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18 Cards in this Set

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Name concerns with the "clime of the times."
Paterns of work and relationship styles. Attitudes toward self-fulfillment and messages from the mass media.
Describe Patterns of Work.
Employment of both relationship partners and changing work environments. Many women now work outside the home. Many couples balance dual career marriages. Rapid changes in the workplace leads to increased chances of making friends and new technology increases our channels for communication.
What four primary relationship needs must be satisfied for people?
1. Need people to share concerns with 2. Need people that can we can depend on. 3. Must have 1 or 2 peeps to be really close, acessible friends. 4. Need people who reflect their competence.
Describe attitudes toward self-fulfillment.
Movement is shifting away from self-centeredness and twoard greater commitment to all types of relationships.
Describe messages of the mass media.
Vision I - 1950s to 1960s: simple, straight forward, effective communication happens only when everyone is happy. Put aside personal feelings and live up to predictable standards of communication.

Vision II - 1960s to 1970s: Be yourself. Vent.

Vision III - Combo of the first two. Mix of relationship oriented and self-oriented. Equality and knowledge of self and others are important.

Vision IV - present? Coping with nonconformity and lack of co-presence.
Describe Prologue to Courtship defined by songs.
"wishing and dreaming" about someone to love. 1966: stage was virtually absent. Took a more active role and began searching for a partner.
Describe courtship as described by music.
In 1955, songs proclaimed that everyone wants love, but there were many obstacles to overcome before finding. Variety of approaches for seeking and establishing love. Women put on a pedastal, and men were helpless in the face of women. 1966: People set out to staisfy their romantic longings, women were no longer put on a pedestal, and men took the initaitive and terminating in most relatipnships. We control our relatipnship, others do not.
Describe The Honey moon in songs.
Happy stage of courtship. 1955 - happiness was for a realtionship that would last. 1966: permanence was not expected. Phystical attraction.
Describe the downward course of love in songs.
Describes the breakup of the relationship. Difference: speed with which relationships wer expected to terminate.Most break up themes were iniatiated by the participants in the relationship in later era, and didn't want to cry about it. Dishonesty was a common problem.
Describe all alone in songs
isolation following the terminated realtionship. 1955: characterized by songs expressing how things will never be right, but did address possible development of new relationship. Negative experience. 1966: some pain was expressed, but also characterized as a positive first step in exploring the self.
Describe Perceptions of formality.
Generally we perceive our environments along formal/informal continuum. More people present: more formal we may perceive our environment. If more formal, less breadth and depth. More stylized, less relaxed, more hesitant, generally more difficult.
Describe perceptions of Warmth.
If we perceive an environment as warm, we are more likely to linger and feel relaxed and comfortable. Opposite of formal, informal continuum.
Describe: perceptions of privacy
The more privacy we perceive, the more intimacy we feel we have. Greater breadth and depth of communication. Communication is usually more flexible and spontaneous. Feel we can open ourselves up to those we trust in private settings.
Describe perceptions of familiarity.
We generally prefer familiarity. The less familiar we perceive, the more cautios and guarded we are. Comunication is generally slower and deliberate.
describe Perceptions of Constraint
Basically, how easily can we leave the setting. The more constrained we perceive, the less we reveal early on in the interaction.
Describe perceptions of distance.
The space between people matters. Based on physical and psychological proximity.
Describe pollyana principle.
See the good to a far greater extent than we see the less pleasant things.
Describe negativity effect.
We tend to weight negative events nd characteristics more heavily than positive ones. These things may be the most informative. Typicality, or how unusually an event is seems to be more important, however.