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17 Cards in this Set

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What is Electrical Stimulating Currents?
- Different form/application of NRG
- Penetrates thru skin, mm and effect neurological sys
- Provide P. relief, decrease inflam, and promote healing
What are the effects at cellular, tissue, segmental or systemic levels?
- Increase movement
- Modulate acute P.
- Increase tissue extensibility
- Re-educates mm
- Modulate acute P.
- Decrease mm atrophy
- Increase movement
- Decrease edema/inflammation
- Modulate P.
- Modulate chronic P.
What general effect does electrical stim currents have?
- Modulate P. (acute/chronic)
- Increase tissue extensibility
- Decrease edema/inflamm
- Re-educate mm
- Increases movement
- Decrease mm atrophy
What are the general precautions of electrical stim currents?
Never place electrodes on:
- Temple
- Near eyes
- Mouth
- Front of neck
- Groin
- Altered/decreased sensation areas
What are the CI's of electrical stim currents?
- Pacemakers
- Infection
- Malignancies
- Pregnancy
- MSK probs where mm contraction would worsen condition
What are the indications of electrical stim currents?
- Modulating P. (acute/chronic)
- Stimulating denervated mm.
- Mm strengthening
- Increase ROM
- Decreasing mm spasm, gaurding
- Would, fracture, tendon, lig healing
- Stim N. regeneration
What are the 3 type sof electroherapeutic currents?
- Monophasic or Direct (DC)
- Biphasic or Alternating (AC)
- Pulsatile (PC)
What is Monophasic or D
- AKA Galvanic current
- Uninterrupted unidirectional flow of electrons toward +ve pole
What is Biphasic or Alternating Current (AC)?
- Continuous flow of electrons constantly changing direction
- Move from -ve to +ve pole
What is Pulsatile (PC)?
- 3+ pulses grouped together and may be unidirectional or bidirectional
- Pulses are interrupted for short periods of time and repeat at regular intervals
What does IFC stand for?
Interferential Current
What is the general carrier frequency for IFC?
What are the principlesof IFC?
- Lower stimulation frequency = greater resistance to electric current = more discomfort as current "pushed" into tissues
- Therefore, higher frequency pass easily through skin = reach deeper tissues = less discomfort
What does IFC use?
- 2 medium freq currents, set up so paths corss, pass thru tissues simultaneously and interfere w/ each other
- Interaction gives rise to inference current/ beat freq which has characteristics of low freq stim
What is used to overcome nerve accommodation to constant signal?
Frequency sweep- machine set to automatically vary the effective stim frequency using either preset or user set sweep ranges
What are the 4 main clinical applications?
- P. relief
- Mm stimulation
- Increasing local blood flow
- Reduction of edema
What is the difference between having 2 electro-pads and 4 electro-pads?
- 4 pole application: interference generated in tissues
- 2 pole application: current is pre-modulated (interference of current is within machine not tissues)