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8 Cards in this Set

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Ducosate Sodium

Brand Name: Colace
Class: Laxative, emollient: stool softener

Action: ^ water, fat penetration in intestine: allows for easier passage of stool

Use: soften stool

Safe Dose: Adult: PO 50-300 my daily (sodium) or 240mg (Ca or K) prn; ENEMA 5ml (Na)

Administer: whole; do not break, crush, or chew; In milk, fruit juice to decrease bitter taste; in morning or evening (oral dose)
Effects: EENT: Bitter taste, throat irritation GI: Nausea, anorexia, cramps, diarrhea INTEG: Rash

Nursing Considerations: Assess: cause of constipation; ID if fluids, bulk, or exercise are missing from lifestyle, constipating drugs; cramping, rectal bleeding, nausea, vomiting; if these symptoms occur, drug sho0uld be discontinued
Cetirizine (Zyrtec)
Class: Antihistimeine peripherally selective
Action: actgs on blood vessels, GI respiratory system by competing with histimine for H1 receptor site; decreases allergic response by blocking pharmacologic effects of histimine; minimal anticholinergic action
Use: Rhinitis, allergy symptoms, chronic idiopathic urticaria
Safe Dose: Adult & child >= 6yr PO 5-10 my daily
Administer: without regard to meals; provide frequent rinsing of mouth for dryness
Effects: CNS: Headache, drowsiness, fatigue GI: Dry mouth RESP: Thickening of bronchial secretions, dry nose throat
Nursing Considerations: Assess: Alelrgy symptoms: pruritus, urticaria, watering eyes, baseline and during treatment; Respirtor stgatus: rate, rhythm, increase in bronchial secretions, wheezing, chest tightness
Solifenacin (VESIcare)
Class: Overactive bladder product, anticholinergic
Action: Relaces smooth muscles in urinary tract by inhi8biting acetycholine at postganglionic sites
Uses: overactive bladder (urinary frequency, urgency, intontinence)
Safe Dose: Adult: PO 5mg daily, max 10mg daily
Effects: CNS: dizziness EENT: vision abnormalities, xerophthamia GI: Nausea, vomiting, anorexia, constipation
Nursing Considerations: Assess: urinary patterns: distention, nocturia, frequency, urgency, incontinence; Allergic reactions: rash; if this occurs, drug should be discontinued
Evaluate: urinary status: dysuria, frequency, nocturia, incocntinence
Oxycodon/acetaminophen (Percocet)
Class: Opiate analgesic
Action: Inhibits ascending pain pathways in CNS, ^ pain threshold, alters pain perception
Uses: moderate to severe pain
Safe Dose: Adult: PO 10-30 my q4hr (5mg q6hr for OxyIR, OxyFast) OxyFast Conc Sol is extremely concen trated; do not use interchangeably
Administer: Do Not Break, crush, or chew controlled release tabs; 80,160mg cont rel tabs only in opioid-tolerant patients; with antiemetic if nausea, vomiting occur
Effects: CNS: Drowsiness, dissiness, confusion, headache, sedation , euphoria GI: Nausea, vomiting, anorexia, constipation, cramps
Nursing Considerations: Assess: I&O; check for decreasing output; may indicate urinary retention; CNS changes: dizziness, drowsiness, hallucinations, euphoria, LOC, pupil reaction; Allergic reactions: rash, urticaria; respiratory dysfunction: respiratory depression, character, rate, rhythm; notify prescriber if respirations are less than 10/min; need for main medication by pain, sedation scorin; physical dependence
Esomeprazole (Nexium)
Class: Antiulcer, proton pump inhibitor
Action: Supresses gastric secretion by inhibiting H/K ATPase enzyme system in gasgtric parietal cell; characterized as gastric acid pump inhibitor, because it blocks final step of acid production
Uses: GERD, severe erosive esophagitis; treatment of active duodenal ulcers in combination with antiinfectives for Helicobacter pylori infection Safe Dose: Adult: PO 20 or 40 my dialy x 4-8 wk; no adjustment needed in renal, liver failure, elderly
