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13 Cards in this Set

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contractile tissue
muscles, tendons, and their attachments to bone;
able to shorten (sacromeres)
inert tissue
joint capsules, ligaments, bursae, blood vessels, cartilage, and dura; non-contractile, pain when stretched
flexion; abd, add, etc

Movement between 2 bony structures (physiological movement)
roll, spin, glide (joint movement)

Movement between 2 articular surfaces (accessory movement or joint play)
the area of the skin supplied by a single nerve root from the spinal cored; sensory
groups of muscles supplied by a single nerve root from the spinal cord; motor
laying on back
laying face down
How many bones in the ankle/foot complex?

What are the regions?
28 bones
25 joint

Rearfoot, midfoot, forefoot
What joint connects the fibula and tibia?
The tibia and the talus?
The calcaneous and the talus?
Distal tibiofibular joint
Talocrural joint (ankle)
Subtalar joint (talocalcaneal) joint
What joint connects the talus and the navicular?
The cuneiforms together?
The cuneiforms to the cuboid?
The cuneiforms to the navicular?
The calcaneous to the cuboid?
talocalcaneonavicular joint
intercuneiform joints
Cuneocuboid joint
Cuneonavicular joint
Calcaneocuboid joint
Midfoot or __?
Forefoot or __?
Chopart's joint
Lisfranc's joint
What joint connects the MT to one another?
MT to the phalanges?
Phalanges to one another?
Intermetatarsal joint
Metatarsophalangeal joint
Proximal/distal interphalangeal joint
In a radiograph, bright area is called ___ and is the ___.
The dark area is called ___ and is the ___.
radiopacity; healthy bone
radiolucency; fractures