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33 Cards in this Set

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What is sickle cell disease?
homozygous inherited hemoglobinopathy
Sickle cells results in what substitution?
valine for glutamine
What is present in all pts with SCD?
What are some other clinical manifestations of SCD?
-strokes, leg ulcers, splenomegaly, painless hematuria
What is the hallmark presentation of SCD?
Vaso-occlusive type of SCD compromises blood supply, which causes what?
-hypoxia, tissue death and localized pain
Vaso-occlusive SCD is most commonly effects what tissues?
bone, chest and abdomen
Vaso-occlusive crisis episodes are precipitated by what?
Acute chest syndrome of SCD is what?
-very painful and life threatening
Acute chest syndrome of SCD can be caused by what?
occlusion, lung infarction, pulmonary fat embolism, bone marrow infarction, or bacterial PNA
How does acute chest syndrome of SCD present?
-chest pain
-new pulmonary infiltrate
What kind of infarcts are common in SCD pts?
Vaso-occulsion where causes strokes in SCD pts?
-in the brain
What are some other problems associated with SCD?
- leg ulcers and priaprism
What organ is the most susceptible to the effects of sickling?
Is renal failure an early or late complication to SCD?
What causes isothenuria in SCD pts with kidney trouble?
recurrent infarcts of the renal medulla
Aplastic crisis in SCD is characterized by what and mostly caused by what?
-sudden decrease in Hgb and reticulocyte count
-caused by parvovirus infection of bone marrow
Infectious crisis in SCD is due to what?
underlying functional asplenia lead to infection from encapsulated organisms
Infectious crisis in SCD is associated with low serum ______ and impaired what?
-low serum IgM
-impaired opsonization and complement activation
Dx of Sickle Cell Disease.
1-what type of anemia?
2-what values are elevated?
3-what level are low?
4-what does peripheral smear show?
1-mild anemia that is nromochromic and macrocytic with reticulocytosis
2-MCV, indirect bilirubin, and LDH are elevated
3-low haptoglobin
4-sickle cells, Howell-Jolly bodies are seen on peripheral smear
In what 3 ways does transfusion therapy lower percent of HbS in sickle cell?
2-suppression of EPO production
3-increases lifespan of normal RBC
Transfusion therapy for SCD:
1-recommended to do what?
2-restores what?
3-what is recommended to stop iron overload and improve viscosity?
1-increase oxygen carrying capacity of blood
2-restores volume in splenic sequestration, acute chest syndrome, and sepsis
3-partial exchange transfusions
What is the tx for Acute Chest Syndrome?
1-supportive: oxygen, abx, pain control, volume repletion
2-exchange transfusion of PaO2 can’t be maintained
What is the tx for acute pain episodes in SCD?
-admit to hospital
-aggressive rehydration
-pain control with narcotics
-blood transfusions
What are some complications associated with SCD?
-narcotic addictions
-iron overload
-INFECTION is MCC of death
-stroke, transfusion reactions, splenic sequestration, thromboembolism, renal failure, pulmonary HTN
What screening test is done for SCD?
-sickle cell solubility test and it shows Hgb S is relatively insoluble in concentrated phosphate buffers and causes a cloudy solution
What is used to dx SCD?
-hemoglobin electrophoresis and DNA analysis
Hemolytic anemia in SCD is caused by what?
removal of sickle cells by macrophages
How is hemolytic anemia managed in sickle cell disease?
transfusion, folate, and iron chelation if needed
How is aplastic crisis treated in sickle cell disease?
Tell me the clinical features and management of each of the following sites of sickling?
1-painful crisis and tx with pain relief and hydration and hydroxyurea
2-acute chest syndrome and tx with transfusion, pain relief and hydration
3-stoke and tx with transfusion
4-MI and tx with transfusion, pain relief and hydration
5-acute splenic sequestration and hyposplenis tx with transfusion, pain relief, hydration, Pneumovax
6-proliferative retinopathy and tx with retinal surveillance and laser
In acute chest syndrome there is a high rate of what?
-narcotic addiction