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94 Cards in this Set

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Routes of infection
–Blood spread - arteries or veins
–Direct spread, e.g. surgery, trauma, cribriform plate
–Extension of a local infection (sinuses, mastoids)
–Retrograde axonal transport
Streptococcus pneumoniae
–Neutralises secretory IgA
–Capsule resists binding of factors that activate complement
–Binds to receptors on endothelial cells, internalised to CSF
Neurological infections in immunosuppressed
–Immunosuppresive treatment
–Monoclonal antibody therapy (e.g. natalizumab for MS)

•Common organisms
–Viruses: progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (JC virus), herpes simplex and zoster
Patterns of Neurological Infections
–Infection in the subarachnoid space
–Acute or subacute
–Widespread infection within the brain and/or spinal cord, usually due to a virus
–Localised collection of pus
–Non-localised collection of pus: empyema
•Prion diseases
–Spongy change in brain
Acute meningitis
•Organisms via blood or nearby infection (e.g. sinuses, nasal colonisation with meningococcus)
•Fever, headache, photophobia, NECK STIFFNESS
•Diagnosis via CSF examination or blood culture
•Bacterial (pyogenic) or viral (aseptic)
Acute bacterial meningitis
- complications
•CSF shows numerous neutrophils, low glucose, high protein
•Acute inflammatory exudate in subarachnoid space
– Complications: block of CSF outlets with hydrocephalus, cranial nerve damage (especially 6 and 8), occlusion of blood vessels with infarction
Acute bacterial meningitis common organisms

Meningococcus (nasal), pneumococcus (blood), Hemophilus influenzae B (especially infants, vaccination has reduced incidence)

Encapsulation helps bacteria infect CNS
Acute viral meningitis
- common organisms
•Common organisms
–Echo, coxsackie, mumps, measles
•CSF shows lymphocytes, normal glucose, protein ± raised
•Good prognosis
Chronic meningitis
•Gradual onset of non-specific symptoms (lethargy, headaches, confusion)
•Common organisms
•CSF organisms may be found (may need PCR, or India ink and antigen detection for Cryptococcus)
•Complications common
Encephalitis Definition
Encephalitis (from Ancient Greek ἐνκέφαλος enképhalos “brain”,[1] composed of ἐν “in” and κέφαλος “head”, and the medical suffix -itis “inflammation”) is an acute inflammation of the brain.
Encephalitis Aetiology
•Commonly due to viruses, but the cause of most cases of encephalitis remains unknown (some due not to viruses, but to antibodies against CNS proteins)
•Different viruses have predilections for different parts of the CNS
•Clinically: headaches, fever, focal neurological signs
•Microscopic: perivascular lymphocytes, neuronophagia, glial nodules, viral inclusion bodies
Herpes encephalitis
Herpes simplex virus type 1
•Alterations in mood, memory, behaviour
•Focal necrosis in temporal lobes, headache, confusion
•Treated with acyclovir
•Previous herpes in only 10% (not sexually transmitted)
•Different presentation in immunosuppressed

Commonest cause of severe sporadic encephalitis
1. Primary HSV infection, especially in the newborn,
often associated with generalised infection
- mainly due to HSV-2
2. Reactivation of HSV, with spread from dorsal root
ganglia to the brain (older children, adults)
- mainly due to HSV-1

