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80 Cards in this Set

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David Myer
Pursuit of Happiness
Maslow's Hierarchy met -> additional wealth had not effect on happiness
Most important determinant of happiness= satisfying relationships with friends, family members romantic partners and coworkers
Situational Approach
Two Factors:
2 people
Face to face
Developmental Approach
IPC not determined by # of people
Determined by quality of Com
Miller and Steinberg (Developmental Approach)
Com is a prediction making activity. (Saying I love you)
Cultural Level (Miller/Steinberg)
Broadest level
Ex. Country you are from
More likely to make mistakes
Iranian friend invading personal space
Sociological Level
Group Membership (sex, religion, class, major, interests)
Health Club example about NFL
Psychological Level
Deepest, Most Specific level
See the other person as a unique individual
Naked hotel story no one else knows
Miller and Steinburg's IPC Definition
IPC occurs when predictions are made at the psychological level of information
Implications of Miller and Steinburg's Definition
Initial encounters are rarely interpersonal
Very little communication is IP in our society
People vary in their abilities to communicate
Difference between IPC and IPRelationship
5 Principles of IPC
IPC conveys both content and relational level information. Content(meaning of words) Relational( indicators of how you each view the bond between you)
IPC can be intentional or unintentional
IPC is irreversible
IPC is Dynamic (always changing)
IPC is intertwined with ethics
Self is an evolving combination of: (3 things)
Self Awareness: The ability to perceive yourself as distinct from the surrounding environment
Self Concept- Your overall perception of who you are (facebook)
Self Esteem- Overall evaluation of your self worth
Self Discrepancy Theory
Self esteem is determined by comparing ourselves with Ideal vs. Ought Self
Ideal Self
The Characteristics you wish to possess.
How would you make yourself?
Ought Self
The person others wish and expect you to be.
Parents tell student they WILL be a doctor
Internal Attribution
Behavior stems from internal causes. (Personality)
External Attribution
Behavior Stems from external causes
How are you going to do on this exam?
You're going to fucking ace it
Types of Attributional Errors
The fundamental attribution error
Actor observer effect
Assumption of consistency
Fundamental Attribution Error
Tendency to attribute other's behavior to internal rather than external causes
Actor Observer Effect
Tendency to make external attributions regarding our own behavior
Assumption of Consistency
Want family members/friends/ partners to always act the same
ex. MSU vs NW job selection
Self Serving Bias
Exception to actor observer effect.
Tendency to make internal attributions regarding large successes and external attributions regarding large failures
Gestalt Impression
General/ Global impression that's either - or +
Hardly ever think someone is neutral
Gestalt Characteristics
Based on a few observed traits from which we generalize
Form rapidly with little effort
Useful for casual encounters
Significantly bias subsequent perception ( once gestalt is in place everything will filter through it)
Influence perception through halo-horn effect.
Halo vs Horn Effect
Halo Tendency to positively interpret nearly anything someone says or does because we have a positive gestalt of them. Opposite for horns
Pollyanna Effects
People perceive positive events as more likely to occur than negative ones.
Avg. Self Rating on Intelligence and Attractiveness= 7
Positivity Bias
People are overwhelmingly slant positive
Negativity Effect
Negative info is weighted more heavily than positive.
Political campaigns
Outcome of Pollyanna effect.
Steve ex-girlfriend scenario
When was Facebook created?
How many active users?
How many integrated websites?
How many average friends/user?
How many average pieces of content/ month?
% of users outside US?
500 million active users
> 1 million websites
130 friends/user
90 pieces of content/ month
70% users outside US
Research Stats
What % of college students check FB at least once/day?
What % of college students had FB friends they've never met in person?
What % of college students had posted photos of themselves in a state of intox
What % of photos of themselves in romantic situations with their partners or someone else
90% check once/day
29% had 1 unmet friend
55% self post of intox
54% had romantic involve pic
Facebook Profiles
People distort their Self presentations
Photos strategically depict extreme popularity to create social capital
Warranting Theory
When viewing online info we consider its warranting value:
The degree to which it is controlled by only one personally invested source vs supported by outside sources
Low Warranting Value
Info authored and controlled by one person
No support from other sources
Info that is self complimentary
High Warranting Value
Info supported by outside sources
Comes from multiple independent sources
High value= trusted more
Implications of Warranting Theory
When others' wall posts contradict your profile, people will believe the posts
Wall postings have more of an impact on perceptions of your personality and attractiveness than your personal profile.
