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48 Cards in this Set

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What are the other 2 names for Vitamin B3?
Niacin AND Nicotinic Acid
Niacin (vitamin B3) is a precursor for what electron carriers?
in what type of reaction, is Biotin a cofactor?
Carboxylation. Biotin serves as a CO2 carrier.
what does Biotin bind to?
to lysine residues in a number of enzymes
What's a component of coenzyme A?
pantothenic acid
What is the key role of folic acid?
plays key role in one-carbon metabolism
To what tail does folic acid usually attached to?
to a polyglutamate tail
What inhibits the synthesis of folic acid in microorganisms?
What inhibits the synthesis of folic acid in both humans and microorganisms?
What makes folic acid?
pteridine precursor + PABA
Why do we need folic acid for?
amino acid synthesis, purine synthesis, and thymidine synthesis
Is folate deficiency the most common vitamin deficiency in the US? What population?
Yes, women and alcoholics
Deficiency of folate can cause?
megaloblastic anemia
What causes megaloblastic anemia?
a reduction in purine and pyrimidine synthesis
What's recommended dosage of folate for women of childbearing age?
0.4 mg
What can mask vitamin B12 deficiency?
Too much folate
Can vitamin B12 deficiency cause severe neurological problems?
What's another name for vitamin B12?
vitamin B12 is essential for 2 reactions, which are?
Synthesis of methionine AND Isomerization of methylmalonylCoA
What makes vitamin B12?
microorganisms, not in plants
Is deficiency of vitamin B12 common?
No, it's usually rare as it is abundant in many foods
What can result from not be able to absorb vitamin B12?
pernicious anemia
What's another name for vitamin B6?
What are noncoenzyme vitamins?
What's another name for vitamin C?
absorbic acid
What's the function of vitamin A?
roles in vision, growth, reproduction
What's the function of vitamin C?
What's the function of vitamin D?
regulation of calcium and phosphate metabolism
What's the function of vitamin E?
What's the function of vitamin K?
blood coagulation
What are 3 therapeutic agents of retinoids?
treatment of psoriasis, treatment of promyelocytic leukemia, AND treatment of severe acne
Is vitamin C fat soluble?
No,it's water soluble.
What can lack of sunlinght cause in children and adults?
demineralization of the bone; Rickets in children AND osteomalacia in adults
Vitamin D: what is transported from the skin to the liver?
What's cholecalciferol converted to in the liver ?
25-OH D3
What's the main storage of vitamin D in the body?
25-OH D3 in the liver
What's 25-OH D3 converted to in the kidneys?
1,25 diOH D3
What enzyme converts 25OH D3 in the kidneys?
25 hydroxycalciferol 1 hydroxylase
What activates 25 hydroxycalciferol 1 hydroxylase in the kidneys?
low plasma phosphate and indirectly by low plasma calcium
What hormone does low plasma calcium stimulates?
the release of parathyroid hormone PTH
What does excess of vitamin E causes?
cardiovasuclar disease
Is vitamin E an important antioxidant?
What is vitamin K derivative of?
a quinone found in vegetables
what synthesized vitamin K?
gut bacteria
What is vitamin K essential for?
gamma -carboxylation of coagulation factors
What coagulation factors does vitamin K is essential for?
7, 9, 10 prothrombin
Is vitamin K an anticoagulant?
What inhibits vitamin K ?
anticoagulants of the warfarin family which inhibits the carboxylation reaction