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65 Cards in this Set

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Kaldi the goat herder was from...
When were coffee cherries first discovered?
c. A.D. 800-900
A monk came across Kaldi and his goats, so he collected cherries from them. What did he do with them?
He crushed them and added boiling water
Where were coffee beans first roasted cultivated on plantations?
Yemen (Arabia)
Qahwa means
That which prevents sleep
When did coffee reach Arabia?
c. 1000
How did Arabs keep traders from sprouting coffee beans in their homelands?
By roasting them
Who smuggled untreated coffee beans outside of Mecca?
An Indian pilgrim
When did coffee begin spreading with Islam?
How did Muslims prepare coffee at first?
As a bean broth
When did coffee reach Constantinople (Istanbul)?
When did coffee reach Europe?
When did coffee houses open in Italy?
When did coffee houses appear in London
When did coffee houses begin in Paris?
When was coffee smuggled out of the port of Mocha?
When did the Dutch start exporting coffee?
Who smuggled coffee out of Mocha?
The Dutch
When did Amsterdam become a trading center for coffee?
Who was one person that the Dutch gave coffee to as a gift?
Louis XIV
Who planted the "Noble Tree"?
Louis XIV
who stole a sprout from the "Noble Tree"?
A naval officer who was on leave in Paris
Where did the naval officer take his sprout of the "Noble Tree"?
Where do some people think most Coffea arabica trees in the former French colonies of Central and Latin America came from?
The sprout stolen from the "Noble Tree"
When did Louis XIV receive the coffee used to plant the "Noble Tree"?
How did coffee come to Brazil?
Brazilian Lieutenant Palheta was given seeds of coffee by the wife of French Guiana's governor
When did coffee come to Brazil?
Where did the Dutch begin growing coffee in 1690?
Ceylon and the colony of Java
Coffee leaf rust appears in Ceylon
How long did the coffee leaf rust epidemic last?
10 years
When did the New York Coffee Exchange open?
What does CSCE stand for?
Coffee, sugar, and cocoa exchange
Who invented the vacuum sealed coffee package?
R. W. Hills
When was the vacuumed sealed coffee packaging invented?
What was one event that as bad for the business of local coffee roasters?
The invention of vacuum sealed coffee packages
Who invented the first commercial espresso machine?
Luigi Bezzera
When was the first commercial espresso machine built?
When was decaffeination discovered?
According to legend, who discovered decaffeination?
German coffee importers Ludwig Roselius and Karl Wimmer
How was decaffeination supposedly invented?
When shipment of beans from Nicaragua was soaked in sea water
When was soluble coffee invented?
Who invented soluble coffee?
Japanese-American chemist Satori Kato
Who first mass porduced instant coffee?
George Washington
When was instant coffee first mass produced?
Who invented the first coffee filter?
Melitta Bentz
What material was used for the first coffee filter?
blotting paper
When was the first coffee filter invented?
Who developed the first automatic espresso machine?
Dr. Ernesto Illy
What did Dr. Ernesto Illy believe that the perfect shot of espresso should do?
"paint the tongue"
When was the first automatic espresso machine built?
What was commercialized to help reduce the surplus of Brazilian coffee?
Instant coffee
Who developed and commercialized instant coffee that did not lose flavor?
Who spent seven years perfecting their freeze dried instant coffee?
Max Morgenthaler
When did Nestle commercialize instant coffee?
Before 1945, how were espresso machines made?
They were steam-based
Who invented the piston pump based espresso machine?
Achille Gaggia
What invention created the "crema" on an espresso shot?
The piston pump based espresso machine
When were piston based espresso machines invented?

What does the word 'cappuccino' mean?

little hood

How did the cappuccino get its name?
The cap of foam on top of the drink reminded Italians of the Capuchins, the brown hooded monks in the area
When did the word cappuccino come about?
Who is credited with bringing custom coffee roasting to North America?
Alfred Peet
When did specialty coffee come to the United States?
Who were three founders of Starbucks?
Jerry Baldwin. Zev Siegl, and Gordon Bowker
When did Starbucks open its first store?