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26 Cards in this Set

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Blood supply to brain (4)
circle of willis, vertebral artery, internal carotid artery, basilar artery
Components of Reflex arc:
Sensory receptor → Afferent neuron (toward brain) → Integrating center → Efferent neuron (away from brain) → Effector
# of Cranial nerves
12: sensory or mixed nerves (sensory and motor)
CN # 1
I: Olfactory = Smell

Pick a fragrant, non-irritating odor (peppermint, vanilla)
Close both eyes and occlude one nostril
Place the fragrance below the nose and ask the patient to identify the smell
CN # 2
II: Optic = Sight

Assessment: Visual acuity; Visual fields; Light reflex; Inspection
CN # 3
III: Oculomotor:
M: EOM, upper eyelid
PS: lens adjustment, pupil constriction

Assessment: Movement of eyes, pupil size and shape, response to light;
Nystagmus (twitching)
CN # 4
IV: Trochlear

M: Eye movement: down and inward
S: Muscle sense
CN # 5
V: Trigeminal:
M: Mastication
S: Touch, pain, temperature of the eye, mouth, nose, scalp

Inspect and palpate jaw muscles with teeth clenched
Touch face, scalp, and chin areas with different types of surfaces, ask patient to report the sensation

Corneal reflex: touch corner of the eye with a piece of cotton, should result in a symmetric blink
CN # 6
VI: Aducens
M: Lateral movement of the eye
S: Muscle sense
CN # 7
VII: Facial
M: Facial movements, closure of eye and mouth
S: Taste

Assessment: Observe the following facial movements:
Raising of eyebrows, wrinkling the forehead, closing eyes, frowning, smiling, showing teeth, whistling, puffing cheeks
CN # 8
VIII: Vestibulocochlear
S: Hearing and balance

Assessment: Audiometer;

Romberg test for balance: Have the patient stand with arms at their side and their eyes closed for 20-30 seconds; Balance should remain intact
CN # 9
IX: Glossopharyngeal

M: Swallowing
S: Pharynx, taste, carotid reflex
CN # 10
X: Vagus:
M: Palate, pharynx, larynx
S: Pharynx, viscera, auditory canal
A: GI, cardiac

Gag reflex
CN # 11
XI: Accessory
M: Voluntary swallowing, sternoclediomastoid, and trapezius muscles

Have patient shrug shoulders upwards while your hands are applying pressure
Place your hand on the side of the patients face, have them turn toward your hand against pressure
CN # 12
XII: Hypoglossal:
M: Tongue movement

Have the patient stick their tongue out
Look for asymmetry or deviation
Balance Romberg test
Positive sign = swaying, falling or widening stance to prevent a fall
May indicate cerebellar or vestibular dysfunction, ETOH, MS
Conducting balance test
Have the patient stand up with their back toward you
Gently pull back on their shoulders
If present = retropulsion, may indicate PD
Look for rate, rhythm, arm motion, posture, balance

Walk away and back toward you in a normal manner; Walk on their toes; Walk on their heals
Walk heal to toe in a straight line
Gait Abnormalities
Spastic hemiparesis:

Paralyzed foot is fixed in a flex position → dragged in a semi-circle
Paralyzed arm is flexed across the body; May be indicative of a CVA
Gait: Spastic diplegia
Knees cross or touch when walking
May be indicative of MS
Gait: Cerebellar Ataxia
Wide-based stance
Reflex Grade
Graded on a scale of 0 – 4+
4+: Hyperactive with clonus
3+: Hyperactive without clonus
2+: Normal
1+: Hypoactive or diminished
0: Absent
Deep Tendon Reflexes
Biceps, triceps, brachioradialis, patellar, achilles tendon
Patient should relax, muscles partially stretched
Strike the tendon with a reflex hammer
Plantar Reflex
Patient is seated or lying down with leg out in front of them
Stroke the bottom of the foot with a blunt object
Should result in flexion (toes curling downward)
If results in dorsiflexion (toes being brought toward the shin) =
+ Babinski sign
May be indicative of a CNS lesion
Mini Mental State Exam (MMSE) Grade
30 question screening tool for cognitive impairment

> 27: normal
20-26: mild impairment
10-19: moderate impairment
< 10: severe impairment
MMSE Questions
Orientation: Ex: season, date, month, location, city
Registration: Ex: naming of 3 unrelated objects
Attention: Ex: serial 7’s
Recall: Ex: remembering the 3 unrelated words
Language: Ex: following directions, reading, writing, copying