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56 Cards in this Set

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A = absorption
D = distribution
M = metabolism (or biotransformation)
E = excretion/elimination
list drug characteristics that affect pharmacokinetic movement (how drug moves through body)
1. *Lipid solubility
2. *Degree of ionization (Pka) & relative solubility of ionized and non-ionized forms
3. *Protein binding
4. Molecular size
5. Structural features
How does lipid solubility affect pharmacokinetic movement of a drug?
Lipid solubility = a measure of how readily a drug can dissolve in water vs lipid.
It affects the entire process of ADME --> drugs that are highly lipid soluble very easily cross plasma membranes (absorption through diffusion is very rapid, distribution can also be very rapid, lipid-soluble drugs often require liver transformation in order to eliminate).
*It's easy to GET lipid-soluble drugs into the bloodstream, but rather difficult to clear them.
How does degree of ionization affect pharmacokinetic movement of a drug?
Degree of ionization refers to drugs that are weak acids or bases (many drugs are). Weak acid or base drugs can be present in ionized or non-ionized form.
When a drug is non-ionized form (not charged) --> non-polar/lipid-soluble --> can more readily cross plasma membranes/be absorbed.
Therefore the ionization of weak acids & bases affect the rate and location of absorption.

**Acidic drugs that are in acidic solutions are non-ionized and therefore more readily absorbed (think ASA in stomach).
How does protein binding affect pharmacokinetic movement of a drug?
(this includes binding to plasma proteins & tissue proteins)
The extent to which a drug binds to a plasma distribution affects distribution, rate of metabolism, and rate of excretion.
This is important for issues of toxicity (how tightly in binds to tissue proteins) and for the rate at which a drug is cleared by the body.
first pass effect
When drugs are first taken into the body (the "first pass"), there is a significant % of removal/deactivation by metabolism before it can get into bloodstream & to site of action.
- Has to do w/ the effect of liver on drugs taken orally --> these drugs must pass through liver before getting into circulation to the rest of body. For some, this means a significant amount of deactivation by the liver & overall low bioavailability.
- Ex: opiates have a high first pass effect
List both common & less common routes of administration
1. Oral
2. Intravenous (IV)
3. Subcutaneous
4. Intramuscular

Less common:
5. Transdermal
6. Rectal
7. Intra-arterial
8. Intrathecal
9. Inhaled drugs
10. Topical application
Oral administration of drugs
Drug absorption: can be variable/erratic and depends on many factors.

Advantages: most common, convenient, economical, and usually safest.
Disadvantages: need patient compliance (can be unpredictable), drug absorption can be variable and depend on many factors, bioavailability can be erratic.
IV administration of drugs
Drug absorption: bypasses absorption & goes directly into circulation (rapid)

Advantages: Immediate action/good for emergency situations, permits titration (good for when therapeutic index is narrow), good for administering large volumes over time, good for potentially irritating substances.
Disadvantages: Increased risk of serious adverse reactions.
Subcutaneous administration of drugs
Drug absorption: Can be fast or slow depending on drug prep, can be affected by changes in blood flow to tissue.

Advantages: Good for self-administration
Disadvantages: Not suitable for large volumes, possible pain or necrosis at site.
Intramuscular administration of drugs
Drug absorption: Can be fast or slow depending on drug prep, can be affected by changes in blood flow to tissue.

Advantages: Good for self-administration
Disadvantages: Contraindicated for use with anticoagulants.
sublingual administration
absorbed via oral mucosa, bypasses liver
transdermal administration
absorbed through intact skin (but ONLY good for intact skin), good for drugs that are highly lipid-soluble, bypasses liver
rectal administration
50% of rectally administered drugs bypass the liver but absorption can be irregular
intra-arterial administration
administration requires GREAT CARE, but good for localizing drug effect & it bypasses the liver
intrathecal administration
drugs administered directly into CSF (into ventricles of brain or spinal subarachnoid space), can bypass BBB
inhaled drug administration
Absorbed through pulmonary epithelium & mucous membranes of respiratory tract --> VERY RAPID. Mostly used for gases and aerosolized droplets.
Bypasses liver, good for local application where lung is target
topical application administration of drug
to mucous membranes (i.e., nasopharynx, oropharynx, vagina, colon, urethra, bladder, eye) - goal is only to have local effect, rarely systematically absorbed
What factors is drug distribution dependent upon?
1. Physiological factors - cardiac output, regional blood flow (blood flow of organ), capillary permeability (how easily drug gets out of capillaries), tissue volume
2. Physiochemical properties of drug - lipid solubility, pH partitioning, drug binding to plasma protein and/or tissue molecules
3. Other important factors - Fat as drug reservoir (sequestration), bone sequestration, redistribution
*Special considerations* - distribution to CNS & CSF, placental transfer of drug
sequestration = accumulation of a drug into a particular organ (and its possibility of release back into blood stream slowly over a long period of time --> how rapidly this happens depends on how tightly the drug is sequestered).

