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42 Cards in this Set

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The corners (inner and outer) of the eye


What is the name of the test the intraocular pressure of the eye


What test measures near vision acuity?

Jaeger test

What measures far vision acuity

Snellen Chart

How should eyes be irrigated?

From inner to outer canthus

Can an MA do an ear irrigation without a doctor's order


A medical doctor who can perform eye examinations and eye surgery and prescribe medications eyeglasses and contact lenses


A doctor of optometry, not a medical doctor who can perform eye examinations prescribe meds and write prescriptionso for eyeglasses and contact lenses. Works at walmart


A technician who specializes in grinding lenses and preparing eyeglasses and contact lenses.


Hearing test


What should u have the patient do when putting in eye drops

Have patient look up

What should u do to the ear when performing ear irrigation on an adult?

Pull the earlobes up and back

When a patient sees 20/40what does that mean

He sees at 20 feet what others can see at 40

A refractive disorder in which irregularities in the curvature of the cornea cause light not to focus on the retina but you spread out over an area causing overall blurring vision


What term means farsightedness


Term associated with farsightedness that occurs with aging


What term means nearsided


Hearing loss from old age


What is sensorineural hearing loss

Hearing loss called by nerve damage?

What is conduction hearing loss?

Hearing loss caused by obstruction of sound waves

What is the difference between sensorineural hearing loss and conduction hearing loss

Sensorineural is caused by nerve damage and conduction is caused by a obstruction

When doing an ultrasound why does the technician keep the probe moving?

To avoid burning a patient

An electronic instrument that measures the number or frequencies or fluctuations per second in the form of sound waves.


What can u do to help the hearing impaired?

Face the patient when speaking to then and not speak with shadows or hands covering your face and to speak clearly without raising your voice

Measurement of the movement of the tympanic membrane that can indicate pressure in the middle ear


Application of any therapeutic agent


A safety devices that is used to help move a patient who doesn't have good balance

Gait belt

The degree of movement thst can be achieved in a specific joint without causing pain

Range of motion

What is adl

Activity of daily living

List and describe 2 conditions that can be treated by a physical therapist

Poliomyelitis- acute viral disease the cause an inflammation of the gray matter of the spinal cord resulting in paralysis in some cases.

Cerebrovascular accident- hemmoraghe or clotting in the brain thst can result in unconsciousness or paralysis

Strain -trauma you a muscle from excessive stretching or pulling

Arthritis inflammation of school joint that usually occurs with pain and swelling

Specializes in designing preparing and fitting prosthetic devices


Designs and fits supportive devices such as braces and splints


The act of walking


Device used to measure ROM


Turning outward


What are moist heat modalities

Tub, hot compress, sitz baths

What are dry heat modalities

Heating pad , hot water bottles

Cold application does what to blood vessels

Constricts them to prevent swelling

Sound energy from high frequency sounds waves penetrating deep through tissue layers


What should the distance between the top of the crutch and the axilla be

3 inches or 3 finger widths

Tests to determine the electrical activity of muscles

Electromyography (EMG)

A way of using electrical stimulation in physical medicine

Transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation (TENS)