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103 Cards in this Set

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What is the precursor for looking at intelligence?
At the end of the 19th century there became an interest in how people could be different
Who was the first person to look at intelligence testing and why?
Francis Galton
Because before there was only an interest in the difference between mental illness and cognitive impairment
What is the current definition of intelligence? What are some of the historical definitions?
There are multiple definitions and not one concrete definition: It is an abstract concept that cannot be directly observed, it is only inferred via behaviors.
Today's definition is still not one clear, acceptable definition - depends on the theory that is used
1. Binet: the tendency to take and maintain a definite direction - the capacity to make adaptations for the purpose of attaining a desired end
2. Gardner: the ability to resolve genuine problems/difficulties as they are encountered
3. Sternberg: mental activity involved in purposive adaptation to, shaping of, and selection of real-world environments relevant to one's lfe
What was the need to change the labels for testing?
1. Because there have been many alternative terms to have come about
2. No set definition of intelligence
3. There is a great fear that people assume that intelligence or aptitude is innate or exclusively hereditary.
What is the difference between an individual test and a group test? What are some examples of each?
Individual test is given to one person at at time and a group test is where a single examiner gives a test to a group of individuals at the same time.
Individual: WAIS and WISC

Group: Army Alpha and Army Beta
What are the three types of Ability tests and what do they measure?
1. Achievement Tests: measures past learning; what you've acquired
2. Intelligence Tests: assesses one's ability to solve problems, adapt to situations, think abstractly, and to benefit from past learning
3. Aptitude Tests: measures the potential for learning
What was Francis Galton known as and what did he theorize about intelligence?
He was known as the father of the testing movement
He theorized that because people take in information through their senses, that the most intelligent people have the most developed senses.
How did Galton test his theory? Was it a valid theory/application of theory?
He developed sensory-motor tasks to test intelligence.
No it was not valid because he was only looking at a snapshot of intelligence, no the larger whole?
Who was Wilhelm Wundt and what was his contribution to intelligence testing?
He developed the first psych lab (1879)
He also studied sensation in addition to attention and reaction time.
What was Herman Ebbinghaus's major contribution?
He was known for his work on memory. He was the first to develop the theory and test human memory.
Showed that we need to make new associations to remember things as well as repetition.
How did Ebbinghaus show this?
He used nonsense syllables to test this and found that recall improved with repetition.
What contribution is Carl Wernicke best known for?
His work on brain localization - Wernicke's area. He believed that abnormalities could be pinpointed to certain areas.
What did Wenicke theorize?
That brain functioning was dependent on neural pathways
What is James McKeen Cattell's studies influenced by and what was he interested in?
He studied with Galton and was influenced by Wernicke. Cattell was interested in individual differences and in measuring motor and sensory abilities.
What did Cattell's work produce and what is an advantage of this?
He put together a battery to assess different skills. A battery is a good way to get a global assessment and it demonstrated that mental ability could be assessed via tests.
What year is considered to be the "birth" of intellectual testing and why?
1881 - the French government passed a law making school compulsory. It was necessary to have a way to determine which children needed "special attention"
What are two things were essential to intellectual test construction?
Sensitivity - to pick up those children who needed services; and Specificity - to avoid getting a lot of false positives of this group
Who was commissioned by the French to undertake the task of constructing an intellectual test?
Alfred Binet
What was the idea behind Binet's test construct?
That the test items should not only depend on what had already been learned, since some had been to school and others had not AND to have a measure that was more objective and not based on parent's reports
Who helped Binet develop the first intelligence test?
Theodore Simon
What was Binet and Simon's idea behind their test development? What concept was this all based on?
To develop a test that would present children with novel tasks for problem solving
Based on the concept of mental age
What did this concept allow Binet and Simon to do? What were they able to determine through their test construction?
It allowed them to sort out children who were mentally retarded and needed to go to a special school. They found that children with MR could not manage the same problems as other children the same age, BUT were able to answer simpler problems
What were the scales that Binet and Simon intended to do?
The scales were developed to correctly classify or distinguish and not necessarily tied to a theoretical construct of intelligence.
How did Henry Goddard's view differ from Binet?
