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18 Cards in this Set

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What is an anterior dislocation of the glenohumarl joint?

What nerve is in danger of being injured?
occus when arm is abducted, extended, and laterally rotated.

humeral head dislocated inferior to the capsule and pulled into a subcoracoid position

axillary nerve
What can develop from repetitive motion of the shoulder joint?
supraspinatus tendinitis
If you have an older patient who is clearly not a baseball pitcher come in with pain to the glenohumeral joint what might you expect has happened?
calcific supraspinatus tendinitis or even spontaneous rupture due to calcium deposits in supraspinatus tendon.
If you have a C5/C6 injury what muscles of shoulder are likely to be impacted?




Teres Minor

Teres Major
If your pectoralis minor muscles are impacted, which spinal nerve would you expect to have injured?
What is the most frequently fractured part in a "hip fracture"?

What is problematic with regard to surrounding tissues?
neck of the femor, secondary to osteoporosis

damage to the arteries feeding the femor can result in necrosis of the head of the femur
What is the difference coxa vera and coxa valga?
both are terms to describe abnormal angles of the femor in the hip joint

coxa vara is a decreased angle and causes mild abduction of the hip.

coxa valga is an increased angle
What type of fx are typical to the tibia and fibula?
tibia= compound or diagonal (often protruding from the skin) can disrupt nutrient artery

fibula=more commonly an ankle fracture
When the long thoracic nerve is damaged, what clinical sign will you see?
winged scapula
Describe what happens if you get Popeye forearm?
The tendon of the long head of biceps brachii may rupture or may be avulsed from the supraglenoid tubercle.
usually results from wear and tear of an inflamed tendon (bicipital tendinitis)
The detached muscle belly forms a ball near the distal part of the arm resulting in a Popeye deformity
you have a pt. with a mid shaft humeral fracture. What are you concerned about if the patient cannot extend their wrist?
They have wrist drop from damage to the radial nerve which runs through the radial groove on the shaft of the humerus.
Nursemaids elbow is...
sublaxtion of the radial head from its anular ligament and articulation with the ulna.
What is a colles fx?
communited fracture of the distal end of the radius

posterior displacement of the distal radial leads to dinner fork syndrome
what is the most frequently fractured carpal bone?

may lead to avascular necrosis
what is carpal tunnel syndrome.
all the tendons and the medial nerve travel under the flexor retinaculum. If there is inflammation the median nerve can be compressed and numbness and tingling can occur in lateral 3 1/2 digits
what is dupytren's contracture?
a shortening of the palmar aneurosis and continually contracture of the MP and PIP joints of the digits 4, 5
If you damage the ulnar nerve, what deformity might you expect in the hand?
An ulnar nerve injury in the forearm often leads to inability to make a fist, resulting in a claw hand deformity.
ulnar nerve injury results in:
inability to flex digits 4 and 5 (medial part of FDP)
inability to extend the IP joints when trying to straighten the fingers (interosseous muscles and lumbricals 3 and 4)
hyperextension of MP joints (no opposition from interosseous muscles and lumbricals 3 and 4)
What happens if there is inflammation in Guyon's canal?
In this syndrome, there is hypesthesia or paresthesia over the medial 1½ fingers and possible weakness of intrinsic hand muscles