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33 Cards in this Set

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CN component that CN XI (spinal accessory nerve) have.
GSE of CN XI innervate 2 muscles
SCM and trapezius
____ of CN XI enters the posterior cranial fossa thru the _____ and exit the posterior cranial fossa thru _____ with CN IX and X.
spinal root of CN XI
foramen magnum
jugular foramen
spinal root of CN XI originate from the ____ nucleus w/i the lateral ventral horn of the ____ segments.
from the accessory nucleus

C1 - C5 segments
cranial root arise from _____ of medulla joins the Vagus n. and exit the jugular formen with spinal root of CN XI.
nucleus of ambiguus
CN XI is vulnerable to lesion as it crosses _____ triangle, often due to ______
posterior cervical triangle

iatrogenic lesion
lesions of CN XI lead to 2 muscle paresis, they are...
trapezius and SCM paresis
Trapezius paresis cause ....
ipsilateral "shoulder drop" to the side of leision
SCM paresis cause ...
weaknss in contralateral rotation against resistance
_____ of _____ innervate anterior and prevertebral cervical musculature and diaphragm.
muscular branches of the cervical plexus
what nerves innervate diaphragm? and these nerves are formed from what central rami?
phrenic nerves of cervical plexus formed by C3, 4, 5 ventral rami
branches of the ANSA cervicalis innervate most of the _____ m.
infrahyoid "strap" muscles
_____ or _____ arises from C1
______ arises from ___ and ____
superior root or descendens hypoglossi arises from C1

inferior root arises from C2 and C3
2 roots make up ANSA cervicalis
superior root or descendens hypoglossi

inferior root
4 groups of cutaneous nerves arises from the cervical plexus:
lesser occupital n.
greater auricular n.
transverse cervical n.
supraclavicular n.
lesser occipital n. innervates ....
greater auricular n. innervates ...
supraclavicular n. innervates ...
skin of lateral scalp
skin overlying the MD
skin overlying the posterior cervical triangle
1. lesser occipital n. arises from ___ of ventral ramus
2. greater auricular n. arises from ___ and ___ of ventral ramus
3. transverse cervical n. arises from ___ of ventral ramus
4. supraclavicular n. arises from ___ of ventral ramus
1. C2
2. C2 and C3
3. C2 and C3
4. C3 and C4
diaphramic pain is referred to ____
branches of cervical plexus join with branches of _____ in providing the cutaneous innervation of the face
CN V, trigeminal n.
branches of cervical plexus can be blocked by an injection at _____
Erb's point (aka Puncta Nervosum)
CN XII - hypoglossal nerve rootlets arise from _____ of the medulla and converge on _____ canal
pre-olivary sulcus

hypoglossal canal
_____ contains the cell bodies of the lower motor neurons of ______ is located in the medulla in the floor of the 4th ventricle
hypoglossal nucleus

hypoglossal nucleus give rise to how many rootlets of CN XII
10 - 15
CN XII exit the skull thru ____, courses inferiorly and laterally btw internal carotid artery and ______. The nerve loops anteriorly above the _______, deep to the posterior digastric. The nerve continues on the lateral surface of the ______ m. , w/i the _____ triangle.
hypoglossal canal
internal jugular vein
greater horn of the hyoid
hyglossus muscle
digastric triangle
CN XII supply 4 muscles
hyoglossus muscle
styloglossus muscle
genioglossus muscle
all intrinsic tongue muscles
CN XII lies inferior to the 2 sensory nerves of the tongue:
lingual n (V3)
glossopharyngeal n (CN IX)
CN XII is vulnerable to injury in procedure known as
carotid endarterectomy
CN XII is accompanied by fibers of the C1 ventral ramus, and C1 innervate 2 muscles
thyrohyoid and geniohyoid muscles directly
integrity of CN XII can be tested by asking patients to _______
protrude the tongue
unilateral hypoglossal lesion result in ______
lick the wound - tongue protrude to the same side of lesion
protrusion of tongue that deviate to one side is the result of ______
functional genioglossus being unopposed
muscular disorders that result in patients lick the wound
1. ipsilateral atrophy of genioglossus m.
2. fibrillations and fasciculation (muscle twitching)
3. mild dysarthria (difficult to pronounce consonants)
lesions of CN XII include
1. tumors or meningiomas of the posterior cranial fossa or nasopharynx
2. ICA aneurysm or dissection below the skull base
3. IJV puncture below the skull base
4. lesions w/i the sublingual space or tongue: neoplasm (e.g. squamous cell carinoma), infection (odontogenic abscess in sublingual space), iatrogenic (surgical mistake)