He believed that intelligence is determined largely by heredity
Who is Lewis Terman and what was his contribution to intelligence testing?
Part of Stanford University who was interested in intellectual assessment in school children. He worked with Childs and revised the Stanford-Binet in 1912 and 1916.
He used sophisticated psychometric procedures in his test construction: larger standardization group; used idea of mental quotient; impacted the way that mental measurement was done in the future.
What is IQ and what is it based on?
IQ = intelligent quotient.
It is based on the idea of mental age - it shows how someone's intelligence (as measured by a test) compared with that of other people the same age
The equation for IQ is....
Mental age/Chronological age x 100
What is the difference between ratio IQ and deviation IQ?
Ratio IQ is the mental age/chronological age (we no longer use ratio IQ)
Deviation IQ is how far one deviates from (100) the average (this is now the norm)
What is Spearman's theory of intelligence?
Two Factor Theory -
1. g factor (general factor): applied to all instances of intelligent behavior
2. s factor (specific factor): lots of specific factors which belonged to the particular tasks that someone might attempt
What are some examples of g factors and s factors?
g factor: the approach used to solve a problem (i.e. arithmetic vs.solving a puzzle)
s factor: visuospatial vs. memory & crystallized knowledge
How is Spearman's theory still supported through today's intelligence testing?
Through the correlation that is between subtests. There are shared properties between areas of intelligence.
What was Thurstone's theory and definition of intelligence?
He believed that intelligence was comprised of lots of different abilities that all worked together when they needed to, but worked separately if they were not required to
Thurstone focused more on the "s factors" and started moving away from "g"
What were the seven factors that Thurstone proposed comprised intelligence?
1. Induction, applying general reasoning
2. Rote memory, recalling material immediately
3. Number, speed and accuracy of arithmetic calculations
4. Perceptual speed, quickness and accuracy at visually noting details
5. Space, perception of spatial relationships
6. Verbal comprehension, understanding word meanings in context
7. Word fluency, using words in rhyming or categorization
How many factors did Guilford propose made up intelligence?
What did Guilford's model of intelligence look like/resemble? Describe...
It was 3-D, cube like:
1. Operations: involved in cognitive operations, memory, cognition
2. Content involved: behavioral, semantic, content of operations performed
3. Products
What is the Cattell-Horn theory of intelligence? What types of abilities were Cattell-Horn interested/focused in?
He proposed that general intelligence is a conglomeration of about 100 abilities working together in various ways in different people to bring out different intelligences.
Cattell-Horn was interested/focused in crystallized and fluid abilities
What is crystallized knowledge/abilites?
It stems from learning and acculturation; reflected in tests of knowledge, general info, use of language; wide variety of acquired skill; there are some personality factors/motivation involved in these abilities.
What is fluid knowledge/abilites?
These drive an individual's ability to think and act quickly; source of intelligence when the person doesn't already know what to do; ability to solve novel problems and encode short term memories
What theory centered around the idea that there are narrow or specific abilities, broad abilities, and general abilities?
Carroll's Three Stratum Theory
What is the focus of the Nature vs. Nurture debate and what is some of the empirical evidence?
That intelligence is both genetic and environmental - which is more important is still being argued
Galton - observed that intelligent parents tended to have intelligent children while parents of average intelligence tended to have average intelligent children.
This has been studied over time through twin studies.
What four psychometric aspects make up a good test?
Validity, reliability, standard error of measurement, and standardization
What is validity?
Does is measure what it's supposed to?
What are the different types of validity? Describe each.
1. Face validity - the test must look like it is measuring what it is supposed to
2. Criterion validity - when you match up the test with some already existing measure, instrument or outcome
3. Construct validity - when you make sure that the test is consistent with our actual underlying theory or beliefs
What is reliability?
Does it remain over time?
What are the four types of reliability? Briefly describe each.
1. Test-Retest - give the same test on two different occassions
2. Split-Half - correlation between the odd and even items on a measure
3. Alternate Forms - two measures that you believe are balanced and comparable are administered and by examining the correlation between these two
4. Inter-Rater - some score are based primarily on the judgement of examiners
What is a disadvantage of Test-Retest reliability?