Pathogenesis of HSE: acute necrotising encephalitis - disease is due to destruction of infected neurons as a result of virus-induced cytopathology (±immunopathology)
Untreated case fatality rate of HSE is ~70% (~30% with acyclovir therapy)
- high proportion of survivors have permanent neurological sequelae
- infants may require long-term suppressive therapy
HIV encephalitis
–Direct invasion of virus (microglia), dementia, multinuclear giant cells
–Opportunistic infections, primary cerebral lymphoma
OTHER Encephalitis types
•Arbovirus (insect-borne)
–Australian (Murray Valley) encephalitis, West Nile virus, Ross river fever (mostly arthritis/rash/fatigue)
•Fruit-bat borne
–Hendra virus (from fruit-bats to horses, then from horses to humans)
•Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE)
–Measles virus, children, lasts for months until death, inclusions
•Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML)
–Mainly in patients with deceased immunity. White matter lesions, JC virus, inclusions
–Release of latently infected immune cells
–Retrograde axonal spread
–Negri body
–Similar to lyssa virus
Negri Body
Negri bodies are eosinophilic, sharply outlined, pathognomonic inclusion bodies (2–10 µm in diameter) found in the cytoplasm of certain nerve cells containing the virus of rabies, especially in Ammon's horn of the hippocampus.
Murray Valley Encephalitis
•Mostly in south-eastern Australia
•Most infections are subclinical (up to 1/3 of population may be sero-positive)
•Wide disease spectrum (mild to death)
•Mosquito vector spreads virus from water birds to humans
•Epidemics every 5-10 years, depending on rainfall (sentinel chicken flocks)
West Nile encephalitis
•Bird-mosquito cycle of virus, with humans incidentally infected
•Took only 4 years to spread from the east to the west coast of the USA, with 2 million infections and 10,000 cases of encephalitis/meningitis
•Good example of human activity facilitating the emergence and spread of novel pathogens
•In 1996, a fruit bat in northern NSW was found to have an encephalitis due to Lyssavirus, which is closely related to rabies
•At the same time, an animal carer in Queensland developed a rabies-like illness and died after being scratched by a fruit bat; she was found to have Lyssavirus infection
•An 8 year old Queensland boy died of Lyssavirus infection in 2013 (third case in Australia)
•Fruit bats should not be approached or handled unnecessarily
•Brain and spinal cord involved

–Poliovirus enters motor neurons selectively
–Receptors on motor neurons

–Virus resides in the (sensory) posterior root ganglion after chicken-pox, when activated causes “shingles”
–Can also affect blood vessels (vasculopathy)
–Early treatment with acyclovir to prevent neuralgia

–Toxoplasma: immunosuppressed, cats
–Amoeba: free-living, e.g. from water entering nose
–Malaria: falciparum form (sequestration of parasitised RBCs can be seen on fundoscopy)

–Dog tapeworm (Echinococcus: hydatid disease); sheep
–Pig tapeworm (Taenia: cysticercosis)
–Rat lungworm (Angiostongylus cantonensis: molluscs)
Abscess: from blood septic emboli
•Bacterial endocarditis
•Chronic intrathoracic infections (bronchiectasis, lung abscess, empyema)
•Other (paradoxical with congenital heart disease, immunodeficiency, ?dental extractions)
•10% unknown cause
Abscess: from local spread

Pericranial infections

Chronic suppurative otitis media/mastoiditis
–Adhesion between temporal bone and temporal lobe or cerebellum
–Septic thrombophlebitis of draining veins → abscess
Brain Abscess
•Headaches, fever, focal neurological signs
•Focal inflammation followed by necrosis and formation of pus, then fibrous capsule formation
•Organisms from blood, nearby infections, or direct injury
•Abscess can spread (daughter abscesses)
•Four layers microscopically (pus, macrophages, granulation tissue, astrocytes)
•Often mixed organisms, anaerobes
•Can be intracerebral, subdural or extradural (rare)
Subdural abscess or empyema
•Usually an empyema, not an abscess
•Mostly young people
•Most often caused by spread from the paranasal sinuses or middle ear (esp. via thromobophlebitis)
•MRI better than CT for diagnosis
•Rapidly fatal without prompt diagnosis and treatment
Recent advances in neurological infections
•In young people with suspected encephalitis, antibodies to NMDA receptor are more common than any single viral cause
•Herpes simplex virus encephalitis in immunocompromised people can present atypically, and PCR of the CSF is needed
•Detection of parasite histidine-rich protein might be a useful marker for cerebral malaria
•A new vaccine for meningococcus serogroup B will soon be available
•Some bacteria attack from outside the CNS using toxins, e.g. E. coli
Bacterial Meningitis in the 80s
25 yr old data (HiB used to be the worst cause), vaccination for HiB in the 90s and so you don’t see it anymore
25 yr old data (HiB used to be the worst cause), vaccination for HiB in the 90s and so you don’t see it anymore
Contiguous Focus Meningitis
In majority of cases of meningitis
Colonisation of the nasopharynx by potential pathogens is followed by mucosal invasion
May follow direct extension of bacteria across a skull fracture in the area of the cribriform plate
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Neisseria meningitidis
Staphylococci – more likely post trauma
Gram negatives – rarer eg. post neurosurgery
Circulation Spread (Meningitis)
Meningitis may follow bacteremia
pneumonia (S.pneumoniae), meningococcaemia
endocarditis (S.aureus), urinary tract infection
Other predisposing conditions include asplenia, complement deficiency, HIV infection
Haemophilus influenzae
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Neisseria meningitidis
Listeria monocytogenes
Drugs Relief conundrum
Once u treat the patient the inflammation goes down and the BBB closes and thus no more drug entry to brain (conundrum)
Antimicrobials crossing the BBB
Enter the CSF by:
diffusion through endothelial cells
diffusion between tight junctions of endothelial cells
active transport through choroid villi

