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82 Cards in this Set

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A change over time in the characteristics of living organisms
ex. giraffe's average length of neck getting longer; moth's girl
Natural Selection
Survive & Procreate; through reproduction and ensuring health and survival of other's with your genes; unconscious of our decisions;
unaware that our motivators for evolution/natural selection are procreation and survival; as well as distributing resources
despite modern advances we've made in the 100+ years, we still value the hunter-gathers 99% our existence
-physical/psychological traits are not necessarily motivators for advancement purposes
Pair Bonds
An act that keeps people together; romantic love, jealousy, sexual and emotional fidelity
Marital Subsystem
Generally tolerating our loved ones;
-level of hormones and their ability to numb us to our partner's irritating habits; procreation is the ultimate goal; better chance of getting pregnant if you are happy
Parent-Child Subsystem
Sharing resources; nepotism; not all children are equal; reroute resources if dead end genetic continuation
tendency to favor family members and the distribution of resources
Parental/guardian modeling
learning one's own gender through watching
Physical and Psychological adaptedness not needed in modern society. Theorist look back at hunter-gathers (99% of our time being hunters and gathers)
Ability to observe and regulate ourselves
High- engages very actively in the process of self
Low- not very self observing
Ego Boundaries
Sense of self stops and the rest of world begins
Thick- strong sense of self identity (distinct from others) - men
Thin- women, empathetic, quickly connected to others (not distinct from others)
ex. that's your friend's problem why are you crying? vs. crying for your friend's problem.
Theme on "macho"
White- positive: assertive, code of ethic, sincerity, responsibility
Chicano- negative; 105 interviewed
-pop culture
femaleness, code of ethics, strong and assertive; viewing it as being positive
Colonization/colonized man
over compensation of takeover from the Spanish Conquest; hyper masculine
Male Deficit Model
men are less skilled/efficient at communicating intimacy; men are expressing intimacy wrong
Feminization of love
Magazine example; over invested in love and that love has become "feminized"
Alternate paths model
different means, not equal- but both are valid; women's is the preferred path in communicating intimacy (the ways in which men and women communicate intimacy)
men have emotion, and relationships. They have different ways to achieve them, not equal but valid. Socialization is responsible for this. It is how each gender learned it, and men learned this not as well as women
to learn and to understand and use both ways of expressing and experiencing intimacy.
-masculine people find that intimate talk doesn't make them feel close; feminine people find instrumental demonstrations of commitment unsatisfying
Social Aggression
attacking others using social tactics rather than physical tactics
-exclusions, lies, gossip
-girls taught not show physical aggression
explicit: coming out and saying it
implicit: blatantly not inviting someone to a party
ex. Mean Girls
"Man Date"
Heterosexual interactions excluding sports and business
ex. Grill not dinner; lunch not brunch
Homosociality vs Homoeroticism
hanging out/socializing with the same sex "no homo"; homosociality wants to create a threat to the perception of homoeroticism -ex. seat between men at the movies
Covert Intimacy
Hidden practices behind meanings ex. nicknames, teasing, playful punches, friendly competition; showing that you care without saying it- implicit expressions of intimacy
Hegemonic masculinity
established norms based on hierarchy, dominant form of masculinity; Hierarchy goes from Core (top), Central (fluctuates), Peripheral(bottom/outcast) ; these divisions are believed to be natural
-At any given TIME and any given PLACE, that shows HIERARCHY dominance-
established norms based on hierarchy (dominant form of masculinity). This makes sense if we recognize there are multiple forms of masculinity and we also recognize which forms are dominant. It changes over time but the "speeds" of masculinity are viable. The hierarchy goes from: Core, Central, and Peripheral. Men believed these division were natural
"Symbolic Women"
males members in the lowest branch of hierarchy risk being thought of as symbolic women; this mindset tells us that females are part of a devalued status when compared to men; society being shown through a contrast of women
male members are the lowest branch of hierarchy risk being thought of as a "symbolic women". This mindset tells us that females are part of a devalued status when compared to men. Society is shown through contrast of women. Being out of power, farthest thing from masculinity
Gender Ideology
Our values, attitudes, and beliefs about gender
Gender Behavior
basic behaviors; the things that we do, action, speech

Actions we take with speech and non-verbal communication/ the things that we do
Autonomy and Connection
Two basic needs of humans; the idea that we all need to feel that we have both personal freedom and meaningful interrelatedness with others; want to be close and independent; discrepancy leads to demand and withdrawal
Autonomy= self
Desires of different autonomy and connection creates friction; greater intensity withdraw when a women request change in a man vs. man requesting change in a woman
Psychological Responsibility
responsibility for remembering, planning, and making sure things get done; no choice. -Shared responsibility, women's responsibility of panning and organizing
Second Shift
Two working people; 1st work that you are paid for, 2nd shift at home labor unpaid- typically gendered
Relational Maintenance
efforts used to make a relationship work; predominantly performed by women
Forms of learning that serve dominant interests; ex. families, formal schooling, and other institutions (churches, hospitals, and workplace) gender children's physicality as well
forms of learning geared toward the elimination of oppression including sex, class, and race oppression (action against dominant interest)
Hidden Curriculum
covert lessons that schools teach- not written (explicit); filtered through culture -these are often a means of social control; quiet mundane behaviors that teach us things
Organizational: Organizing of actual school, doesn't say that teachers are female and superintendents are male, but that's the way it is
Content: This is our textbook, period.