*Sometimes this is therapeutic, but often it's not.
opiate prototype & agonists
*remember: huge first-pass effect with opiates
PROTOTYPE: morphine
- demerol
- codeine
opiate agonist/antagonist drugs
Agonist/antagonist drugs were created to battle abuse of opiates (esp. oxycontin) --> these drugs act as agonists when used properly and antagonist when used improperly (i.e., crushed up to be snorted).
PROTOTYPE: pentazocine (talwin)
- stadol
- nubain
opiate antagonists
**For addicts, this can cause immediate withdrawal.
therapeutic & adverse effects of opiates
THERAPEUTIC: interferes with pain impulses, has some amount of vasodilating effect
- depresses CNS (depresses respiration, sedation, dizziness)
- depresses GI tract (N&V, constipiation)
- alters psychological responses to pain (decreases anxiety)
- produces euphoria --> high risk for addiction/abuse
clinical uses for opiates
- relief of moderate-severe pain
- pre-op sedation
- L&D
- invasive diagnostic tests
- acute pulmonary edema (has a bit of a vasodilating effect)
- severe non-productive cough (CNS depression = decreased reflexes, including cough reflex) --> codeine
contraindications & risks for opiates
- chronic lung infections
- kidney/liver disease
- increased intracranial pressure
- patients that already have a depressed respiratory rate (ALWAYS hold opiate drugs if respirations are below 8/min)
- hx of addiction
- increased fall risk
symptoms of opiate overdose & treatment drugs
SYMPTOMS: pinpoint pupils, slurred speech, erratic gait, constipation, slow HR & resp. rate

TREATMENT (therapeutic withdrawal meds):
- methadone
- buprenorphine (suboxone)
3 categories of pain relievers
1. opiates/opioids (narcotics)
2. nonopiates (acetaminophen, ASA, NSAIDs)
3. adjuvant analgesics --> do not actually reduce pain but address issues associated with pain (i.e., benzodiazopines for anxiety, TCA, corticosteroids)
Cox 1
- decreased gastric acid & increased mucous --> protects GI tract
- protects renal system
- regulates smooth muscle tone in vasculature
- bronchodilation
- regulates blood clotting
Cox 2
PATHOLOGIC prostaglandins:
- inflammation
- edema
- cause release of cytokines (cause vasodilation & pain)
- leukocytosis (rush of white blood cells to area)
cascade of events involved in physiology of pain
1. injury to cell
2. these cells release arachidonic acid & bradykinins
3. arachidonic acid leads to release of cox 1 & 2
4. cox 1 & 2 release prostaglandins
PROTOTYPE: aspirin
- analgesic (mild pain)
- anti-inflammatory (non-selective COX blocker)
- antipyretic (fever reducing)
- anti-thrombotic/anti-coagulent (prevents clotting)
Clinical uses for ASA
- pts with headaches often treated with ASA
- pts with temperatures greater than 101
- rheumatoid arthritis
- to prevent clotting/stroke/heart attack (1/day)
**Always instruct pts to take with full glass of water
adverse effects of ASA
- increased bleeding: bruising, nose bleeds, hematuria, bleeding gums, hematemosis (throwing up blood)
- tinnitus
- Reye's syndrome (brain & liver function damage) in children who have been given ASA for viral infection
- GI bleeding, N&V, ulceration
- too much can cause acidosis
- pregnancy --> prolonged gestation & labor, risk of hemorrhaging, transmission through breastfeeding
- ASA-sensitive asthma
contraindications for ASA
- children under 12
- history of GI ulcers/bleeding
- ASA-sensitive asthma
- liver/kidney problems
- pregnancy/breastfeeding
- 1 week before surgery
Signs & treatment of a pt overdosing on ASA (has acidosis)?
- drowsiness, confusion, stupor/coma, thirstiness (vasodilation), increased sweating

