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34 Cards in this Set

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What are the aspects of Non-Probability sampling?

1. Non random

2. Doesn't rely on Theory of Probability

3. Used to disprove rather than prove

What are some methods of of Non-Probability sampling?

1. Accidental/Convenient sampling

2. Purposive sampling

3. Modal Instance sampling

4. Expert Sampling

5. Quota Sampling

6. Diversity Sampling

7. Snowball Sampling

What's Accidental/Haphazard/Convenient sampling?

Units are chosen based on convenience

What's Purposive sampling?

Units from a pre-specified group are sought out

What's Modal Instance sampling?

Common Occurence; Frequently occurring units in initial population are focused on more closely for the study

What's Expert Sampling?

Units of a high quality are sampled

What's Quota sampling?

Sample until exact proportions of types/categories are fulfilled

What's diversity sampling?

Opposite of Modal; units taken from throughout entire spectrum

What's Snowball sampling?

Initial units identify what further units are needed

What are the methods of Probability Sampling?

1. Simple Random Sampling

2. Stratified Random sampling

3. Systematic Random sampling

4. Cluster Sampling

5. Multi stage Random sampling

What's Simple Random Sampling?

Every unit has an equal chance of selection

What's Stratified Random Sampling?

Population of unit divided, then units randomly selected from each division

What's Systematic Random Sampling?

Systematically select every Nth unit

What's Multi Stage Random Sampling?

Hierachy; Combines multiple sample methods

What things make Non-Probability Sampling different from Probability sampling?

- Inaccurate sample frame

- Can't calculate sampling error

- Sample size is a matter of convenience

- Illustrative Generalisability

What things make Probability Sampling different from Non-Probability sampling?

- Accurate Sample frame

- Can calculate sampling error

- Sample size determined by sample theory

- Representative generalizability

What is a mean?

Average of number set

(All numbers added then divided by amount of numbers in set)

What is a Median?

Middle number in the set

What is a Mode?

Most Frequent Number in a set

What measurement is resistant to outliers?

The mean

What's Cluster Area random sampling?

Population split into clusters, all units within a few clustered are measured

What's a sample frame?

Source material where the samples are drawn from

What's PICO and what's it useful for?

Population // Intervention // Comparison // Outcome

Structures a good research question

What's the difference between Cluster sampling and Stratified Random sampling?

Cluster: Few clusters, all units

Stratified: All clusters, few units each

What's a Pilot study?

Initial test study before continuing through

What's Nominal Data?

Basic Features (names/date/etc) Has no meaning

What's Ordinal Data?

Has a clear order to the data, but still no meaning

What do Positive/Negative skews mean?

Positive skew - Outliers are in the positive

Negative Skew - Outliers are in the negative

What 1st, 2nd and 3rd range Standard deviations represent about Percentiles?

1st Std Dev: 68% in that range

2nd Std Dev: 95% in that range

3rd Std Dev: 99% in that range

If the mean is 100, and the Std Dev is 10, where does 99% of the population lie?

70 - 130

(Std Dev rank x Std Dev Number)

(3 (99%) x 10 (Number) = 30 // 30 either way of 100 = 70 and 130)

What is a type 1 Error?

False Positive

(A man is pregnant)

What is a type 2 Error?

False Negative

(A pregnant woman isn't pregnant)

What's this?

What's this?

Positive Skew

What's this?

What's this?

Negative Skew