Communication: males students get their name remembered first
Gender Performance
gender doing: gender as a perpetual act; every moment of our lives we're "doing" our gender; managed, adorned, fashioned, properly comported and moving bodies establish gender and gender relations
takes place through training, monitoring, punishing, and rewarding; ex. Soldier
through discipline things become naturalized; "boys will be boys"- they are rowdy and that's just the way they are
Gender Neutrality
the principle or goal of treating people of different gender/sexes the same; learning is unaffected by gender
Ideological Discourse Formation
asks us to pay attention to how the communication practices that we can observe relate to these deeper enduring historical, structures of ideology
-communication and structures are connected. Communication focuses on practices. IDF asks us to observe how communication practices relate to the deeper structures that we endure
Structures and Practices
reflect, create, sustain cultural beliefs
-men and women take same time off for paternity/maternity leave(structure), women taking more time off than men (practice)
Ines Sainz and the New York Jets
Hispanic reporter who got harassed by football players; cat calling, throwing things, trying to grope her
Sexual Harassment
Harassers conduct must be unwelcome; sexual advances; disrupt works
-unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of sexual nature constitutes sexual harassment when submission to or rejection of this conduct explicitly or implicitly affects an individuals employment, unreasonably interferes with an individuals work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment
Quid Pro Quo
this for that; an explicit form of sexual harassment that includes threats, bribes, and promises of rewards in return for sexual behaviors - Very Clear; touch!
Hostile Work Environment
Unwelcome advances of a sexual nature that unreasonably harm a person's ability to do their work; witnesses can be offended; subtle, harder to detect; does not have to explicit nor "touched"
Formal Structures
Explicit; structures (formal and informal) and practices (formal and informal), organizations structures and practices
-reflect, create, and sustain cultural beliefs formal structures
ex. leave policies: mean often don't take leave even though formal structure offers it to them because it is not viewed as masculine
Leave Policies
1993 Family Medical and Leave Act- 12 weeks leave, 50+ employees, parental leave in US does not require pay; family and personal illness; 52:1 greatest disparity between global comparison
Work Schedules
9-to-5 scheduling, hard on women to be in the work force and be a mother. flexible scheduling 4 days a week 9-to-7 (something that helps experience themselves as workers and gender)
Informal Structures
Implicit aspects of an organization
-hidden curriculum
Informal Networks
"Old Boys Network"; teachers staying for meetings after hours (unpaid), golf meetings, meal groups- if you don't go you'll miss out the opportunity for advancement and lack information
Mentor Relationships
# of M>F; reference for homosociality- males prefer male mentors; women's seriousness?; M/F relations (is he getting some?)