- tell them to hyperventilate to blow of CO2
- IV bicarbonate
NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)
PROTOTYPE: ibuprofen (advil)
- analgesic (mild pain)
***These drugs are good for musculoskeletal pain relief
- anti-inflammatory (non-specific COX blocker)
- antipyretic
- anti-thrombotic (only binds with platelets WHILE it's in your system --> reversible binding --> short-lived effects) ***This drug is not effective for treating high-risk heart attack/stroke pts because they would have to take a dose every 4 hours
adverse effects of NSAID
- GI ulcers & bleeding
- effects on pregnancy and lactation
- tinnitus
- slightly CNS depressant (may cause some drowsiness)
- rarely can cause kidney necrosis (very serious)
- LOTS of drug interactions
drug interactions of NSAID
- increases action of steroids (high risk for bleeding & ulcers)
- oral anti-coagulants (high risk for bleeding)
- can increase toxicity of lithium
- oral hypoglycemics (taken by diabetes pts)
- increased GI irritation with alcohol
- heparin (also increases bleeding)
contraindications for NSAID
- pregnancy/lactation
- on lithium, oral anti-coagulants, heparin, steroids, or oral hypoglycemics
- 1 week before surgery
PROTOTYPE: acetaminophen (tylenol)
- analgesic (mild pain)
- antipyretic
*NO ANTI-INFLAMMATORY EFFECTS --> does not bind with platelets
also: no GI effects & less adverse side effects than ASA or ibuprofen
adverse effects of acetaminophen
**less than ASA & ibuprofen**
- in large doses (around 30 or more) OR in combination with alcohol --> can cause liver necrosis or hepatotoxicity
- contraindicated for liver/kidney failure
- rash
- urticaria (hives)
- nausea
signs & treatment of liver necrosis/hepatotoxicity (due to acetaminophen overdose)
- flu-like symptoms in first 24 hours, then:
- decreased urine output
- pain in upper right quadrant (location of liver)
- jaundice
- can lead to complete renal failure
- acetylcysteine
Cox 2-specific inhibitors
ONLY block pathologic effects of Cox 2
PROTOTYPE: celecoxib (celebrex)
- analgesic
- great anti-inflammatory
adverse effects of Cox 2-specific inhibitors
- increased platelet activity --> HIGH risk for clotting

* Absolutely contraindicated for pts at high risk for heart attack and stroke - has black box warning for this.
cholinergic & adrenergic receptors
- muscarinic: internal organs & glands (secretions)
- nicotinic: motor nerves & muscles

- alpha 1: peripheral vasoconstriction --> takes blood toward central organs and skeletal muscles; fast blood coagulation (could be positive or negative); dilates pupils (mydriasis); causes pallor & increases sweating
- beta 1: effects heart --> chronotropic (increases HR), inotropic (increases contractility); gluconeogenesis; increased tension/anxiety
- beta 2: bronchodilation, increases respiration rate & O2 consumption, increases blood sugar (can cause diabetes), increases fatty acid concentration in blood
define half-life
time it takes for the serum concentration of a drug to decrease by 50%
inducers vs inhibitors
inducer = if a drug INCREASES the rate of activity of an enzyme

inhibitor = if a drug REDUCES the rate of activity of an enzyme
2 mechanisms of tolerance
a) Expression of enzymes that metabolize drug is enhanced/increases activity
--> less likely to lose tolerance over time with this mechanism

b) Target cell reduces its expression for the receptor of the drug (decreased sensitivity to drug)
4 parameters that dictate the plasma concentration of a drug in your blood (which is directly proportional to the drug's effect)
1. bioavailability
2. clearance (how fast)
3. volume distribution (how much blood you have)
4. half life of drug in body
steady state plasma concentration of a drug (define and average time it takes to get to this point)
DEFINITION: when the average concentration at any point is stable & within therapeutic range; the goal is to reach this point.

TIMING: we usually reach steady state within 4 half-lives of the drug (administering it 4-5 times)
drug dosing regimen
1. Loading dose (initial large dose to reach therapeutic range, usually for emergency situations)
2. Maintenance dose (to keep within therapeutic range)
3. Dose interval (interval of time between doses)
4. Individualized dose (catering the dose to an individual
--> titrating dose until it becomes stable and steady state for that individual; must be checked regularly)
6 general effects a medication can have?
- Palliative (ex: morphine)
- Curative (ex: antibiotics)
- Supportive (ex: blood pressure medication)
- Substitutive (ex: insulin for diabetics)
- Chemotherapeutic (to treat cancer)
- Restorative (i.e., iron for anemia)
drug fever
low grade or spiking fevers while on a medication - especially antibiotics; usually goes away within 48 hours
definition of hematological (adverse drug effects)
causing bleeding; could also cause bone marrow depression, anemia, leukopenia
How are teratogenic drugs rated?
Category A = studies done on pregnant women - no effects

Category B = studies done on animals - no effect

Category C = animal studies showed some potential risks to fetus --> this is where you start considering whether or not benefits outweigh risks

Category D = evidence of human fetal risk

Category X = risk outweighs any potential benefits & absolutely should not be used with pregnancy