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26 Cards in this Set

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Define: Maps
Visual outlines
Define: antonyms
meaning the opposite off.
Define: Central point
Several of paragraphs or more that has a overall main idea called central point.
Define: Contrast words
Signals that the author is pointing out differences between subjects.
Define: Transitions
Phrases that show relationship between ideas.
Define: Time words
tell us when something happens.
Define: Contrast and Comparison words.
Shows how words used are similiar or different.
Define: Comparison words
Tells us that one thing is like another thing.
Define: Illustration
Indicates that the author will one or more examples to develope time order.
Define: List of items and patterns
Refers to a reason, examples or other details that support an idea.
Define: Addition words
Telling you that the writer is adding to their thoughts.
Define: Definition/Examples patterns
Definitions and examples used to support a sentence.
Define: Summary
It is a reduction or large amount of information to its most important points.
Define: Main Idea
Authors primary point about a topic all other material fit under main idea.
Define: context clues
Different types of clues that are found in the sentences.
ex. examples, synonyms, antonyms, and general sense.
Define: Topic
Subject of selection that can be explained in few words.
Define: Synonyms
Means same as word being used. exp. mad/irate
Define: Pattern of organization
Definitions and one or more examples.
Define: cause and effect
The author is explaining the reason why something is the way that it is or will be.
Define: Implied main idea
Without stating it clearly in a sentence.
Define: Outline
A passage that will make you understand and see clearly between main idea and support sentence.
Define Supporting details
examples,reasons and other evidence.
What is examples?
If given examples that relate to an unknown word often figures out its meaning.
Define: Topic sentence
Presents main idea to readers in single sentences.
What is general sense?
To draw a conclusion based on the information given.
What is minor details?
Helps fill out and make clear of major details.