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21 Cards in this Set

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Noun: 5 types
the name of a person, place, object, idea, quality, or activity
faith, hope, love
abstract noun
the name of a quality or general idea
team, herd, audience
collective noun
the name of a class of people, animals, or things
parent, student, teacher, dog
predicate noun
a word or phrase that follows a linking verb, completes the sense of the verb, and explains the subject
Sally is our PRESIDENT.
Mr. Jones was PRINCIPAL of my high school.
proper noun
the official name of a particular person, place, or thing
George Washington, Florida, Great Dane, White House
verb; 4 types
a word or phrase used to express action or a state of being
helping verb
a verb that helps in the formation of another verb; be, can, do, could, have, may, might, must, ought, shall, should, will,and would.
He MIGHT go to the meeting.
I WILL walk the dog later.
transitive verb
a verb that requires an object to complete the meaning
intransitive verb
a verb that does not require an object to complete its meaning.
Member participation has increased.
The wind blow.
linking verb
a verb that connects a subject with the predicate adjective, noun, or pronoun; the most common come from the verb "to be".
a single word, phrase, or clause that answers the question "what kind, how many, or which one", and modifies the meaning of a noun or pronoun
excellent prognosis
the latest results
a man of great integrity
open incision
eight grandchildren
green sputum
silly me
lovely girl
a single word, phrase, or clause that answers the question "when, where, why, in what manner, or to what extent", and modifies the meaning of a verb, adjective, or another verb. Often end in "ly".
She spoke CLEARLY when giving her instructions.
pronoun; 6 types
a word used in place of a noun
personal pronoun
I, you, he, she, it, we, they
possessive pronoun
my/mine, his, her/hers, its, our/ours, their/theirs, and your/yours
demonstrative pronoun
this, that, these, those
indefinite pronoun
each, either, any, anyone, someone, few, all, etc.
intensive pronoun
myself, yourself, himself, herself, etc.
interrogative pronoun
who, which, what, etc.
relative pronoun
who, whose, whom, which, that, and whoever, whomever, etc.
a word used to show the relation of a noun or pronoun to some other word in the sentence.
always appears in a phrase with the preposition usually at the beginning and the noun/pronoun at the end of the phrase as the object. Together, they form a phrase that describes another word in the sentence