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51 Cards in this Set

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splenomegaly is never benign
Massive splenomegaly is caused by all of the following except?

-myeloproliferative disease
cirrhosis; massive is caused by the 3 M's along with gaucher's and kalazar
What does the splenomegaly mneumonic CHINA stand for?
c-congestion (portal)

the normal spleen is not palpable
what are the 4 RBC components?
cell membrane
a common cell membrane disorder could be?

-Iron deficiency anemia
-sickle cell disease
-G6PD deficiency
hereditary spherocytosis
what is the best 1st test to diagnose hereditary spherocytosis?

-peripheral blood smear
-osmotic fragility test
osmotic fragility test
variations in cell size is referred to as?
a pt with Fe def. anemia will have a _ RDW on CBC.
a pt with Thalassmia will have _ RDW on CBC.
_ is a quantitative measure of the degree of anisocytosis.

-retic. count
the RDW is useful in the diagnosis of _ anemia.

Enumerating reticulocytes therefore gives a measure of marrow _ _ production.

-white blood cell
-red blood cell
red blood cell

the lower the retic count the more hemolysis there is.
false; the higher the retic count the more hemolysis there is.
increased production of RBC's in the marrow can be caused by all of the following except?

-high elevation
-some anemias
not spherocytosis
the retic count usually _ after successful treatment for pernicious anemia, iron deficiency anemia or folic acid deficiency anemia.

where is iron stored?

what is the first best test to order in a pt you think is anemic?

cbc-to check hgb/hct
what is the most accurate test to diagnose iron def. anemia?

-h & h
-bone marrow
bone marrow
An anemic pt with a normal ferritin level = ?

-iron deficiency
-folate deficiency
If an anemic pt has a normal MCV, but an elevated retic count what do you have?

-iron deficiency
-renal disease
hemolysis-get B12 and folate
Hearsay exceptions declarant must be unavailable.
1. Former testimony
2. Statement against interest
3. Dying declaration
4. Forfeiture (D caused the witness to be unavailable)
Any pt over 40 y.o. with iron deficiency anemia is _ cancer until proven otherwise.

in what type of deficit will a pt c/o neuropathy?

B 12 deficiency
A pt has B 12 and folate deficiency, what social habit must you ask about?

What is the age of reticulocytes?

-<24 hours
-<48 hours
-<3 days
-<7 days
< 48 hours
what do CRP, ESR, platelets, and ferritin all have in common?
acute phase reactants
A 60 y.o. male pt has a hgb of 10, MCV 69, ferritin 6 (low). He also admits to occasional blood in the stool, with alternating diarrhea and constipation. What is your diagnosis, and what is your plan?
Iron deficiency anemia, he needs a rectal exam with a follow up colonoscopy
A 22 y.o. female from Italy, is admitted to you for syncope, on routine lab work she has a hgb 10.2, MCV 66, plts 270, the pt's iron and ferritin levels are normal, HbA2 is 5.5% (high). What does she have?

-B12/folate deficiency
-iron deficiency
a 61 y.o. female is admitted for SOB on excertion x2 months with ambulation unsteadiness. Her labs show WBC 3.1, Hgb 6.1, MCV 136, plts 110. She denies smoking, alcohol, and eats a regular diet. Her folate is nml 39, B12 is low. What do you have?
macrocytic anemia with pancytopenia.

Pernicious anemia

ferritin is the transport protein for iron, not for storage
false; ferritin IS the tissue storage protein for iron, NOT a transport protein
A 32 y.o. man comes in c/o bruising and generally not feeling well for 2 weeks. His WBC 11.5, hgb 8.3, MCV 95, Plt 20, Blasts 112.7. What do you suspect?

-viral infection
-multiple myeloma
if you suspect leukemia, what is the most important test?
bone marrow biopsy
a pt presents with abdominal discomfort, you find moderate splenomegaly, elevated retic count, low haptoglobin, elevated indirect bilirubin, and a + osmotic fragility test. What does your pt have?
hereditary spherocytosis
All of the following are true about sickle cell anemia except?

-will see nucleated RBC's
-Howell-Jolly bodies
-schilling test is diagnostic
-usually autosplenectomy by age 10
-hydroxyurea can reduce # of flareups
schilling test is not even available

hemoglobin electrophoresis confirms diagnosis
A 63 y.o. woman admitted for tx of severe/active RA. WBC 2.8, hgb 8.9, MCV 69, plts 91. spleen is enlarged, iron low, ferritin is low normal. What type of anemia does she have? What else do you know?
microcytic anemia with moderate pancytopenia

Felty's syndrome=pancytopenia, splenomegaly and hypersplenism
heavy plasma cell infiltrate on a bone marrow biopsy indicates?

-multiple myeloma
multiple myeloma
heavy plasma cell infiltrate on a bone marrow biopsy indicates?

-multiple myeloma
multiple myeloma
heavy plasma cell infiltrate on a bone marrow biopsy indicates?

-multiple myeloma
multiple myeloma
for hemoglobinapathies the most accurate diagnostic test is ?

-blood smear
-hgb electrophoresis
-serial cbc's
hgb electrophoresis
for hemoglobinapathies the most accurate diagnostic test is ?

-blood smear
-hgb electrophoresis
-serial cbc's
hgb electrophoresis
for hemoglobinapathies the most accurate diagnostic test is ?

-blood smear
-hgb electrophoresis
-serial cbc's
hgb electrophoresis
Iron deficiency anemia is most often secondary to ____.

-gi bleed
-multiple myeloma
gi bleed
Iron deficiency anemia is most often secondary to ____.

-gi bleed
-multiple myeloma
gi bleed
pallor, glossitis, angular cheliosis, koilonychia, Plummer Vinson syndrome are all indicative of?

-Folate deficiency
-B12 deficiency
-iron deficiency
iron deficiency
pallor, glossitis, angular cheliosis, koilonychia, Plummer Vinson syndrome are all indicative of?

-Folate deficiency
-B12 deficiency
-iron deficiency
iron deficiency
Iron deficiency anemia is most often secondary to ____.

-gi bleed
-multiple myeloma
gi bleed
pallor, glossitis, angular cheliosis, koilonychia, Plummer Vinson syndrome are all indicative of?

-Folate deficiency
-B12 deficiency
-iron deficiency
iron deficiency
Plummer-Vinson syndrome =?

-colon skip lesions
-esophageal string bean
-esophageal webbin
eso. web
Plummer-Vinson syndrome =?

-colon skip lesions
-esophageal string bean
-esophageal webbin
eso. web
Plummer-Vinson syndrome =?

-colon skip lesions
-esophageal string bean
-esophageal webbin
eso. web