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30 Cards in this Set

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gram negative diplococcus, found on and within neutrophils
N Gonorrhoeae
Attach to host cells by use of Pili, chromosomal rearrangments of pili allow it to attach to many different types of cells, and escape immune system
Neisseria Gonorrhoeae
Treat with Ceftriaxone
N gonorrhea
N Gonorrhoeae micro
gram negative diplococcus, found on and within neutrophils
N gonorrhea pathogenesis
Attach to host cells by use of Pili, chromosomal rearrangments of pili allow it to attach to many different types of cells, and escape immune system
N gonorrhea treatment
spherical obligate intracellular bacterium, unable to make own ATP.
Chlamydia trachomatis
Causative agent of Syphillis
Treponema Palldium
painless, red ulcer with a hard rim called a chancre.
soft chancre, tender but not indurated. Females may have dysuria, vaginal discharge instead or sore
Haemophilus Ducreyi -

Genital Ulcer Disease (GUD)
motile spirochete, cannot be cultivated in vitro
Treponema Palldium - Syphilis
Dx with dark field microscopy because organism does not stain well with dye
Treponema pallidum - spirochete - Syphillis
unilateral, inguinal lymphadenitis --> buboes. Major co-factor in transmission of hIV
Haemophilus Ducreyi - Chancroid. Genital Ulcer Disease (GUD)
gram negative, non motile rod. Capsule similar to Klebsiella. Found primarily inside macrophages
Calymmatobacterium granulomatis - Donovanosis, aka Granuloma inguinale
Intracellular inclusions called Donovan bodies
Calymmatobacterium granulomatis -

Donovanosis, aka Granuloma inguinale
painful lesions, starting as raised nodules which erode into beefy-red ulcers. Difficult to distinguish from chancroids
Calymmatobacterium granulomatis -

Donovanosis, aka Granuloma inguinale
yellowish, green frothy vaginal discharge, strawberry cervix
Trich by Trichomonas Vaginalis
do not have mitochondria, but have hydrogenosomes, double-membraned organelles that transfer electrons to H, forming gas - "frothy"
Trich by Trichomonas Vaginalis
"Clue cells" - sloughed off epithelial cells covered with bacteria
Main sx of trich?
yellowish, green frothy vaginal discharge, strawberry cervix
What is isolated using CHROMagar?
Candida -
Albicans - green
krusei - rose
tropicalis - blue
What are the common manifestations of Congenital rubella?
cataracts, mental retardation, deafness
Opthalmia neonatorum is a _, which occurs as a results of _ infection during birth
purulent ocular infection

Most common cause of sepsis and meningitis in newborns
Streptococcus agalactiae. (GBS)
granulomatosis infantiseptica is an infection of _

How is this characterized
Listeria in neonates (early onset)

- Characterized by the formation of disseminated abscesses and granulomas in multiple organs
How did Listeria acquire resistance to tetracyclines and aminoglycosides?
conjugative plasmids and transposons originating from enterococci
Major virulence factor of Group A strep?

Of Staph aureus?
M protein

Protein A
Clostridium Produces double zone of hemolysis on blood agar – inner is complete (d.t _) and outer is incomplete (_ toxin).
theta toxin

Recreational exposure to peed in water?
Leptospirosis (interrogans are pathogenic)

Damage blood vessels.
The hepatic involvement of Leptospirosis with jaundice is called "_"
Weil's disease