Leave the CSF by:
bulk transport through arachnoid villi
active transport across endothelial cells
Factors affecting CSF Antibiotic concentration
Molecular characteristics, viz:
Drug’s lipid solubility
Drug’s size and configuration
Degree of meningeal inflammation
(may reach therapeutic levels only when the meninges are inflamed)
Free plasma concentration, as determined by:
Plasma protein binding
Mode and dose of drug administration
Presence of an active transport system
Therapeutic ratio
B-lactams and BBB
β-lactams (eg penicillin) penetrate CSF poorly when BBB normal.
In meningeal inflammation, increased permeability occurs, a result of separation of intercellular light junctions (or increased numbers of pinocytotic vesicles in endothelial cells).
Entry decreases as inflammation subsides
CSF drug levels
Bactericidal activity in purulent CSF
pH of CSF decreased by lactate accumulation
inhibits bactericidal activity (aminoglycosides).
 CSF protein reduces efficacy of highly protein bound drugs - free drug needed for effect.
Drugs may be removed by active transport system in choroid plexus (penicillins, cephalosporins), or may be converted to inactive metabolites.
Other drugs influence activity in CSF. Antagonism when bactericidal and static agents co-administered (e.g., chloramphenicol + penicillin).
Antibiotic Combination (synergy)
Achieving Therapeutic CSF levels
3rd generation Cephalosporins (eg. cefotaxime, ceftriaxone, ceftazidime)
Therapeutic CSF levels NOT achievable
Aminoglycosides (eg.gentamicin)
1st / 2nd generation cephalosporins (eg.cephazolin) (acetylation during entry into CSF, loses activity)
Therapeutic CSF levels reliably achievable by standard doses and routes
Quinolones (ciprofloxacin, moxifloxacin)
Linezolid ______________________________________________________
Anti-TB drugs (isoniazid, rifampicin…)
Antifungals: (fluconazole, voriconazole). Not echinocandins
Antiretrovirals (zidovudine…)
Required MIC in CSF
5-10x MIC in CSF
and for >40% of the dosing interval
Antibiotic concentration in blood and CSF over time. The area under the curve represents cephalosporin penetration into the CSF
The right compartment and a drug can or cant be affective
thus when recieving the suceptibility reading on blood tests first think is the required MIC going to be achieved in the target area?
thus when recieving the suceptibility reading on blood tests first think is the required MIC going to be achieved in the target area?
Penicillin in pneumonia vs meningitis
S.pneumoniae Tx
Penicillin iv or amoxycillin antibiotics of choice in respiratory infection
Cefotaxime / ceftriaxone recommended in meningitis due to better CSF penetration, lower MICs
For empiric therapy, when MICs not yet available often vancomycin added
Rare strains with cefotaxime MICs > 4 mg/L
Penicillins do not eliminate carriage of PRSP and may select for such strains
Answers may lie in better vaccines
Bacterial Meningitis Acute MX
Suspected bacterial meningitis is a medical emergency
Untreated, the mortality is ~100 percent,
Even with optimal therapy, high failure rate
Empiric treatment should begin when diagnosis is suspected (thats why there is ceftrioxone in the doctors bag)
Use bactericidal agent(s) that achieve significant CSF levels
Immediate diagnostic steps to establish the cause (CSF examination)
Use bactericidal Agents
Use bactericidal agent(s) that achieve significant CSF levels
Bacteriostatic drugs, such as clindamycin and tetracycline, are inadequate
Chloramphenicol is a bacteriostatic drug for most enteric Gram negative rods; however, it is usually bactericidal for H.influenzae, N.meningitidis, and S.pneumoniae
Antibiotics in treatment of meningitis
Prompt Rx is associated with lower mortality and morbidity.
If bacterial meningitis suspected, 1 dose of iv / im penicillin, should be given before transfer to hospital as meningococcal septicaemia may be rapidly fatal.
Ceftriaxone an alternative in patients hypersensitive to penicillin or where further treatment may be delayed.
Empiricial Therapy
Covers the 3 major pathogens.
Intravenous. 7 – 10 days (unless meningococcus)
3rd generation cephalosporins
ceftriaxone/(cefotaxime) + penicillin/(ampicillin).
increasingly, vancomycin if ? pen-R pneumo
penicillin not required 3 months - 15 years. (ie. Listeria rare unless neonate, immune suppressed, pregnancy, alcoholism, >60yo)
Penicillin or cephalosporin ceased once organism identified and susceptibility available.
Antibiotic therapy results in cell lysis
Bacterial components cause inflammation. Peptidoglycan fragments are immunostimulatory.
PMNs can be toxic to host tissues – release protease, elastases, O2 radicals – result in cytokine release - TNF, IL1 – disruption of blood brain barrier
Early in a/b therapy TNF levels rise
Ability to downregulate host response reduces inflammatory damage if given prior to or simulatneously to antibiotics

