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44 Cards in this Set

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Renal epithelium originate from _____________________.

the kidney

Is protein normal to see in urine?

NO - the presence of protein is usually pathogenic, unless the animal has recently given birth

Define anuria:

not producing any urine

If the specific gravity increases, the urinary output ________________.


Increased specific gravity & decreased specific gravity are called:

hypersthenuria & hyposthenuria

What does the presence of yeast in urine indicate?

- it could be a contaminant

- could be due to antibiotics

- could be due to immunosuppressive drugs

When is the presence of yeast really significant?

(with which method of collection?)

cystocentesis - if yeast is present after doing a cysto, it must be truly present in the urine (and not a contaminant) because a cysto is a sterile procedure.

What is renin and what is it responsible for?


regulating blood pressure

Where does tubular reabsorption take place?

In the proximal convoluted tubule

What takes place in the ​distal convoluted tubule?

tubular secretion

What is urolithiasis and where does it form?

Stones or calculi

  • Kidney
  • Ureters
  • Bladder
  • Urethra

What does urolithiasis cause? (4 things)

  • blockage
  • inflammation
  • irritation
  • bleeding

What are the causes of urolithiasis? (4 things)

1. mineral imbalance

2. improper pH due to diet or UTI

3. delayed passage of crystals

4. breed

Define myoglobinuria:

What color would the urine appear to be?

muscle cell lysis


What is hematuria and how would the urine appear?

Blood in urine

Red, cloudy,

**RBC precipitate upon standing after centrifugation.

Hematuria is associated with what kind of diseases?

Diseases of the genitourinary system

Name some things that might cause hematuria:

1. cystitis

2. urolithiasis

3. prostatitis

4. trauma to urethra

5. toxic chemicals

6. parasites

7. estrus, postpartum

8. pyelonephritis

What is hemoglobinuria?

How would the urine appear?

blood in the urine

red, transparent

Hemoglobinuria is associated with what kind of diseases?

Systemic diseases

Causes of hemoglobinuria:

1. Hemolysis

2. Leptospirosis

3. Babesiasis

4. Chemicals

5. Plant Toxicity

6. Severe Burns

7. Blood Transfusion

8. Immune mediated disease

Diabetes mellitus is ________________ of insulin.


Diabetes insipidus is hypo secretion of _________________________.

ADH (anti-diuretic hormone)

Specific gravity is a measure of what?

the concentration of urine

Diabetes mellitus is characterized by:

A. hyperglycemia

B. hypoglycemia

A - hyperglycemia

Hyperglycemia is considered to be above ____________mg?

> 200 mg

In cystitis, ______________ is converted to ammonia by _________________.



Fatty casts are seen in:

degeneration of renal tubules seen in D. mellitus

Name some physiological causes of increased glucose levels in the urine:

  • fear
  • excitment
  • restraint
  • fluids
  • anesthesia
  • increased CARB intake (horses)

Name some pathological reasons for increased glucose levels in the urine:

  • D. mellitus
  • acute nephritis
  • pancreatitis
  • tubular defects

What are some functions of prostaglandins?

contractility of the uterus & other smooth muscle

regulate acid secretion in the stomach

regulate body temperature

regulate platelet aggregation

control inflammation

aid in Vitamin D activation

maintain blood pH by excreting/conserving H+

What are some substances the kidneys retain?


1. hormones

2. vitamins

3. plasma proteins (albumin, globulin, fibrinogen)

4. glucose

Bacteria converts bilirubin to _________________.


Casts form in the lumen of the ______________ and the _______________ tubules. It is here that urine reaches its maximum _____________ and maximum ________________.

distal & collecting

concentration & acidity

Calcium carbonate crystals are normally found in what animal?


What can cause crystallization of urine?


Hyposthenuria is less than ______________ SG.

< 1.008

How many WBCs per hpf is considered normal?

< 10 / hpf

What crystal is seen in antifreeze poisoning?

Calcium oxalate monohydrate

If ketones appear in the urine, will they also appear in the blood?


Principal causes of ketones in urine: (3)

1. Diabetes mellitus

2. fever in puppies / kittens

3. starvation

Kidneys are located _________________ in the body.



Glucose gets reabsorbed in the tubules


What do diuretics do / how do they work?

(3 ways)

1. Diuretic inhibit sodium reabsorption

2. reduce ADH concentration

3. Increase urine VOLUME by inhibiting reabsorption of H20

In which tubules do casts develop?

distal convoluted tubules