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43 Cards in this Set

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Negative liberties

Civil liberties are generally considered negative liberties because they are associated with the absence of government interference or coercion

Positive liberties

Civil rights are considered positive liberties because they are associated with actions that government must take to ensure that all citizens are able to participate fully in society

Equality of opportunity

The idea that every individual must have the same chance to succeed in life.

Equality of outcome

The idea that government policies must be designed to ensure not only that all members of society have the same chance of succeeding but that all members of society actually suceed

Importation clause

Congress should make no laws on the importation of slaves for 20 years

Missouri Compromise of 1820

An act of Congress whereby Missouri and Maine were added to the union, one slave and the other free, to maintain the balance of political power between slave states and free states in the US Senate

Dred Scott v. Standford

Dred Scott was a slave who moved around with his master across various state lines of free states, when his master died he sued the state of Missouri stating the Missouri Compromise of 1820 applied to him. Courts denied him and went on to State that the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional exertion of congressional power

Emancipation Proclamation

President Lincoln issued during the height of the war in 1863 freeing all slaves in active rebellion against the union


The period (1865-1877) after the civil war during which the Confederate states were rebuilt and reintegrated into the union

Civil Rights Act of 1875

Acts passed by Congress too prohibit discrimination in public facilities and accommodations. It was ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in the Civil Rights cases

Jim crow laws

State and local laws in place between 1877 and the Mid 1960's that mandated segregation in public places

Poll taxes

Forcing a potential voter to pay some sort of fee before being allowed to register too vote.

Literacy tests

Testing potential voter to determine their mental abilities before they are allowed to register to vote.

Plessy v. Ferguson

Separate but equal doctrine was established due to this case


National association for the advancement of colored persons was founded in 1909 to fight violence against African Americans, focus on segregation in graduate and professional education

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas

Concerned a little girl who was forced to. Walk several miles each day across active railroad tracks to attend school. Argued that no educational facility that segregated children based on race could possibly be equal, court ruled in education, separate is inherently unequal


Southern Christian Leadership Conference, founded in 1957, members included Mlk jr, Joseph lowery, Andrew young, Ralph David Abernathy

Letter from a Birmingham jail

Written in jail by Mlk jr is a sophisticated defense of racial equality

Freedom Rider

Civil rights activist/ rode the buses into segregated south to register poor southerners to vote.

Bloody Sunday

The march of 1965, participants in a civil rights march from Selma to Montgomery were attacked by police using tear gad and clubs

Voting rights act of 1965

Prohibits voting discrimination


Meeting a guitar of a certain race, gender, or color

Affirmative action

A range of policies aimed at promoting equality of outcome by providing expanded educational and employment opportunities for members of a previously disadvantaged group

Bakke case/reverse discrimination

Alan bakke was a med school application who was denied a spot in a class although he met all qualifications sued because another student based on race but not qualified got into the class, quota are unconstitutional


Advocates of extending voting rights to women

Seneca falls convention

The first major meeting of women's movement was held in 1848

Declaration of sentiments

Elizabeth Cady Stanton drafted these to present t h E inequities in politics and society and to call for reform. 12 specific action items to steer the agenda for women's,movement for the next several years

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Created the declaration of sentiments and she organized the first meeting for t b E women's movement, female activist

Susan B. Anthony

Female activist, formed the national woman suffrage association in 1869 and pushed for the Constitutional amendment to grant women the right to vote

Protective legislation

Policies aimed at treating women differently in order to accommodate their biological difference, promote their health, and protect them from exploitation


National Organization for Women, founded in 1966, the purpose of NOW is to take action to bring women into full participation in the mainstream of American society now, exercising all privileges and responsibilities thereof in truly equal partnership with men

Equal Rights Amendment

Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the US or by a NY state on account of sex

Sexual harassment

1976, a new supreme court interpretation if title VII of the civil rights act of 1964 extended it's provision to protect against sexual harassment

Title IX

Of education amendment of 1972 required equal access to federally funded educational programs and activities; application of its provisions has led to more equitable funding for women's athletics

Violence against women act

1994, provided funding for an entire division for the US justice department dedicated to addressing violence against women, including domestic, sexual, stalking, and dating violence

Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act

2009, Congress has attempted to address problems of pay discrimination with its passage of this act

Executive order 9066

Led to the relocation of 120,000 Japanese to internment camps for the duration of World War II


American Indian movement formed in 1968 and used a number of radical tactics to bring awareness to the living conditions on reservations and to demand equal treatment under the law

Mexican American Legal Defense

Founded in 1968, to secure Mexican American rights in courts

Americans with Disabilities Act

1990, protects the disabled from discrimination in employment, public entities, and public accommodations


Gay and lesbian alliance against defamation, ensure that people are not discriminated against based on their sexual orientation

De Jure Segregation

Segregation grounded in the law

De Facto Segregation

Segregation that has no legal basis but is practiced nonetgeless