HELPS with the morbidity of meningitis

Early dexamethasone in paediatric meningitis - reduced neurologic complications + deafness esp. in developed countries
4 x risk of deafness and late neurological sequelae in controls c/w steroid Rx
2 days as effective, less toxic than longer Rx
Role in adult meningitis variable but overall supports role of early steroids
 before or with 1st dose then q6 for 4 days
Brain abscess or empyema aeriology
Most polymicrobial with oral flora (Strep milleri, and anaerobic bacteria) predominating.
If otic origin, Gram-negative bacilli common
After trauma / surgery consider Staph aureus
Aspiration or biopsy essential to guide therapy.
3’GC + metronidazole. Duration of treatment depends on clinical and radiological response - ~ 4-6 weeks usually.
If brain abscess post neuroSx, usual to add vancomycin & use broad-spectrum Gram- β-lactam
Consider other aetiology in immune compromised (eg. nocardia, toxoplasma)
Epidural Abscess
Frequently associated with adjacent osteomyelitis or disc infection.
Likely to be caused by a single organism, usually Staph aureus.
Urgent surgery is essential.
Treatment should be based on the Gram stain and culture results of operative material.
TB meningitis
In childhood an early post-primary event, coincident with miliary spread. High mortality. In adults often results from a breakdown of an old meningeal focus. - ie. may present as an isolated event. 75% have extra-meningeal TB Increasing association with HIV / AIDS Multi-drug, and XDR TB a threat to TB control

Kids wont wall it off life In adults that wall it off and then 50-60yrs late may present as an isolated event (have to look for signs of TB elsewhere)
Abcesses after Tx
expand parodoxically thus use CS
Cryptococcal meningitis
Australian disease (in euclypus)
Yeast with big capsule

