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30 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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Thalamus part of visual system
-groups of nuclei separated by intenal medullary lamina
-nucleus of pulvinar
-nucleus of geniculate bodies
Internal structure thalamus
-nucleus of lateral geniculate body, included in visual pathway
-connected to optic tract
by brachium of inf. colliculus
-projects to primary visual cortex
Limbic system
-ant. nucleus
included in main pathway of limbic system, papez circuit connecting hippocampus, mamillary body, ant nucleus of thalamus, cingulate gyrus
(gives emotional character)
nucleus of pulvinar
largest nucleus
receives info from geniculate bodies
connections with assosciation cortex
More thalamus..
eggshaped, two poles,
ant. with ant. tubercle
post with pulvinar
below pulvinar
lateral and medial gen. bodies
all sensory pathways
through thalamus
"gate of consiousness"
Nuclei of inf. part of rhomboid fossa
+roof of the 4th ventricle
-motor trigeminal (V)
-motor abducent (VI) under facial conniculus
-motor facial (VII)
-principar sensory nucleus trigeminal (V) (touch, pressure from face)
-spinal nucleus (pons,mo,spinalcord)
pain/temp from face -trigeminal V
Dorsal longitudinal fasciculus
CSF is produced by choroid plexus and the ventricles

lateral ventricle >inteventricular foramen
>3rd ventricle
>cerebral aqueduct
>4th ventricle
>subarachnoid space
>arachnoid granulation
>sup. sagittal sinus
Circulation of CSF
-descending pathway
-coordinates function of hypothalamus and parasymphatetic nuclei (ex CN 3,7,9,10)
these have parasymphatetic nuclei
Nucleus of tegmentum of midbrain
Origin of the medial lemniscus
Output cerebellum
4 types

Main assosiation bundles
-sup. longitudinal fasciculus
-the arcuate fasciculus

Nucleus in spinalcord
post nucleus
-thermo regulation (prod. of heat)
mamillary nuclei
-plays role in process of memory and sleep
Basal ganglia function
-regulate function of internal organs
-maintaining homostasis of body
-regulation of water and electrolyte balance, feeding, temp and sexual feelings
Role of nerve tissue
-gray matter
-are subcortical nuclei of the brain (telencephalon)
-important in iniation of voluntary movements and control of posture adjustments with these movements

-corpus striatum
-subthalamic nucleus
-substantia nigra
Afferent pathways of cerebellum
-arcuate nucleus (infindibular pronucleus) release/initiate .... related to hypophys.
portal veins> control the hormones of adenohypophys

-ventromedial nucleus
satiety center
Centers of symphatetic system
provides independent intrinsic innervation of intestines
2 plexuses
Enteric system
Preganglionic neurons in thoracic part of spinal cord

postganglionic in ganglia of symp. trunk and prevertebral ganglia
Reticular system
preoptic- release of gonadotropic hormones also production antiduretic hormone ADH and oxytocin
-are carried to neurohypophysis .... cellular part
>corticotropin releasing hormone CRH
>adrenocorticotropin ACrn
Supraoptic- ant.nucleus plays role in termoregulation
Functionally-SNS (motor/sensory)
ANS (symph/parasymph)
Auditory pathway (lat.lemniscus) sends infor to medial geniculate body via brachiumm of inf. collicullis and from medial geniculate body to thalamus
Olive> inferior olivary nucleus
-belongs to the extrapyramidal motor system, is a cerebellar relay nucleus
-receives info from spinal cord (spinoolivary tract)
-from red nucleus via rubro olivary tract
-send olivocerebellar fibres to cerebellum via inf. cerebellar peduncle
Thalamus Sensory
-below thalamus
structures visible on the ventral surface of the brain
-optic nerve
-optic chiasm
-optic tract
-tuber cinerum (gray)
-mamillary bodies
Papez circuit
important pathway of the limbic system
Nucleus Ambiguus Motor
-in medulla oblangata
-fibres run in cranial nerves 9,10,11 (glosso,vagus,accessory)
Vagus+glossopharyngeal> innervation of pharynx and larynx

Inferior salivatory nucleus of glossopharyngeal
-in medulla oblangata
-take part in innervation (salivatory glands)

Solitory nucleus
-connected with facial, glossoph,vagus + cranial parts of accessory
-receives general visceral afferent (sensory) info from thoracic and abdominal internal ....
Nucleus of medulla oblangata
hippocampal formation> via fornix> mamillary body> mamillothalamic tract> anterior nucleus of thalamus> entorhinal cortex> hippocampal formation
Extrapyramidal (striatal) systen
In medulla oblangata
-connected with VII,IX,X receives general visceral afferent (sensory) infor from thoracic and abdominal organs

Mediates visceral reflexes
-sends to ret. formation

gustatory> from vagus,facial> solitatory
Cerebello pontine angle
spinal nucleus of accessory XI CN in spinal cord
Parasympathetic nuclei
hypoglossal nucleus under hypoglossal trigone

glosso+vagus innervates pharynx and larynx
nucleus in the olive of the medulla oblangata
1)frontal lobe (emotions,personality)
precentral gyrus, supraorbital gyrus, middle frontal gyrus, inf frontal gyrus
2)parietal lobe (motorspeach,senses)
postcentral gyrus, sup. parietal gyrus, inf parietal gyrus, precuneus, post paracentral gyrus
3) temporal lobe
(smell,sound, interpreting faces, scenes)
sup/mid/inf. temporal gyrus
lateral occipotemporal gyrus
4) Occipital lobe
5) Limbic lobe
cingulate gyrus

Emotions>parahippocampal gyrus
White matter of brain hemisphere
-somatic motor fibers
ant horn> skeletal muscles
-antonomic (visceral motor)
fibers> smooth muscles, glands of organs

-somatosensory from skin,muscle, tendons
-viscerosensory from int.org
-dorsal root ganglion
Roots- spinal nerve
-assosciaton fibers connect gyri + lobes in same hemosphere
-cerebral commisures
-projection fibers
Internal structure brainstem
-nuclei of raphe-serotonin neurons
regulates sleep-wake cycle
emotional behaviour