Equal Opportunity Laws
(discrimination against individuals b/c of gender)
VII of the Civil Rights Act, 1964: prohibits employment discrimination against gender, sex, race, religion
IX: prohibits discrimination in educational programs including schools and universities relating to sports (b/g both get $)
Equal Pay Act 1963: prohibits discrimination in acts of pay and benefits
Ideal Worker Norm
someone who exists solely for the purpose of working (paid); linked to men/masculinity- breadwinner, workaholic, dedicated to fulfillment of task and responsibilities; value job over family
Male Gender Stereotypes in Organizations
Sturdy Oaks: need to be strong, unemotional, self-contained, supposed to protect others
Fighters: always aggressive/competitive-expected of them
Breadwinners: expectation that man is supposed to be making the money in the organization and family
Female Gender Stereotypes in Organizations
Sex Object: expectation that women should fit cultural norms of attractiveness
Mother: figurative-women actually mother people in organizations; literal, people discriminate against you because you are a mother
Iron Maiden: women act assertive and masculine in organizations; ambitious and direct women in workplace are seen as too masculine, unemotional
Child: viewed as immature, not being taken seriously
Her argument that feminization is a metaphor for bureaucratization not only uses a stereotype of femininity as oppressed, weak, and passive, but also, by equating the experience of male and female clients, women workers, and male bureaucrats, obscures the specificity of women's experiences and the connections between
Organizational Hero
work day and night to meet deadlines; dedicated to saving the company from an array of adaptors; being able to help out, doing the dirty work; if you have a problem this person will solve it; typically get praised and valued for masculine type of work, pull all-nighters
How does biological theory of natural selection deal with cultural variation?
natural selection is limited by culture, Duggar family went against cultural
Why do some researchers recommend not limiting children to toys for one sex?
You might push them into a gender that they do not identify with.
Up to age 5, children do not make gender distinctions
In what way is masculinity more difficult to "accomplish" than femininity?
With the father being less present, masculinity might be harder to convey to the child if the role model isn't there
The father has more insistence on masculinity than the mother. He doesn't accept a sissy
According to the psychoanalytical theory, boys must separate from their mothers
Why do children typically prefer their father as a playmate?
Father is less frequent
Activities that father does/plays
How might race and ethnicity influence family perceptions of education for boys and girls?
Asian American Family: Encourage higher edu in both b/g
Middle Class Caucasians: Encourage higher edu for boys
African American: encourage higher education for girls
Know what Mirande discovered about multiple meanings of "Macho". What were some negative conceptions? What were some positive conceptions?
Key Findings:
little neutrality, strong opinions, largely negative views of "macho", negative and positive themes
Negative Conceptions: exaggerate masculinity, male dominance, violence/aggression, egoism
Positive: Assertiveness, responsibility, code of ethics, sincerity
What are the common characteristics of female-female friendships?
Equalizing status by matching experiences
Face to face
Central of talk
-The medium is used to engage each other conduct friendship
-Use explicit talk about the relationship "I just want to tell you I really enjoy our time together"

explicit talk about the relationship
self disclosure
breadth/broadscope: talk about many aspects of life
Challenges: jealousy, competitiveness, social aggression
What are some common characteristics of male-male friendships?
No relationship talk
Segmentation/narrow scope: don't share things with everyone; some friends know X about me and some know Y
Instrumentality; Indirectness about intimacy
Side by side
closeness in doing ex. sports, video-games
covert intimacy
What are some possible challenges to cross-sex friendships?
undertone of sexuality: possibility of attraction
Sex-segregation: Directly links to speech communities; characterizes people as they grow up which could present challenges in relationships
Emotional bond challenge: different styles make it difficult to relate; speech communities
Equality challenge: social challenge which affects interpersonal relationships, perception of different access to opportunities; may be more difficult by lack of acknowledgment by male
Public Presentation Challenge: avoiding perception of m/f friends appearing as a couple
What are some rules that govern a "man date"?
Nothing that would constitute as a date, such as candle lit dinners or brunch
Sitting across from each other dining (not watching sports), taking a walk together (not jogging), attending an art gallery (not baseball game)
when hetero men hang out or socialize in a "non-masculine" context, clearly not romantic
Know the challenges faced in cross-sex friendships
Sexual dynamic
Emotional bond challenge: hard for f to bond with m b/c of sex segregation
Equality: women who experience less opportunities, find it challenging in m/f relationships; different social opportunities
Public Presentation: M/F friendships may be seem as something more "the idea that m/f can't just be friends"
undertone of sexuality: hard to over come the potential sexuality
Know the generalizations that can be made about heterosexual, lesbian, gay male friendships. Which type tends to have the highest levels of equality b/t partners? The highest levels of gendered role-playing? Least likely have an emotional leader or emotional nurturer? Etc.