There is potential for lots of sources of error
Possibility of practice effects
When is split-half reliability often used?
When determining the reliability of a measure for a trait that has a high degree of fluctuation
What is an advantage of alternate forms reliabilty?
the degree of similarity between the two scores represents the reliability coefficitnet of the test
This method gets rid of the potential carryover effects of the first administration since different items are used
What can account for differences in test scores?
Variability can occur because there are true differences within an individual from test point to test point?
What does the standard error of measurement establish?
It establishes a range of possible random fluctuations
What is the process of standardization?
It involves giving it to a large number of people in order to develop what are known as populations norms. Standardizing also involves comparing the test to other tests to look for compatibility.
What does ipsidive mean?
Comparing to self
What does normative mean?
Comparing to a [specified] population
What are statistics used for?
To communicate information, to describe data, to make inferences (inferential statistics)
Describe a nominal scale.
- Numbers are used only as a description
- Have no absolute zero, equal intervals, or express magnitude
- #s taken as a name (i.e. jersey #s to players, used to differentiate)
Describe ordinal scales.
- Numbers are used as a way to rank items
- The intervals between the numbers are not equal
- Does have magnitude
- Cannot use rankings to measure exact differences b/w rankings
Describe interval scales.
- The numbers represent magnitude
- Equal intervals
- No absolute zero
(i.e. temperature)
Describe ratio scales.
- Scales have magnitude, equal intervals, and an absolute zero
(i.e. money)
What is a frequency distribution?
Summarizes the scores of a group of individuals; it is most typically bell shaped
Which direction is the tail facing in a positively skewed distribution?
toward the RIGHT (lesser values - cluster location)
Which direction is the tail facing in a negatively skewed distribution?
toward the LEFT (greater value - cluster location)
What does a percentile rank tell you?
What percent of the scores fall below a particular score (therefore need to know how many cases are in a data set)
How many cases fall below where you are divided by how many total cases
What are the ways to describe distributions?
Mean, standard deviation, variance, z scores, and t scores
What are some pros of cognitive assessment?
- some accuracy in predicting future behavior
- sensitive to neuropsychological deficits
- information about strengths and weaknesses
- able to assess baseline or changes
What are some cons of cognitive assessment?
- stereotypical categories
- generalized findings
- "traditional" intelligence
- focus on the "right" answer
- biased of European, middle class values
Why did David Wechsler develop the WAIS?
He thought the Stanford-Binet geared too much towards kids and towards vocabulary
In what year was the first version of the WAIS published and how many subtests was it comprised of?
1939; 11 subtests
Where did the eleven original subtests originate from?
Parts from Stanford-Binet, parts from Army Beta and parts from Army Alpha Group Exams
What were the eleven original subtests?
Comprehension, Arithmetic, Digit Span, Similarities, Vocabulary, Information, Picture Arrangement, Block Design, Digit-Symbol Coding, Picture Completion, Object Assembly
What is the history of the Wechsler intelligence tests?
1939 - Wechsler-Bellvue Intelligence Scale
1946 - W-BIS II
1955 - WAIS
1981 - WAIS-R
1997 - WAIS III
2008 - WAIS IV
What were some of the issues with the first published versions of the WAIS?
reliability and size of the sample used for the normative population
In what sort of instances would you use testing?
Placement (educational, vocational, military); services; diagnosis; dementia
What is considered the "gold standard" in the WAIS-IV?
The reference group of 20-34 year olds
Wechsler scales are said to be the best of all intelligence scales why?
Because they have many reliable psychometric properties
What are some of the biggest differences of the WAIS-IV to previous versions?
- Simplified structure
- More attention to fluid intelligence, working memory & processing speed
- More consideration for older examinees
- Range of norms for age groups larger
Out of the 15 subtests that comprise the WAIS-IV, how many are taken directly from the WAIS-III?
What are the three new subtests and what do they measure?
Visual puzzles (broad abilities/abstraction), figure weights (logic/quantitative reasoning), and Cancellation (selective attention)
What are the four index scales?
