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70 Cards in this Set

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what is prolapse?
movement of urethra, bladder, rectum, uterus, or small bowel into or out of the vaginal canal after deterioration of supporting tissues
what are the main supports of the vagina?
perineal body and levator ani muscles (muscle tone is very important)
what are 7 risk factors for prolapse?
prolonged/traumatic delievry
advanced age/atrophy of supporting tissues
postmenopausal status
chronic cough or constipation
heavy lifting
what will we not typically see in the supine position?
mild to moderate prolapse
when is prolapse pain worse?
with standing and late in the day
when is prolapse pain relieved?
immediately with lying down
what are 2 main symptoms of prolapse?
pressure like something is falling out
what is cystocele/cystourethrocele?
bulging or descent of the bladder/bladder and urethra into the upper, anterior vaginal wall
what is cystocele associated? (2)
stress urinary incontinene
urinary retention
what is cystocele due to?
defect in the vaginal tissues
what is rectocele?
prolapse of the lower posterior vaginal wall
what is rectocele often associated with?
what is rectocele due to?
defect in the vaginal tissues
what is enterocele?
prolapse of the upper, posterior vaginal wall, usually associated with herniation of the pouch of douglas
if you are examining a women for rectocele and see/feel peristalsis, what is it?
what is uterine prolapse?
descent of the uterus toward or past the introitus
what is procidentia?
complete uterine prolapse
what are pessaries?
tools to keep the uterus in
what is the most critical surgery for prolapse?
the first one
what is urinary incontinence defined as?
complaint of any involuntary loss of urine
what is most important to keep in mind with urinary incontinence?
most common complaint may not be the loss of urine
what is the most common complaint with urinary incontinence?
what is the crede maneuver?
pressure applied to the bladder
what is important to ask in regards to nocturia?
is it the urge to urinate that wakes you up?
what is functional bladder capacity?
the amount you empty; determines how much you can retain
what is transient urinary incontinence due to?
reversible causes
what is urge urinary incontinence due to?
overactive detrusor muscle
what is stress urinary incontinence due to?
occurs with stress maneuvers (coughing, laughing, etc)
what is mixed urinary incontinence?
stress + urge
what is functional urinary incontinence?
simply taking too long to get to the toilet due to mobility issues
what is most important to keep in mind with urinary incontinence?
most common complaint may not be the loss of urine
what is the most common complaint with urinary incontinence?
what is the crede maneuver?
pressure applied to the bladder
what is important to ask in regards to nocturia?
is it the urge to urinate that wakes you up?
what is functional bladder capacity?
the amount you empty; determines how much you can retain
what is transient urinary incontinence due to?
reversible causes
what is urge urinary incontinence due to?
overactive detrusor muscle
what is stress urinary incontinence due to?
occurs with stress maneuvers (coughing, laughing, etc)
what is mixed urinary incontinence?
stress + urge
what is functional urinary incontinence?
simply taking too long to get to the toilet due to mobility issues
to take advantage of muscle remodeling, what must the patient have?
an urge
what is the DIAPERS evaluation for transient urinary incontinence?
atrophic vaginitis/urethritis
excess urine output
restricted mobility
stool impaction
what 6 lower urinary tract symptom questions should you ask at an initial evaluation?
if someone wakes up even once at night what must we ask about?
when you insert the speculum and ask the patient to cough, if the tissue moves forward what is it?
mild cystocele
what is the first thing to do in the genitourinary exam?
anal wink
what are 5 signs of estrogen deficiency in a pelvic exam?
vaginal stenosis
loss of rugae
what are you looking for on a rectal exam? (2)
rectal tone and volitional control
what is the bulbocavernous reflex?
applying gentle pressure to the clitorus and looking for an anal wink
why is anal wink important?
because if it is present it pretty much ensures that neuro is intact
what is the problem with anal wink?
if is highly estinguishable
what is the dominant voiding hormone during the day?
atrionaturitic peptide
what is the dominant voiding hormone at night?
what is the stress test?
patient stands over a chuck (make sure butt is relaxed) and coughs vigorously 3 times and then bear down
make sure to ask if they felt a leak
what 3 labs should we get for UTI?
what are 3 treatments for stress incontinence?
weight loss
removing offending drugs
what are behavioral and biofeedback strategies for urge incontinence?
don't rush to the bathroom, squeeze the sphincter
how should people with silent urinary incontinence be treated?
void schedule
what does uroflometry measure?
flow rate
what does uroflometry not distinguish between?
obstruction and underactive detrusor
if someone has an obstruction and an overactive bladder, what should you treat first?
what should be starred on a bladder diary?
when the patient got up for the day (getting up at 4am to void counts as the previous night)
what are 4 causes of polyuria?
uncontrolled diabetes
diabetes insipidus
primary polydipsia
what are 3 causes of nocturia?
overproduction of urine at night
poor functional capacity
causes outside the urinary tract
what are 2 causes of overproduction of urine at night?
mobilization of fluid
endocrine blunting or reversal of diurnal center
what should you address with nocturia? (3)
peripheral edema via leg elevation and compression stockings
what are 2 pharm treatments for nocturia?
afternoon diuretic
bedtime vasopressin
what can you not administer if a patient has CHF or polyuria?
what can rapidly cause hyponatremia?
what are 3 comorbid illnesses that affect urinary incontinence and its treatment?