Cryptococcal antigen test from the blood without CSF testing
Cryptococcus neoformans
C.neformans (C.grubbii), widespread - urban Australia C.gattii, association with eucalypts C.gattii, - more severe disease eg. hydrocephalus, host usually immuno-competent pulmonary source evident in ~25% C.neformans (C.grubbii), immuno-compromised - eg. AIDS, lymphoma, Tx AIDS presentation often more indolent Associated with dissemination - skin, prostate.
Invasive Aspergillosis
risky in T cell deficent patients (HIV)
- lots of oedema around it

Aspergious is a mould thus they grow across tissue planes and they cause infartion as the move along causing death as it moves along, thus early Dx is required
Fungal meningitis
Cryptococcal meningitis
Amphotericin B +/- flucytosine
HIV/AIDS maintenance Rx to prevent relapse

Invasive Aspergillosis
Liposomal amphotericin B
Voriconazole, posaconazole
Antibiotics for meningitis OVERVIEW
Optic Nerve: Papilloedema
Papilloedema usually indicates raised intracranial pressure (ICP)
Triad of raised ICP
Contraindication to lumbar puncture?

Papilloedema is a contra-indication to a lumbar puncture unless a mass lesion, such as a tumour or abscess, has been excluded

A lumbar puncture in the presence of papilloedema due to a cerebral abscess carries a mortality rate of approximately 25%!!

however no papilloedema doesnt mean no pressure thus need to scan first
Extraddural inflammatory process between temporal bone and brainstem affects

Generally, if patients have ataxia due to vestibular irritation, they will have vertigo and nystagmus.

It is much more likely that James’ ataxia was directly due to the cerebellar abscess
neurological sequels of chronic ear disease
Repeated or inadequately healed acute otitis media led to chronic mastoiditis, then bone breakdown with a posterior fossa extradural abscess, causing the V, VI and VII palsies. Initially, the extradural pus was walled off but tracked into the cerebellum. This caused hydrocephalus and papilloedema. Finally, the organisms broke through into the subarachnoid space to cause frank meningitis.
arcuate fasciculus
What area of the brain determines level of alertness?
Empirical treatment Meningitis
A/B: cefotaximne (3rd gen cephalsporin)
IV acyclivor
CNS viral diseases
1. Viral (aseptic) meningitis
2. Viral encephalitis – disease of the CNS parenchyma
- disease manifestations depend on the region affected
3. Post-infectious encephalomyelitis – disease of the brain and/or spinal cord mediated by immunopathological mechanisms in response to viral infection

Many viral infections of the CNS are opportunistic – they only manifest in hosts with an immunosuppressive disorder/treatment that increases their susceptibility to infection
Aseptic meningitis
Aseptic meningitis is a clinical syndrome of meningeal inflammation in which common bacterial pathogens cannot be identified in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)