Verbal Comprehension, Perceptual Reasoning, Working Memory, Processing Speed
Which subtests make up the core subtests of the VCI? Which are supplemental? (WAIS-IV)
CORE: similarities, vocabulary, information
SUPPLEMENTAL: comprehension
Which subtests make up the core subtests of the PRI? Which are supplemental? (WAIS-IV)
CORE: block design, matrix reasoning, visual puzzles
SUPPLEMENTAL: figure weights, picture completion
Which subtests make up the core subtests of the WMI? Which are supplemental? (WAIS-IV)
CORE: digit span, arithmetic
SUPPLEMENTAL: letter-number sequencing
Which subtests make up the core subtests of the PSI? Which are supplemental? (WAIS-IV)
CORE: symbol search, coding
SUPPLEMENTAL: cancellation
Which subtests (core or supplemental) have age restrictions? What is the age restriction?
- figure weights, letter-number sequencing, & cancellation
- 16 to 69
When you score for the GAI which composite scores are being used?
The three VCI subtests and three PRI subtests
True or False: If the GAI is used instead of the FSIQ, you still need to report/interpret the WMI and PSI findings?
This is considered to be the most valid measure of overall cognitive functioning.
What are considered "process scores" for the WAIS-IV?
What are the applications of the WAIS-IV?
- determine cognitive functioning (strengths and weaknesses)
- determine intellectual disability/giftedness
What are the rules for using supplemental subtests?
1. Only one substitution is allowed per index
2. No more than two substitutions are allowed when deriving the FSIQ and GAI (i.e. for the whole test)
What are some of the main things to be aware of during administration of the WAIS-IV?
start points, reverse rules, discontinue rules, querying, prompting
What does BLOCK DESIGN assess for?
visual processing, visualization, visual-spatial construction ability, visual perceptual reasoning and organization, visual motor processing and coordination, spatial perception, abstract conceptualizing ability
analysis and synthesis, speed of mental and visual-motor processing, planning ability, concentration, fine-motor coordination, visual perceptual discrimination
What does SIMILARITIES assess for?
crystallized knowledge, language development, lexical knowledge, verbal comprehension, abstract thinking ability, reasoning ability, capacity for associative thinking
ability to separate essential from nonessential details, long-term memory, vocabulary, receptive and expressive language
What are some interpretive considerations for block design?
behavioral observations are sometimes the key to explaining test results; consider the implications of high and low scaled scores
What are some interpretive considerations for similarities?
behavioral observations; determining individual's level of conceptualization (concrete, functional, abstract); consider implications of high and low scores
What does DIGIT SPAN assess for?
working memory, memory span, rote memory, immediate auditory memory, concentration, numerical ability
What are some interpretive considerations for digit span?
observations of individual's failures involve: omittance, transposing, interjecting incorrect digits, producing more digits than given, recalling correct digits in incorrect order, failing first trial but passing second
What does MATRIX REASONING assess for?
nonverbal fluid reasoning ability, visual processing, induction, visualization, visual-perceptual organization, reasoning ability
ability to form analogies, attention to details, concentration, spatial ability, visual-perceptual discrimination
What does VOCABULARY assess for?
crystallized knowledge, language development, lexical knowledge, verbal comprehension, vocabulary, fund of information, richness of ideas
long-term memory, verbal fluency, conceptual thinking, receptive and expressive language
Which subtest is the best measure of "g" in the WAIS-IV and how much of it's variance is attributed to "g"?
vocabulary, 61%
What are some interpretive considerations for vocabulary?
be alert to language deficits (i.e. word retrieval difficulties, circumstantial speech, tangential speech), other expressive difficulties
distinguish between clang associations, acoustic confusions, and idiosyncratic or bizarre associations
What does ARITHMETIC assess for?
quantitative knowledge, long and short-term memory, fluid reasoning ability, mathematical achievement, working memory, quantitative reasoning
mental computation, application of basic arithmetical processes, concentration, attention, mental alertness, auditory sequential processing
What are some interpretive considerations for arithmetic?
carefully observe individual's performance; note if repetition is needed, how often needed, and if it helps; consider implication of high and low scaled scores
What does SYMBOL SEARCH assess for?
processing speed, perceptual speed, psychomotor speed, attention, concentration, visual short-term memory, fine-motor coordination