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29 Cards in this Set

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Believed slaves were property and relied on them to support their economy.
Southern Colonies
Economy based on fishing,whaling,lumber and shipbuliding.
New England Colonies
Philadelphia was a major port city in this region.
Middle Colonies
Colonists came from a wide varity of ethnic and religious backgrounds.Various types of religious beliefs and churches welcomed.
Middle Colonies
Tobacco,rice and indigo were grown as major cash crops.
Southern Colonies
Boston was a major port city in this region.
New England Colonies
Nickname was the "Breadbasket colonies".
Middle Colonies
Had the first public schools started by the Puritans.
New Engalnd Colonies
Charleston was a major port ciy in this region.
Southern colonies
Who founded Rhode Island?
Roger Williams
Who founded Georgia?
James Oglethorpe
Who founded Pennsylvania?
William Penn
Who founded Maryland?
Lord Calvert (aka Lord Baltimore)
Who founded Connecticut?
Thomas Hooker
Who founded Massachsetts?
John Winthrop
List the New England Colonies.
Massachsetts,New Hampshire,Connecticut,Rhode Island
List the Midlle Colonies.
New York,Pennsylvania,New Jersey,Delaware
List the Southern Colonies.
Virginia,Maryland, North Carolina,Georgia,South Carolina.
Durning the Great Migration of 1629 to 1640, what colony did settlers immigrate to from England?
(If you want to be precise its "Massachsetts Bay")
Explain the basic beliefs of the Puritans.
Protestants who wanted the Church of England to become "purer" by getting rid of catholic pratices like Organ music,special clothes for prists, and church decorations.
"Church was the center of life"
Explain the basic beliefs of the Quakers.
If you did good deeds you would go to heaven..
-All people had "inner light" that could help them experience god
-Protestant,non-violent and supported religious tolerance
-Rejected formal religious pratices and dressed plainly.
What was the purpose of the Navigation Acts passed in the 1650's?
They required colonists to do a large portion of their trading with England, also sent(Duites) import taxes on some trade products.
Explain the triangler trade routes
It was a trade route between the 13 colonies,the West Indies, and West Africa.
(If you need more help understanding...check page 129 in your textbook)
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
A written set of principles that made Connecticut's colonial government more democratic.
Proprietary Colony
A colony that was granted full rights to self-government by the British Crown
Great Awakening
A christian Movement that became widespread in the American Colonies in the 1730's and 1740's.
People who owe money
Indentured Servant
Colonists who recieved free passage to North America in exchange for working without pay for a certain number of years.
Religious tolerance
Accepting or premitting others religious beliefs or pratices