mostly caused by enteroviruses
- certain bacteria, mycoplasmas and fungi and autoimmune disorders can also cause aseptic meningitis
Aseptic meningitis
viral causes
• Common
Herpes simplex type 2 (HHV2)
Arboviruses (flaviviruses, alphaviruses)
• Uncommon
Mumps virus (commonest cause before vaccine)
Human herpes virus type 6 (HHV6)
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
• Rare
Herpes simplex type 1 (HHV1)
Varicella-zoster virus (HHV3)
Cytomegalovirus (HHV4)
Epstein-Barr virus (HHV5)
Measles virus
*80% of aseptic meningitis is caused by enterovirus infection
Seasonal Enterovirus
late summer to early autumn
• Enteroviruses form a genus within the family Picornaviridae
>100 strains belonging to four species (A-D)
- replicate in the intestinal tract
• Enteroviruses occasionally spread to other tissues:
– central nervous system (meningitis, poliomyelitis, encephalitis)
– childhood rash illnesses (hand, foot and mouth disease)
• Enteroviruses are found in all human populations
Most infections occur in children under five years old
Virus activity peaks in late summer and autumn (temperate
• Transmission
Faecal-oral transmission person-to-person
• Most enterovirus strains have been associated with aseptic
– 2-3 strains tend to dominate for a period (1-5 years) and are gradually
replaced by new strains
– 15 strains account for >80% of CNS disease (US data)
Stages of enterovirus Infection
Clinical presentation of enterovirus meningitis
Enterovirus meningitis may occur throughout life, although it is much more common in young children
The illness commences with fever, vomiting and headache
- neck stiffness and photophobia indicate the presence of inflammation in the meninges
Duration of illness is generally less than one week and almost all patients recover fully after a short (2-3 week) convalescence
- management is mainly supportive
Collection of a cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) specimen generally reveals a moderate white blood cell count (50 - 500 cells) and the absence of bacterial pathogens (“aseptic” meningitis)
Enteroviruses may be isolated from CSF by cell culture in 50-60% of cases. Molecular diagnostic assays, such as the polymerase chain reaction, can identify the presence of enteroviruses in the CSF in >90% of cases
- Pleconaril is an inhibitor of enteroviruses that is non-toxic, orally bioavailable and systemically acting
- Pleconaril prevents binding of virus to target cells by irreversible binding to the receptor binding pocket on the viral capsid
- Typical MIC90 values are ~0.19M
- Pleconaril has been shown to significantly reduce morbidity from aseptic meningitis and to reduce morbidity and mortality in neonatal
meningoencephalitis and hepatitis
- All Coxsackie B viruses and most echoviruses are highly susceptible to Pleconaril
- Not all enteroviruses are susceptible to Pleconaril (need to type isolates)
- Parenteral formulation is not yet available
- Drug interactions via cytochrome P450 → interference with OCP
Acute viral encephalitis
• Acute viral encephalitis is a severe disease of the grey matter of the brain
• Viral encephalitis usually commences with nonspecific
clinical features such as fever, headache & vomiting
– rapidly progresses to alteration of consciousness, seizures, motor, sensory or language disturbances
• Viral encephalitis is accompanied by high mortality rates and high rates of neurological sequelae
– mental retardation, seizures, motor and sensory deficits
Causes of acute viral encephalitis
Outcome of acute viral encephalitis
Pathogenesis of acute viral encephalitis
Three pathological patterns of encephalitis:
1. Acute necrotising encephalitis eg HSV encephalitis – disease is due to destruction of infected neurons as a result of virus-induced cytopathology
2. Encephalitis resulting from damage due to the
inflammatory response eg flavivirus encephalitis - disease results from the damaging effects of inflammation on the CNS in response to infection
3. Encephalitis resulting from disturbance of neuronal
function eg rabies, HIV encephalitis
MRI features of HSE
Japanese encephalitis
• JEV is the major cause of encephalitis in Asia:
– mosquito-borne flavivirus (Culex mosquitoes are the main vector)
– single stranded, positive sense RNA (~11 kb) virus,
– antigenically related to Murray Valley encephalitis, West Nile and St Louis encephalitis viruses
– 30-50,000 cases pa, 10,000 deaths (underestimate)
– case fatality rate 25-30%, 50% of survivors have permanent neurological sequelae
– most infections are subclinical – disease to infection ratio 1:500-1,000

Paddy rice farmes ideal conditions
• The incubation period of JE varies from 5-15 days
• Clinical disease ranges from nonspecific febrile illness,
aseptic meningitis, meningo-encephalitis and polio-like
flaccid paralysis
• Neurological disease is typically preceded by a 2-3 day
prodromal illness consisting of fever, cough, myalgia etc
• The onset of encephalitis is usually heralded by
convulsions and altered consciousness
• A Parkinsonian syndrome classically occurs early in
convalescence (10-14 days after onset)
• Paralysis is more common in the upper than lower limbs
MRI features of JE
Dx of JVE
1. Haemagglutination inhibition requires acute and
convalescent sera at least 7 days apart
2. IgM (antibody capture) ELISA CSF or serum
Prevention and control of JE
1. Mosquito control
2. Avoidance of exposure
3. Immunisation - most effective means to prevent JE
a. Inactivated mouse-brain-derived (Biken) vaccine
- requires three doses plus regular boosters for protection
- ADEM is a major vaccine-related adverse event
b. Chinese SA-14-14-2 live attenuated vaccine
- seroconversion >99%, efficacy >98% after one dose
- is not currently used widely as it does not comply with good
manufacturing practice (use of certified cell lines etc)
c. Chimeric recombinant attenuated vaccine based on yellow fever
17D vaccine (“ChimeriVax”)
- JE envelope glycoproteins (prM, E) replace those of YF
- phase 3 clinical trial evidence of protection
- recently approved for use in Australia
Nipah virus encephalitis
• First identified in peninsular Malaysia and Singapore in 1998-99
– outbreak of encephalitis among adult male piggery workers
– 106 fatal cases, CFR 38.5%
– transmission was shown to be pig-to-human
• Since 2001, NV has regularly caused fatal human cases during
small outbreaks in Bangladesh (CFR 67-92%)
– Several outbreaks have involved person-to-person transmission
• nosocomial transmission has been documented
– One outbreak was linked to contaminated date palm sap
• how did virus contaminate the sap?

