodation, Collaboration
What are the conflict resolution skills? (4)
Establish/maintain workplace relationships, knowledge of issue, attitude. framing conflict