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119 Cards in this Set

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What is the term for a device used to take the place of a missing body part?


When a client has left-sided weakness, what part of a sweater is put on first?

Left sleeve

It is appropriate for a nurse aide to share the information regarding a client status with

The staff on the next shift

When helping a client who is recovering from a stroke to walk, the nurse aid should assist

On the client's weak sidr

The nurse aid is caring for a client who is agitated. The nurse aid should

Talk in a slow, calm,reassuring manner

The purpose for paddling side rails on the client bed is to

Protect the client from injury

Exercises that move each muscle and joint are called

Range of motion

How can the nurse aid best help a client who is not accepting a loss

Encourage the client to accept the lost

The heimlich maneuver (abdominal thrust) is used for clients who

A blocked airway

The best communicate with a client who is totally death,the nurse aid should

Write out information

The nurse is asked by a confused client what day it is . the nurse should

Point to the calendar and say the date

To avoid pulling the catheter when turning a male client, the catheter tube must be tapped to the client

Upper thigh

A nurse can assist client with their spiritual needs by

Allowing clients to talk about their beliefs

A nurse must wear gloved when

Doing peri-care

When getting ready to dress a client, the nurse should

Give the client choice of what to wear

If nurse discover a fire in a clients room , the first thing to do

Remove client

In order to communicate clearly with a client who has hearing loss, the nurse aid should

Look directly at the client when speaking

What is the final stage of dying


If client says "god is punishing me" or "why me "

Listen quietly

The role of ombudsmen is to

Work with the nursing home to protect client rights

Correct measurements for uninary out put

300 cc

To convert 4 ounces of juice to ml the nurse should


The last sentence of dying client will lose


The nurse aid finds a conscious client lying on the floor . the first thing the nurse aid should do

Call assistance from the nurse in charge

Proper use of a waist restraint requires that the nurse aid

Watch for skin irritation

When transporting clients most of the weight should be supported by nurse aid


Before taking oral temperature of the client who has finished a cold drink, the nurse aid should wait

10-20 minutes

Which of the following method is the correct way to remove a dirty isolation gown

Roll it dirty side in and away from the body

The nurse enters a clients room and the client states he is in pain. What should the nurse do?

Report it to the nurse in charge

Which temperature is considered most accurate


What is the beginning sign of a pressure sore


When communicating with a foreign speaking person

Use words the person seem to understand

You need to turn a heavy person in bed. Yoy

Use good body mechanics

When transferring a person from a wheelchair to bed you never

Have the person put his or her arms around neck

To give perineal care to male you

Use a circular motion start at the meatus and work outwards

A person has an indwelling catheter you

Have the drainage bag hang from the bed frame or chair

Protein is needed for

Tissue repair and growth

Person NPO you

Remove water pitcher and glass from the room

You need to do a ROM to a person right shoulder you

Support the part being exercized

A person has a weak left leg. The person should

Hold cane in right hand

A person is receiving oxygen through a nasal cannal. You

Check behind ears and under nose for signs of irritation

You accidentally dropped a mercury glass thermometer. You

Tell the nurse at once

Don't want pulse less than


When would you take a rectal temperature

When the person is unconscious

When taking person height and weight, you

Have the person void before being weighted

A person is bedfast, to prevent pressure ulcers you

Keep the skin free of moisture from urine, stools, or perspiration

When talking to a person with a hearing problem

Face the person

When caring for a person who is blind or visually impaired, you

Explain the locations of food and beverages

Common sensory impairment that can stop effective communication between you and your patient


Legal limitations that a can must be aware of while practicing healthcare techniques with his or her patients include

Cannot take orders from a physician

As long as patient can cough the airway is still manageable. So encourage coughing will

Clear the obstruction

A patient that is unconscious with a foreign object should receive


Patient airway should be checked every

30 compressions

While doing CPR and see visible food or etc you should

Remove any object visible then try to ventilate the patient twice to check and see if airway has been reestablished


