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12 Cards in this Set

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Describe Infancy and Childhood.
Anxiety in learning how to get control, but see parents as routine and secure. We give less (Interaction, Communication, Affection) than we get. Early friendships change rapidly with our I,C,A needs. We learn our needs are linked to others. Some need for privacy begins.
Describe Adolescence.
New sense of invidualism and responsibilty. Changes in realtionship with parents to symmetrical and lessening complication? in how we give, receive I,C,A.
What kind of statements are associated with adolesence?
Self assertion, permeability, mutability, seperateness, friends play important role, increasing ability to communicate in terms of needs.
Describe Early adulthood.
Sense of having mastered the world and control over environment. Less desire to control others. Opportunities for giving and receiving. Inclusion is high. Singles may desire affection, superficial concern for needs of others.
Describe Middle adulthood.
Review and assessment of relationships. Coworkers satsify increasing needs. As parents want more control and inclusion, but kids want less. Feelings of uncertainty (mid-life crisis).
Describe late adulthood.
Signs of decreasing health/vitality. Involvement/inclusion met in civic affairs. Very present-oriented. Control needs = low, self-assured.
Describe Older Adulthood.
Depends on health, social contacts, money condition, retirement status. Increasing inclusion needs. Male aging adjustment strategies.
Describe older adult inclusion needs.
Talking your arm off. Hesitant to discuss controversial topics, or to disagree too much for fear of further alienation. Less opportunity for comparing experiences and attitudes with others. Some will communicate a lack of trust. Topics focus on oneself: health problems, impact of cold weather, hobbies, etc. More interested in making younger friends than friends their own age. As acuity of visual and auditory receptors declines, isolation from social processes may occur even in the presence of other peeps.
Describe healthy male aging adjustment strategies.
1) mature, constructive rather than defensive or impulsive patterns. 2) rocking chair, taking it easy through dependence on others. 3) armored, maintaining effective defenses against anxieties.
Describe unhealthy male aging adjustment strategies.
1) angry, becoming hostile and blaming others for one's life situation. 2)self haters, blaming oneself for dsssatisfactions with life.
Define Symmetrical Relationships.
2 partners are alike in many parts of their profile. They mirror one another's likes/dislikes, strength and weakness.
Define Complementary Relationships.
2 partners are different in many parts of their profile. Opposites attract.