Interview Test
Would you print off profile and take it to your interview?
Uncertainty Reduction Theory
First interpersonal Com theory
Berger and Calabrese 1975
Focus on initial interactions
Uncertainty Reduction Theory-Basic Assumption
When people meet and communicate, their primary concern is reducing uncertainty; increasing predictability and explainability of their own/partner's behavior
Two kinds of uncertainty
Proactive- Anticipate or predict another's future behavior
Retroactive- Generate plausible explanations for why someone behaved the way s/he did. After the fact
Axioms of URT
As verbal COM between people increases UC decreases
High levels of UC increase info seeking
High Levels of UC cause decreases in the intimacy level of COM content
Perceived similarity will decrease UC
As US increases, liking decreases
Five COM Features
COM models (Book)
Linear COM Model
Interactive COM Model
Transaction COM Model
Linear COM Model
COM is an activity in which info flows in one direction, from starting point to end point
Interactive COM model
Process that involves both sender and receiver.
Influenced by feedback and experience
Transaction COM model
Suggests that COM is fundamentally multi-directional
Each person equally influences the COM behavior of others participants
IPC Definition (Book)
Dynamic form of COM between two ore more people in which the messages exchanged significantly influence their thoughts emotions behaviors and relationships.
IPC Communication is: (Book)
Creates impact
Contrasts with impersonal COM
I- Thou vs I- IT
I-Thou- Makes distance seem thinner through out COM
Embrace similarities and build a coherent relationship

I-It- We regard other people as objects we observe.
Focusing on differences, thickening the distance between inds. Relationships deteriorate
IPC across cultures outside US
Not studied across the world because many cultures believe that IPC is something that is taught by the family. Not a school.
Social Comparison
Observing and assigning meaning to others' behavior and then comparing their behavior against ours
Sources of Self
Gender and Self
Family and Self
Culture and Self
Gender and Self
Most profound outside force shaping sense of self
Family and Self
Attachment Anxiety
Attachment Avoidance
Secure Attachment
Preoccupied Attachment
Dismissive Attachment
Fearful attachment
Attachment Anxiety
Degree to which a person fears rejection by relationship partners
Perceive self as unlovable and unworthy
Abused or ignored during your
Attachment Avoidance
Degree to which someone desires close interpersonal ties
Secure Attachment
Low on Anx and Avoid
Comfortable with intimacy and seeks close ties with others
We Can work this out
Preoccupied Attachment
High Anx, Low Avoid
Desire closeness but fear rejection
I know you don't love me
Drive partners away
Dismissive Attachment
Low Anx, High Avoid
Close relationships unimportant
I don't need this hassle
Sex without love is +
Fearful Attachment
High Anx/ Avoid
Fear rejection, shun relationships
Chronic lack of faith in self
Individualistic Culture
Individual goals are more important than group or societal goals
Collectivistic Culture
Groups goals and needs are emphasized over those of individuals
When communicating with others, present a public self that you want others to see and know
Public self designed to strategically veil your private self.
Ex. Calm parent in front of injured child.
Social Penetration Theory
Peripheral Layer
Intermediate Layer
Central Layer
Number of different aspects of self each partner reveals at each layer
Involves how deeply into one another's self the partners have penetrated
Public Area
Aspects of yourself that you and others are aware of
ex. everything you openly disclose
Blind Area
Facets of yourself that are readily apparent to others but not to yourself
ex. strengths you don't see in yourself that others do
Hidden Area
Parts of yourself that you're aware of but that you hide from others.
Ex. Destructive thoughts, disturbing life experiences
Unknown area
Aspects that you and others aren't aware of.
Ex. Motives and impulses
Self Disclosure
Revealing private info about yourself to others
How does media shape your self esteem?
Internalizing Media standards:
Despise our own bodies
Low self esteem
self destructive behaviors.
Select info to focus attention on
Focusing attention on senses in our environment
Ex. Angry roommate yelling at you to pick your phone while you have headphones on.
Degree to which particular people or aspects of their COM attract our attention.
More salient if:
Behaves both visually and audibly
Goals or expectations lead us to view it as important
COM that deviates from our expectations.
Organizing Information
Once you've selected something as the focus of attention, you take info and structure it into a coherent pattern inside your mind
Structuring the info you've selected into a chronological sequence that matches how you experienced the order of events
Individuals characteristic way of thinking and feeling and acting based on the traits he or she possesses
Big Five Traits
Agreeableness/ Friendliness