Force air

Give 2 breaths and see a good rise

Check for pulse, begin chest compressions if pulse absent

Patient become pulse less

Probably in shockable rhythm and need to be defribrillated

If defibrillator say no shock advise

Reassess the pulse

After shock

Resume CPR to help get oxygenated blood to the heart

If person fall you want to

Stabilize patient body do not move them

How can pulse oximetry decrease

Patient is laying flat so its best for patient to be sitting upright


How many times a minute our arteries expand and contract in response to the heart

Pulse equal to

Heart rate

Normal pulse


Normal respirations


Regular BP

120 to 80

Caring for confused person

Ask clear simple questions

Restorative nursing programs

Promote self care measures

Unnecessary restraint

False imprisonment

Supine position

On back with bed flat

Before bathing a person

Offer bed pain or urinal

When taking rectal temperature insert thermometer

1 inch

Word touch mean

Form of nonverbal communication

A person culture and religion are different from yours. You

Ask the person to explain his or her beliefs and practice to you

Normally alert person is confused you

The the nurse

When providing nail and footcare

Check between the toes for cracks and sores

A person needs a condom catheter applied, you remember to

use elastic tape to secure the catheter

for comfort during bowel elimination

leave the person alone if possible

You are transfering a person with a week right sIDE from the wheelchair to the bed. you

place the wheelchair on the left side of the bed

When recording in the medical record, you...

Use only center-approved abbreviations

The inability to articulate and use word mostly caused by stroke and trauma


When your heart beat slower than normal


When you have no fever


When after death a body become ridged due to a lot of calcium

Rigor Mortis

Supine position

On back, facing up

When blood clot that breaks off blood stream flow and cause obstruction


When body organ becomes smaller due to under use


Pulse oximetery measures

The amount of binded oxygen per hemoglobin

Stage 3 pressure sore

extends down to patient fatty tissue

What is expected with a elevated heart rate

uncontrolled bleeding

When you have a decrease in BP due to change in body position

Orthostatic hypotension

Ex of vital signs

Pulse, Respiratory Rate, Temperature, BP

for anti-embolism stocking its important to asses

tingling or lack of sensation

How many time ROM

1-2 per day

dried mucous membranes, weakness and thirst, rapid pulse and low bp

signs or symptoms of dehydration

crackles in lungs and edema in extermities

signs of fluid in lungs

turning every 4 hours, egg crate mattress, inflatable mattress

prevent pressure sores

Treatment for patient with contracture


excessive sweating, shortness of breath

Signs of heart attack

oxygen, aspirin, relax, nitroglycerine

Treatment for heart attacks

Why is oxygen important for heart attack

increase oxygenation in blood and tissues

1st thing you do for a stroke patient

take to hospital

time frame to receive anti-fibrynoltics for strokes

2-3 hours max

Patients should be advised with a walker

Move the walker forward until the back legs are even with the toes

While you are washing hands after applying soap you

Lathers all surfaces of wrists, hands, and fingers producing friction, for at least 20 seconds, keeping hands lower than the elbows and fingertips down.

Before rinsing hands

Clean fingernails by rubbing against the opposite palm

do you dry off hands first or turn off faucet

dry off hands

after completing skill

wash hands

Positions on side

.Before turning, lowers head of bed

.Raises side rail on side to which body will be turned

.Slowly rolls onto side as one unit toward raised side rail

. Place pillow under head for support

.Position client so not lying on arm

. Support top arms with supportive device

.Place supportive device behind client's back

.Places supportive device between legs and top knee flexed, knee and ankle supported

You record

after washing hands

how to record pulse

record pulse rate within plus or minus 4 beats of evaluator reading

Do ROM on body parts

3 times at least

Before doing ROM instruct patient to let you know if they are in


Steps for cleaning dentures

. Bottom sink is lined and/or sink is partially filled with water before denture is held over sink

. Rinses denture n moderate temperature running water before brushing them

. Applies toothpaste to toothbrush

.Brush surface of denture

.Rinses surfaces of denture under moderate temperature running water

. Before placing denture into cup rinses denture cup and lid

.Places denture in denture cup with moderate temperature water/solution and places lid on cup

Which food groups are a source of Vitamin D


What period of time the resident should be informed if there is a transfer of discharge

30 days of change

What is a communicable disease

A disease transmitted by pathogen that can infect many residents who live in the same area

During fire always do what first

remove clients


Type of paralysis