Fruit batsare definitve hosts of both Hendra and Nipah or Henipaviruses
NV encephalitis (NVE)
Distinctive features
• Distinctive clinical signs include segmental myoclonus,
hypertension, tachycardia, areflexia and hypotonia
• Respiratory symptoms have been prominent in the Bangladesh outbreaks (may account for human-to-human transmission)
MRI features of Nipah Virus Encephalitis
Nipha Virus Dx
– Serological diagnosis based on ELISAs using high
affinity mAbs against purified NV antigens
– The complete genome of Malaysian and Bangladeshi
NV strains are known and have allowed RT-PCR
assays to be developed, which have been validated on
serum, urine and CSF
Nipha Virus Tx
– Ribavirin was shown to reduce mortality in the
Malaysian outbreak
– New agents targeting receptor binding and fusion are
being developed
Post-infectious encephalomyelitis
• Post-infectious encephalomyelitis is an acute disorder of the CNS that occurs within days to weeks of a viral
illness or vaccination
• The preceding viral illness is typically an upper
respiratory tract infection or chicken pox
• Although associated with viral infection, post-infectious encephalomyelitis does not result from neural tissue invasion by the virus - infectious virus is rarely recovered from the CNS of sufferers
• Post-infectious encephalomyelitis is an autoimmune
disease triggered by the preceding viral infection or
Causes of post-infectious encephalomyelitis
Pathogenesis of post-infectious encephalomyelitis
• Post-infectious encephalomyelitis is identical to an animal model known as experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE)
• EAE is a demyelinating disorder of the CNS induced by immunisation of animals with myelin extracts or myelin-associated proteins EAE can be passively • transferred to naïve hosts by inoculation of immune T cells
• Post-infectious encephalomyelitis is thought to have a similar pathogenesis – antibodies to myelin basic protein (MBP) are found in all cases
- certain viral infections or vaccinations may express a peptide structurally similar to MBP (molecular mimicry)
- activation of self-reactive immune cells due to the release of cytokines after virus-induced death of host cells
MRI features of post-infectious
Clinical presentation of post-infectious encephalomyelitis
• Post-infectious encephalomyelitis usually commences abruptly 2 to 30 days after a viral illness or vaccination
• Demyelinating lesions occur throughout the CNS, usually resulting in multifocal neurological deficits
-visual disturbances, speech disorder, movement disorder, sensory deficits
• Alteration of consciousness ranging from lethargy to coma
• Focal or generalised seizures
• Personality changes
• The disease progresses for 4-5 days, after which the patient begins to recover
- post-measles encephalomyelitis has a mortality rate of 10-20% and neurological sequelae occur in ~25% of survivors

- anti-inflammatory and immunotherapy has been largely unsuccessful
Viral Encephalitis Overview (prevention is the key)
Viral encephalitis is a severe disease and usually has a rapid onset. Thus, a considerable amount of brain damage occurs before the initiation of therapies (e.g. antiviral or anti-inflammatory agents) designed to limit neuron damage resulting from virus infection
Consequently, it is necessary to prevent infection with viruses capable of causing encephalitis through surveillance and public health intervention, or preferably by the use of vaccines