Administer: Swallow caps whole; do not crush or chew; cap may be opened and sprinkled over tbsp of applesauce; same time daily; at least 1 hr before eating
Effects: CNS: Headache, dissiness GI: Diarrhea, flatulence INTEG: Rash RESP: Cough
Nursing Consideration: Assess: GI sysgtem: bowel sounds q8h, abdomen for main, swelling, anorexia; Hepatic enzymes: AST, ALT, alk phosphatase during treatment
Ascorbic acid (Vit C)
Class: Vit C water soluble vitamin
Action: Needed for wound healing, collagen synthesis, antioxidant, carbohydrate metabolism
Uses: Vit C deficiency, scurvy, delayed wound and bone healing, chronic disease, urine acidification, before gastrectomy, acidification of urine, dietary supplement
Safe Dose: Wound healing/chronic disease/fracture Adult: SUBCUT/IM/IV/PO 200-500mg daily 1-2 mo
Administer: PO Do Not Break, crush, or chew ext rel tab or caps; that caps may be opened and contents mixed w/jelly
Nursing Considerations: Assess: I&O ration; Ascorbic acid levels throughout treatment if continued deficiency is suspected: nutritional status: citris fruits, vegetables: inj sites for inflammation
Torsemide (Demadex)
Class: Loop diuretic
Action: Acts on look of Henle, proximal, distal tubule by inhibiting absorption of chloride, sodium, water
Uses: Treatment of Htn and edema in CHF, hepatic disease, renal disease
Safe Dose: Adult: PO 5mg/day may increase to 10mg/ml
Administer: In am to avoid interference w/sleep if using drug as a diuretic; K replacement if K less than 3mg/dl; With food or milk if nausea occurs; absorption may be decreaed slightly
Effects: CV: CIRCULATORY COLLAPSE EENT: Loss of hearing ELECT: Hypokalemia, hypochloremic alkalosis, hypomagnesemia, hypocalcemia,hyponatrtemia,ENDO: Hyperglycemia, hyperuricemia GI: Nausea GU: polyuria, RENAL FAILURE INTEG:Rash
Nursing Consideration: Asses: Hearing when giving high doses; wt, I&O daily to determine fluid loss, effect of drug may be decreased if used daily; Rate, depth, rhythm of respiration, effect of exertion; B/P lying, standing; postural hypotension may occur; Electrolytes: K, Na, Cl; include BUN, blood glucose, CBC, serum creatinine, blood pH, ABGs , uric acid, Ca Mg: Glucose in urin o diabetic ; Signs and symptoms of metabolic alkalosis: drowsiness, restlessness: Signs and symptoms of hypokalemia: postureal hypotensin, malaise, fatigue, tachycArdia, leg cramps, weakness; Rashes, temp elevation daily: confusion, especially in elderly, take safety precaions if need
NitroQuick SL
Class: Coronary vasodiolator, anginal
Action: Decreases preload, afterload, which is responsible for decreasing left ventricular end-diastolic pressure systemic vascular resistance; dilates coronary arteries, improves blood flow through coronary vasculature, dilates arterial, venous beds systemically
Uses: Chronic stable angina pectoris prophylaxis of angina pain CHF associated w/ acute MI, controlled hypotension in surgical procedures
Safe Dose: Adult: SL: dissolve tab under tongue when pain begins; may repeat q5min until relief occurs; take no more than 3 tabs/15min; use 1 tab prophylactically 5-10min before activities; SUS CAP q6-12h on empty stomach
Administer: PO: Swallow sus rel whole; do not break, crush, or chew; w/8oz H2o on empty stomach (oral tablet) 1 hr before or 2 hr after meals; SL should be dissolved under tongue, not swallowed; Aerosol sprayed under tongue, not inhaled
Effects: CNS: Headache, flushing, dizziness CV: Postural hypotension, COLLAPSE
Nursing Considerations: Assess: Orthostatic B/P, pulse: Pain: duration, time started, activity being performed, character; Tolerance if taken over long period; Headache, light-headedness decreased B/P;may indicate a need for decreased dosage