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20 Cards in this Set

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Parity bit

Added to o messages to check for errors.

The parity bit can be either even or odd

Cyclic redundancy check

Much more powerful way of creating a check. Instead of a single parity bit, it will produce a string of bits as its check.

How can XOR be used to create backup discs?

There are 2 drives on a computer, each contain binary data.

A backup drive is created by taking the XOR of the 2 drives.

If an of the 3 drives fail, you can recover the by taking the XOR of the other 2 drives.

Hamming(7,4) code

Code that consists of blocks of 7 bits, 4 of which is the actual data and the other 3 are parity bits.

It is an error correcting code or that can detect up to 2 errors, but can only correct any 1 error.

Rate of a code

The message length/block length

e.g. hamming(7,4): 4/7

Hamming codes are considered perfect because of their high code rates.

A code with the best rate that can possibly be achieved for a code of a certain length with a specified error I correcting abilities is called a perfect code

Prefix-free codes

A set of codewords where no codeword appears at the beginning of any other codeword. No codeword is a prefix of another.

This set {10, 11,101} is not a prefix-free code because 10 appears at the beginning of 101.

But this set {11, 10, 001} is prefix free

Linear codes

The combination (via XOR) of any 2 codewords gives another possible codeword.

Also any linear codeword must contain the all-zero codeword

Cyclic codes

Are linear and every cyclic permutation of a codeword is also a valid codeword.

Linear feedback shift

To take certain predefined digits of this keyword, perform an operation like XOR on them, and then put the output on the left of the keyword, shifting everything in the keyword one place to the right, so the last digit falls off and disappears.

Practical issues for linear feedback shift register

Highly useful for generating pseudo-random sequences

Useful in various applications e.g. generating a model of white noise in a communication channel.

Used heavily in digital transmissions especially for scrambling of data.

Appear in applications like DAB radio and NICAM sound

Also used in applications like GPS and Bluetooth

Commonly used due to their simplicity.

Secret key and public key crypt

Secret key can be likened to boxes and locks.

With secret key cryptography both Alice and Bob have identical keys that unlock the box with the message.

But with public key Bob has the only decryption key.

Advantages of public key

Bob has the only key so if the messages is intercepted before it gets to bob, it cannot be cracked.


Bob cannot verify who the message came from, and if the key gets lost then the message can't be decrypted.

Advantage of secret key

Both bob and alice have the same key so they can both decrypt the message.

Disadvantage of secret key

Someone might be able to get the key while it is being transmitted.

Somebody might also pretend to be your partner and ask for the key

Primitive root

A set of numbers mod (n) for some n. A number g in this set is called a primitive root (mod n) if g, g^2,....g^(n-1) are all different (mod n) e.g. 5 mod 7.

5 is a primitive root (mod 7)

Elliptic Curve

An equation of the form:


Many cryptographic algorithms can be adapted to use elliptic curve groups rather than the multiplicative group (mod p)

The Diffie-Hellman elliptic curve key exchange scheme is an example of an elliptic curve method.


Historical steganography was when the head of a trusted slave was shaved and a message was tattooed on it. The hair grew back to hide the message and the slave was sent to dispatch the message. The person on the receiving end shaves the slaves head to read the message.

Modern day steganography is when documents are hidden within digital images.

Digital signature

A mathematical technique used to validate the authenticity and integrity of a message or digital documents

Digital signature picture

Alice takes her message m and applies some hashing algorithm to it to obtain the hash h .

Alice then encrypts the hash h using her private key to obtain her signature s

She then encrypts the message using bobs public key and send the encrypted message to bob.

Bob decrypts the message using his private key and obtains the message and the signature s

Bob decrypts the signature s using Alice's public key to obtain the hash h

Finally bob applies the agreed hashing algorithm to m. If everything is in order then he should obtain the same hash h as in the previous step.

Certificate authority

A designated body that can authorise a user.

Digital certificates contain details of the public key, the algorithm uses to obtain it, details of the user requesting the certificate and the authority issuing it.

They contain a valid from date, and an expiry date.

Widely used certificate authority:










Privacy The need to keep the data secret from anyone other than the intended recipient. Authentication Ensuring that who you think you are communicating with is actually that person. Integrity Making sure that the message received is the actual message sent. Non-repudiation Once a transaction has taken place neither party can later deny it.

The need to keep the data secret from anyone other than the intended recipient. Authentication Ensuring that who you think you are communicating with is actually that person. Integrity Making sure that the message received is the actual message sent. Non-repudiation Once a transaction has taken place neither party can later deny it.



Ensuring that who you think you are communicating with is actually that person. Integrity Making sure that the message received is the actual message sent. Non-repudiation Once a transaction has taken place neither party can later deny it.

person. Integrity Making sure that the message received is the actual message sent. Non-repudiation Once a transaction has taken place neither party can later deny it.


Making sure that the message received is the actual message sent. Non-repudiation Once a transaction has taken place neither party can later deny it.

Non-repudiation Once a transaction has taken place neither party can later deny it.

Once a transaction has taken place neither party can later deny it.

Does a public key infrastructure address all of these issues?


No-one apart from bob can recover the message as it was sent using his public key, so only his private key can decrypt it.


The signature was created by Alice's private key so no-one else can create the same signature, since no one knows this private key.


If the message is changed during transmission then the hashes will not match. This could be a problem with authentication (bob can't confirm Alice's identity) or integrity (the message has changed)

Bob will notice the hashes don't match and so he knows something went wrong.


The signature acts as confirmation that this transaction really happened and was signed for by Alice so she can't later deny it happened.

Yes a public key infrastructure addresss all of these issues.

Quantum cryptography

Is based on physics and quantum mechanics. It is an entirely different approach to cryptography