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54 Cards in this Set

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Knowledge representation
The form for what you know in your mind about things, ideas, events and so on in the outside world
Declaratie knowledge
Facts that can be stated; such as date of birth (Know That)
Procedural Knowledge
Knowledge of procedures that can be implemented...tying shoe lace. (Know How)
WHAT ARE THE two main sources of empirical data on knowledge representation?
Standard laboratory experiments and neuropsychological studies.
What are two ways researchers studies knowledge representation
1) observe how the normal brain responds to various cognitive tasks involving knowledge representation
2) they observe the links between various deficits in knowledge representation and associated pathologies in the brain
Similar to the real world object so a picture of a cat is analogous to the real thing
Symbolic Representation
When the word and what it represetns is arbitrary. It means that the word cat does not make it catlike. It requires application of rules.
what do pictures capture?
they capture concrete and spatial info analogous to what they represent
What do words capture?
capture abstract and categgorical info that is symbolic of what it represents.
Mental representation of things that are not currently seen or sensed by the sense organs
what are some fun facts about mental imagery?
can represent things that you have never experienced.
Can imagine any sense modalities
But we are more aware of visual imagery than of other forms of imagery
Use it to solve problems and answer questions involving objects
-Some of us are better at creating mental images better than others
-Mental images can help to improve memory
What is dual-code theory
We use both pictorial and verbal codes for representing information
Analog codes
Mental images are analog codes; they resemble the objects they are representing.
Symbolic code
Form of knowledge represntation that has been chosen arbitrarily to stand for something that does not perceptually resemble what is being represented. This is what words are represented in
Visual and verbal tasks do not interfere with each other Why?
They are on two different systems, supporting the dual code theory. the two codes are imaginal (analogical) and verbal (symbolic)
What is another theory countering the dual-code theory?
Propositional theory
Propositional theory:
We do not store mental representations in the form of images or mere words. The images are actaully an epiphenomena: a secondary and derivative phenomena that occur as a result of other more basic cognitive processes.
What is a propositional representation?
There is a relationship between elements; the subject element; the object element.

It is neither mental visuals nor words. It is an abstract form of representing the underlying meanings of knowledge.
What are limitations of mental images?
-Hard to call up a precise analogical image.
-Mental images aren't the same as the figures
What are limitations of the propositional theory?
-We don't need a propositional code to manipulate info, but can manipulate mental images directly
When do people mentally reinterpret their images?
-Use implicit reference frame hint. (use another ambiguous figure involving realignment of the reference frame)
-Explicit reference frame hint
-Attention hint: attend to different regions
Construals from good parts
What is functional equivalence
individuals using about the same operations to serve about the same purposes for their respective domains.
What is the functional equivalence hypothesis:
though visual imagery is not identical to visual perception, it is functionally equivalent to it.
Mental Rotation
rotationally transforming an object's visual mental image. We can rotate things in our mind.
What is a degraded stimuli?
Stimuli that is blurry, incomplete, or otherwise less informative.
What is practice effects?
improvements in performance associated with increased practice. This does not appear to carry over to rotation tasks for novel figures
Gender difference and Mental Rotation
-Yong don't have gender difference.
-Difference n activation of the parietal regions between men and women.
-Training cause gender difference to decrease or even disappear
Can spatial and represntational neglect occur separately?
yes, they can occur independent of one another
In representational neglect, which side can they not recall?
Left side.
What is the dual-code theory
knowledge is represented both in images and in symbols
Mental Models
Knowledge structures that individuals construct to understand and explain their experiences. it is dependent on your belief.
What is haptic imagery?
touch based imagery
what does the right hemisphere represent and manipulate?
Visuospatial knwledge in a manner similar to perception
What does the left hemisphere appear to represnt?
more proficient in represnting and manipulating verbal and other sumbol-based knowledge
what are the two types of memory stored?
visual and spatial
What could patient L.H. not do?
he was not able to recognize the pictures he could copy. He could not llink verbal to the objects. So visual was imparied but spatial was spared.
What is patial cognition
deals with the acqusition, organization, and use of knowlege about the objects and actions in two and 3D spaces
What are cognitive maps
internal representations of our physical environment; particularly centereing on spatial relationships.
What are the three types of knowledge humans use when forming and using cognitive maps?
1. Landmark knowledge: info about particular features at a location and may be based on both imaginal and propositional representations
2. Route-road knowledge: involves specific pathways for moving from one location to another.
3. Survey knowledge: estimated distances between landmarks like on a survey map.
What is the heuristic right angle bias?
people think of intersections forming 90 degree angles more oft than they really do
What is the heuristic symmetry heuristic
People think of shapes (states or countries ) being more symmertircal than they really are
What is the heuristic rotation heuristic?
When representing figures and boundaries that are slightly slanted, people see it as more vertical or more horizontal than they really are
What is the heuristic alignemnt huristic:
People represent landmarks and boundaries that are slightly out of alignment by distorting their mental images to be better aligned than they really are
What is the heuristic Relative position heuristic
Relative positions of particular landmarks and boundaries is distorted in mental images in ways that more accuratefly reflect people's conceptual knowledge about the contexts in which the landmarks and boundaries are located.
What are common five heuristics?
1. Right angle
2 .Symmetry
3. Rotation
4. Aligment
5. Relative position

What is the propositional theory?
It isn't stored in the form of images; and have a generic code that is called propositional.

store the meaning of the concept.
What properties of pictoral representations like visual perception?
1. Rotation
2. size zooming,
3. Scanning
4. Brain Locus
WHat is a mental model
Representation of a described situation rather than a representation of a text itself for the propositions conveyed by a text...construct the world in your mind to understand, maybe even as a story
What two types of imaging exists?
Visual and Spatial
Neglect is damage to where?
Right posterior parietal lobe.
What is memory for?
1. memory'
2. Make implicit knowledge conscious
3. Prepare for future actions
what is perception like?
a quasi pictorial reperesnetation
like perception in confusability and intereference
o wlike perception how?
in distortion, inspeaction is diffucult
What is confusability
Banana...can't tell what is perception and what is imagery