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53 Cards in this Set

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Respiratory subsection includes surgical procedures

involving the nose and sinuses, larynx, trachea and bronchi, and lungs and pleura

Nasal endoscopic procedure

allow the physician to visualize the interior of the nasal cavity, the middle and superior meatus, the turbinates, and the sphenoethmoid recess

A surgical endoscopy

may be performed to stop a nose bleed or to perform a maxillary antrostomy or sphenoidotomy

T/F A diagnostic endoscopy should not be reported separately when performed during the same operative episode as a surgical endoscopy.


T/F A sinusotomy is considered part of the endoscopic procedure and not reported separately.


T/F Respiratory can be left and right (bilateral)


What should be assigned when the documentation indicates that a bilateral procedure was performed and the specific code does not state bilateral

modifier 50

Key points to remember for nasal sinus endoscopy

1. seperate codes should not be assigned to identify a diagnostic nasal sinus endoscopy when it is performed with a surgical nasal sinus endoscopy

2. surgical endoscopy includes a sinusotomy

3. modifier 50 should be assigned to identify a bilateral procedure only if the code does not specify bilateral

Right lung has how many lobes


upper, middle, and lower

Left lung has how many lobes


upper lobe and lower lobe

The upper respiratory drawing was named


What is a Laryngoscopy?

an endoscopic procedure that allows the physician to visualize the larynx, or voice box.

T/F Laryngoscopy may be performed for surgical purposes or diagnostic purposes


What is an indirect laryngoscopy?

simplest way to examine the laynx.

How is an indirect laryngoscopy performed?

use of a small mirror placed in the back of the throat. It is the simplest and least expensive but does require a lot of skill from the physician. Can not be done on small children or a person with strong gag reflex.

What is a direct laryngoscopy?

procedures such as biopsy, removal of a lesion, arytenoidectomy, and removal of foreign body. Patient is under general anesthesia to avoid the gag reflex.

What is flexible laryngoscopy?

performed with flexible equipment, tropical anesthesia and vasoconstrictor, instrument is passed through the nasal cavity. More comfortable approach to visualizing the larynx, pharynx, and nasal cavity. Strobe light may be use so physician can visualize the vocal cords

What questions should be asked when assigning a code for a laryngoscopy?

1. What is the purpose of the laryngoscopy?

2. Which type of laryngoscope was used? direct, indirect, flexible

3. Was stroboscopy used

What is a Bronchoscope?

an instrument that can be inserted into either the nose or the mouth and passed through the treachea, the larynx, and into the bronchial tubes.

What is the indication for a bronchoscopy?

hemoptysis, a persistent cough that is unresponsive to medication, shortness of breath, an acute upper airway obstruction, or abnormal chest x-ray or infection

What is a rigid scope?

referred to as a open tube bronchoscope. inserted through the mouth and most often used to remove foreign objects or to secure a larger that normal biopsy sample.

What is a flexible bronchoscopy?

more common, consist of a flexible tube with many small fibers that allow the transmission of light.

What is cell washing?

introducing saline solution into the airways then sent to the lab for cytological examination.

T/F Brushing is another method of specimen collection.


What is the advantage of brushing?

brushings allow the diagnosis to be made on the basis of tissue that could not be obtained normally with biopsy

Protected specimen brush (PSB)

is contained in a double catheter.

Bronchial alveolar lavage (BAL)

is performed to collect cell from peripheral lung tissue. Sterile saline is instilled into the airways in aliquots of 20 ml to 50 ml. Suctioned out and sent to lab for cytological exam.

T/F Transbronchial lung biospy is done when a diagnosis of lung disease is made

True -- procedure is less invasive that open lung biopsy and carries less risk of morbidity

What is endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS)?

procedure used in the diagnosis of lung cancer, lung infection, and othe diasease the cause enlarged lymph nodes in the chest. Minimally invasive procedure allows for samples of lung masses and lymph nodes with ultrasound guidance.

Lung Procedures



Wedge resection

Segmental resection


removal of entire lung


removal of one lobe of the lung

removal of two lobes is bilobectomy

Wedge resection

removal of small, wedge shaped portion of the lung

Segmental resection

removal of a large portion of the lung

Diagnostic vs. Therapeutic Procedures



biospy of lung nodule using a wedge technique requires only a tissue sample

therapeutic wedge resection that includes attention to marging and a complete resection of the area.

What is Thoracoscopy (video-assisted thoracic VATS)

during surgery a tiny camera and surgical instrument is inserted in the chest through small incisions.


big incision


small incision to do the procedure

T/ F Diagnostic endoscopy is included in the surgical endoscopy code.


Types of Anesthesia

1. general

2. local

3. epidural

4. spinal

5. regional

General anesthesia

unconsciousness state

Local anesthesia

agent place directly on area


injection to epidural space in spine


injection into subarachnoid space


blocks a specific region of body

T/ F Counting anesthesia time begins with preparation of the patient by the anesthesiologist and ends when the anesthesiologist no longer is in attendance.


T/F A separate report must be submitted describing the type of emergency when code 99140 is used


Modifier P1

normal healthy patient

Modifier P2

mild systemic disease

Modifier P3

severe systemic disease (diabetes out of control)

Modifier P4

severe systemic disease that is a constant threat to life (end stage renal failure)

Modifier P5

moribund patient who is not expected to survive without the operation

Modifier P6

declared brain dead whose organs are being removed for donor purposes