Highest Equality: lesbians
Highest Levels of gendered role-playing: heterosexual
Best-friend relationship: Lesbians
Least likely to have emotional labor: Gay
Least likely congruent desires for autonomy and connection: heterosexual
Highest level of satisfaction: Lesbians
Be familiar with Harvey's claims about sports teams are interesting to study. Be familiar with the dynamics the dynamics that produced core, central, and peripheral groups among the baseball players that Harvey studied.
Why sports teams?
Antagonistic cooperation, a lot of monitoring and scrutinization, common goals
Core: energetic, visible
Central: relate to core, maybe not center
Peripheral outsiders
Functions of nicknaming: alienate, affirm bonding, regulate assimilation
What main points did Dr. Brouwer's narrative of attending Howard University illustrate?
Historically black university, he spent a semester there
He stressed what it means to feel visible in an educational situation.
He had an acute awareness of his own presence within the class
Role-modeling: there were African America students from Ivy League schools who wanted to see what it would be like to have African American professors
minority status
fitting into a majority culture of a different race is also something that whites in this county do not understand.
Be familiar with Martin's study design in the article, "Becoming a Gendered Body". Know the various types of communication practices Martin discovers in her study that display, train, monitor, punish, and/or reward students' gender performance.
Study design
112 three to five yr olds
Predominantly white
14 female teachers
Secular and sectarian (catholic)
semi-structure observations
42%female students/ 58% male students
Embodied: the action of becoming deeply part of whom we are physically and psychologically
The significance of bodily movement: bodies show us what may be taught subconsciously, An unfinished resource-constant difference
Hidden Curriculum: treating sexes unfairly, not conscious
Gender Performance: gender doing, gender is an act, something you do, gender is created through the repetition of acts and soon becomes what is natural
Discipline: training, monitoring, punishing, rewarding; becomes naturalized, production of boys and girls
In Martin's article, what are her findings about the covert lessons that schools teach? How do these lessons relate to social control?
They are often a means of social control in which curriculum's include teaching about work differentially by class, political socialization, and training in obedience and docility.
These curriculum lessons relate to social control by demanding the practice of bodily control in congruence with the goals of the school as an institution
What is the whispering game? What is borderwork?
The whispering game was a sort of rebellion, the girls were quieter but played a new game. Gendered b/c mimicd stereotypical female gossiping
Borderwork: cross-sex interaction that affirms gender boundaries, gender work that gets done when boys and girls interact and have conflict in their styles, such as saying "that's not how you play" or a difference in how rowdy the play should be, or wanting to run around vs sitting down, or styles of teasing which girls don't enjoy and boys do
Be familiar with examples of the ways instructors treat female and male students differently.
Instructors more likely to:
call on male students, help and encourage males, ask more challenging questions to males, maintain eye contact with males, know the names of males
Female calls out w/out raising her hand, she is reminded to raise her hand vs males not being criticized for their lack of formality
In elementary schools and public doctoral institutions, what evidence supports observation of sexed/gendered "organization of schools" that is part of the hidden curriculum?
85% female instructors
96% male principals and superintendents
Public Doctoral:
66.7% males; 33/3% females

Not explicitly stated in HC, but that's just the way it is
Why are Oberlin College and Mount Holyoke College significant in a discussion about the "explicit curriculum" of university education?
Oberlin was one of the first colleges to accept females
Mount Holyoke was one of the first colleges to only accept women
What claims does Niemi make about mission of "gender neutrality" in White Oaks Middle School?
Children have clear ideas of gender
schools are only one part of society
Not possible, b/c instructors are naturalized
What are the key arguments that "Brighter Choice" makes in favor of single-sex education?
1. Increased diversity, not a "one size fits all" environment
2. Provides single-sex education that was once only available in the form of private schooling
3. Benefits at-risk students, who have shown to gain the most from single-sex education. "at-risk students are given preference in the schools admission lottery"
4. Provides same schooling for boys and girls, just separately, instead of only offering one or the other
What are the important these on "organizational culture"?
Structures (formal and informal) and practices (formal and informal)
reflect, create, and sustain cultural beliefs
Know specific types of formal and informal organizational structures and the ways in which they treat sexes differently or are disparately available to sexes. (e.g. maternity and paternity leave in the U.S. and internationally)
See leave policies, add statistics
What are the key differences among different types of formal organization reform?
Be able to recall key points from the Gender in the News item highlighted in class.