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38 Cards in this Set

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is a system of communication using sounds or symbols that enables us to express our feelings, thoughts, ideas, and experiences.


that these components can be arranged in certain ways, but not in other ways

Rule-based nature of language

the field concerned with the psychological study of language.


means that it consists of a series of small components that can be combined to form larger units. (Ex: words can be combined to create phrases, which in turn can create sentences, which themselves can become components of a story.)

Hierarchical nature of language

Four major concerns

Comprehension, Representation, Speech Production and Acquisition

How do people understand spoken and written language?


How is language represented in the mind?


How do people produce language?

Speech production.

all of the words we know, which has also been called our “mental dictionary.


the meaning of language.


meaning of words.

Lexical semantics

with which a word appears in a language

Word Frequency

to the fact that we respond more rapidly to high-frequency words like home than to low-frequency words like hike

Word Frequency Effect

in which the task is to decide as quickly as possible whether strings of letters are words or nonwords

Lexical decision task

the perception of individual words even though there are often no pauses between words.

Speech segmentation

words can often have more than one meaning.

Lexical Ambiguity

is priming that involves the meaning of words. It occurs when a word is followed by another word with a similar meaning

Lexical priming

the structure of a sentence


how meaning is created by the grouping of words into phrases.


Sentences like this one, which begin appearing to mean one thing but then end up meaning something else.

Garden Path Sentences

One of the early proposals to explain parsing, and garden path sentences in particular.

Garden Path Model of Parsing

States that as people read a sentence, their grouping of words into phrases is governed by a number of processing mechanisms.


The idea that information in addition to syntax participates in processing as a person reads or hears a sentence.

Constraint-based Approach to Parsing

which involves determining how information in a scene can influence how a sentence is processed

Visual world paradigm

The construction is the embedded clause is called embedded, because who spotted the reporter is inside the main clause. The senator is the subject of both the main clause and the embedded clause.

Subject-relative Construction

The construction is the senator is the subject of the main clause, as before, and is also replaced by who in the embedded clause, but is the object in this clause. The senator is the object because he is the target who wasspotted. (The reporter is the subject of this clause, because he did the spotting.)

Object-relative Construction

determining what the text means by using our knowledge to go beyond the information provided by the text.


the representation of the text in a person’s mind that creates clear relations between parts of the text and between parts of the text and the main topic of the story.


inference that involves inferring that both shes in the second sentence refer to Riffifi

Anaphoric inference

This approach to how we understand sentences proposes that as people read or hear a story. simulates the perceptual and motor (movement) characteristics of the objects and actions in a story

Situation Model

states that a speaker should construct sentences

Given–new contract

A task in which two people are exchanging information in a conver-sation, when this information involves reference— identifying something by naming or de-scribing it

Referential communication task

synchronization between the two partners


Consider how conversational partners can end up coordinating their grammatical constructions.

Syntactic Coordination

hearing a statement with a particular syntactic construction increases the chances that a sentence will be produced with the same construction.

Syntactic priming

the pattern of intonation and rhythm in spoken language


How the notes of a melody are organized around the note associated with the composition’s key.


Patients who are born having problems with music perception have severe problems with tasks such asdiscriminating between simple melodies or recognizing common tunes. Yet these individuals often have normal language abilities

Congenital Amusia