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37 Cards in this Set

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Microtubule (MT) subunit
- Stable dimer of α- and β-subunits
- α contains GTP, structural component
- β has GTPase activity
Tubulin polarity
Like actin
- β-subunit always towards the + end
Tubulin GTPase activity
Normally VERY slow
- stimulated when assembled into MT
Linear array of tubulin
MT assembly
protofilaments line up to form sheets
- Sheets curl up to make tubes
- Cylindrial shape = relative stiffness
MT structure
Mostly singlets - 13 protofilaments
Doublet structure
cilia, flagella
Triplet structure
Centrioles, basal bodies (cilia)
MT organization in average, interphase cells
Single MT organizing center (MTOC) or centrosome
- MTOC contains centrioles
- All MTs attach (-) end to MTOC
MT organization in neurons
From body to axon - polarized - (+) extends out
- Dendrite - mixed orientation
Motile or sensory function
- Supported by MTs (interphase)
2 centrioles surrounded by other material
- Other material contains γ-tubulin
γ-tubulin ring complex (TURC)
γ-tubulin and other proteins form circular templates for new MTs to grow
MT growth
tubulin subunits add rapidly to + end
- GTP hydrolysis shortly thereafter
Critical concentration
Below this [tubulin], no MTs will form
- Lower critical concentration for GTP-subunits
- More net formation at + end
Dynamic instability
Sudden transitions between growing and shrinking
- catastrophe and rescue
Dynamic instabiliy purpose
Allows MT to explore space around it
GTP cap
GTP-subunits have lateral stability together
- As long as cap exists, MT will likely grow
- No cap - favors depolymerization
MT binding protein functions
either stablize or destabilize MTs
MAP2 and Tau
Abundant in neurons
- Stabilize MTs in axons and dendrites
Uses ATP hydrolysis to force protofilaments apart
Stabilizes curved configuration
- protofilaments stay split, depolymerize
core MT structure of cilia and flagella
- 9 doublets
Basal body
Assembly of triplet MTs from which cilia grow
- like centriole
- New basal bodies arise via duplication of existing basal bodies
Motile cilia/flagella
powered by Dynein motor protein
- Sperm motility
- Mucus in airways
- Egg in fallopian tubes
Holds adjacent MTs together
Dynein motor
moves towards (-) end of MT
- in cilia/flagella, stem and stalk connected to adjacent MTs
- Power stroke causes bending of adjacent MTs
Primary cilia
non-motile - have signalling/sensory functions
Primary cilia cycle
They are lost during replication, regrow at G1
Intraflagellar transport (IFT)
Transport signal proteins, membrane proteins, and axoneme components to distal end of primary cilia
Defects in structure/function of primary cilia
- Assembly defects (IFT, etc)
- Defects of actual signalling proteins
Polycystic kidney disease
Loss of primary cilia signalling proteins
- Defective regulation of cell division and polarity
MT motor proteins
Dynein and Kinesin
- Dynein moves to (-) end
- Kinesin moves to (+) end
MT motor protein functions
- IFT and components to primary cilia
- Organelle distribution/motility
Dynein functionality
- Stem binds something, is fixed
- Stalk angle changes based on ATP hydrolysis
Kartagener's Syndrome
loss of dynein function
- Chronic lung disease
- Male/female infertility
- Situs inversus (loss of organ asymmetry) - no motors moving organelles!
Moves towards (+) end, out into cytoplasm
- Related to myosin...
- ATP-bound state = tightly bound to MT
- Coordinated hand over hand motion