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8 Cards in this Set

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cognitive psychology
study of structures and processes of the mind and brain that take in, transform, and use information
Cognitive psychology vs other types
clincial psych: people with problems and how their minds works
applied psych: forensic, etc. figuring out how to make money, use for law etc.
social psych: one person interacts with others
developmental psych: development
cognitive psychology as part of a larger view
-cognitive science (cognitive psych +neuroscience, artificial intelligence, philosophy, etc.)
-evolutionary psych (cognitive psych + evolutionary biology, anthropology, etc.)
schools of psychology and metaphors for the mind
-british association: (locke, hume) the mind as a blanke slate, wax tablet, we start with a blank slate, experience draws on the slate, experiences are tied together with associations, associations are governed by general laws
-structuralism: (wundt) the mind as a dark room, decomposing experiences into fundamental elements
-behaviorism: (pavlov, watson, skinner) the mind as a black box, or a telephone switchboard, what goes on in the head isn't observable, if we want to progress in understanding, we must focus only on observables, classical conditioning, operant conditioning, assumptions of equipotentiality, anti-mentalism
-Gestalt psych: (koehler) the mind as a perceptual phenomena, "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts", no matter how you break down experience, you can never add up all the parts and get the experience back
-cognitive revolution: the mind as a computer, mental chronometry:mental events take time, limiting sceince to the observable is a bad idea, 3 components: explanation of language, human factors work of WWII, introduction of the computer
-modern computational view: the mind is somehow like a computer program, the legacy of behaviorism :arguments for/against -- against: simplicity, elegance, emergent properties, "blank slate" ethos for: philosophy, computer science, neuroscience, evolutionary biology
experimental cognitive psychology
-assumes cognitive processes exist and can be identified through behavioral measures
-theories: a set of general principles or axioms about how cognitive processes work, from which deductions can be made
-understanding, summarize, prediction
-test theories, basic terminology
-independent variable, dependent variable
-logic of causal inferences from experiements
cognitive science
-computational models: semantic networks memory (memory), production systems, connectionist networks (parallel distributive processing)
cognitive neuropsychology
-studies of persons with brain damage: lesions and ablations, cerebrovascular accident (cut off supply of blood to brain)
-dissociations and double dissociations
-theoretical issues: modularity, brain/mind isomorphism: brain is physical that creates mind-mind is what brain does, syndromes of co-occurring symptoms: flawed because everyone is different
cognitive neuroscience
-single neuron recordings: goes back 50 yrs
-ERPs (event related potentials): postsynaptic