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138 Cards in this Set

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Primary skin lesions (2)

Initial lesion

Unaltered by trauma, manipulation or natural regression over time

Secondary skin lesion (2)

Lesions created by manipulation (scratching/rubbing/infxn)

Or natural evolution from primary lesions

Macule (3)

Circumscribed change in colour of skin

Niether raised nor depressed

Pustule (3)

Pus filled raised area


Elevated solid area 5mm/less across

Lichenification (3)

Focal area of thickened skin

Dt chronic scratching or rubbing

Markings accentuated, resembling a washboard

Koebner phenomenon (3)

Trauma to epidermis in pt with pre-existing skin dx

--> same skin dx to form at site of trauma

Eg. Lichen planus, psoriasis

Annular lesions (3)

Ring shaped lesions

Eg. Tinea corporis

Staph presentation of impetigo (2)

First watery vesicles which develop into bullae with depressed center

Cloudy contents or layering of pus

Enlarge then dry and form light-yellow crusts or scabs



Strep presentation of impetigo (2)

Honey-coloured crusts

Stuck onn appearance

Red surface if removed

Commomly face

No blisters

Ant Crud Impetigo

Indications (5)

Generals (2)

Mentals (2)

● Face and corners of mouth

Sores become crusted, cracked then thickened

Oozes discharge: this, smelly/honey-like


>open air <heat, bathing

● Fat and over eat

Tongue coated thick

Desires acids and pickles

●Capricious, sulky

Cannot bear to be touched or looked at

Ant crud mentals compare (2)



Ant crud & Graph compare (4) (1)

Thick crusts

Honey like discharges, offensive

Corners of mouth, face


Ant crud: burning, mental picture

Graph: itching

2 polychrests impetigo



2 non polycrests impetigo

Ant crud


Arum triphyllum impetigo

Indications (4)

Other uses (2)

●Mouth and lips with cracked skin

Irritating, prickling

Picking at lesion

Acrid, excoriating discharges --> skin around nosrils red

Worries lips with teeth constantly

●Boring into nose, biting finger nails


Horseness with lacl of contol of vocal cords


Cicuta impetigo

Thick, lemon coloured scabs, on scalp

Seizures ffg milk crust suppression

Brain, nerves, skin

Mezerum impetigo

Thick leathery scabs with pus that oozes underneath

Hands, feet, scalp

Cracking (geometrical)

Itch <night

Maddening itch

Cracking impetigo (5)





Ant crud

Croton tig impetigo

Itching amd stinging

Pustular eruption on inflamed base

Eat amd immediately get diarrhoea

Skin + digestive (2)


Croton tig (eat and immediately get diarrhoea)

Furuncle definition

Acute, tender, perifollicular inflammatory nodules resulting from infxn by staphylococci

Furuncle pathophysiology

Initial nodule --> pustule 5-30mm --> central necrosis, discharging a core of necrotic tissue and sanguineous purulent exudates

Erythematous, painful, deep-seated follicular abscess

Microbes enter --> changes --> cell death = foreign body --> inflammation --> pus at summit --> rupture

Mild constitutional symptoms in severe cases

Diff bt carbuncle and furuncle

Carbuncle = cluster of furuncles - spread of infxn subcut

Carbuncle more likely to develop into cellulitis or septicaemia

Carbuncle frequently on nape of neck, develop more slowly

Carbuncle accompanied by fever and prostration

Organism responsible for furuncles and carbuncle


Calc sulph suppurative

Creamy yellow discharge

Linked to fistula linked to deeper abscess

Continue to discharge for weeks to months after opening

Hepar sulph suppurative (5)

Extremely painful and sensitive

Swollen, tender axillary LN - keeps arm elevated to prevent pressure on painful area

Chilly, hypersensitive >wrapped up warmly

Early stage of pus formation

Every skin lesion suppurates

Offensive discharge like old cheese

Silicea suppurative (5)

Slowly developing abscesses

Develop around foreign bodies

Disposition to constipation and boils

Chilly, lacks vital heat > warmth, local heat

Offensive, bloody, purulent discharge

Location: tear ducts, axilla, LN, posterior thigh

Sulphur suppurative

Recurring boils


Yellow, offensive discharges with air bubbles

Anthracinum (5)

Severe burning sensation (violent)

Cerebral sx: blood poisoning

Large, tense, carbuncles

Black or purplish

Fowl smelling pus

Trapezius/over scapula, lip


Arnica Montana

Small, symmetrical lesions

Soreness of whole region affected

Arsenicum album suppurative (4)

Marked burning


Prostration, restlessness, thirst in small amounts

<night >external warm applications

Abscesses thay don't mature

Internal abscesses, glands, parotid

Calc carb suppurative

Deep abscesses in muscles, glands and deeper organs

Glandular swellings


Boils with cramps in the arms

Crotalus horridus suppurative (4)


Violent burning

Swelling and pitting oeema surrounding lesion

Oozing of dark blood

Dark fluid that does not clot

Foul smelling

Heckla Lava suppurative (3)

Gumboil with underlying abscess in lower right jawline

Submandibular LN painfully enlarged

Treatof osteomyelitis

Huge swelling

Hard or rubbery swelling with scant pus

Bone necrosis, tumors in general, difficult teething

Pyrogenium suppurative (4)

Associated feverViolent burningRecurrent abscessesDisecting or internal abscessesRestlessPulse disproportioned to state

Tarentula cubensis suppurative (4)

Severely burning and inflamed abscess

Black discolouration or black core

Burning, stinging pains: carbuncles, gangrene, septic boils

Painful and inflamed abscesses with associated pqinful, swollen, neighboring glands

Febrile, weak, restless


Carbolicum acidum suppurative


Pus discharge from several openings

Foul odour

Black discharges (4)



Tarent c



Bad odour of discharges (7)



Hepar sulph


Carbolicum acidum



Calc sulph compare (5)

Discharges- thick, lumpy, yellow - puls

Calendula and silicea similar

Hepar sulph: < open air - calc s: >open air, desires

Both <change in weather

Calc s not as sensitive

Burning boils (3)

Tarent c




Restless with boils (3)




Restless with boils (3)




Septic states with boils (4)



Tarent c


Keloid rx (5)



Calc flour



Petroleum cracking (5)

Dry, dirty look, fingertips <winter

Deep, painful, bloody

Avoids bending hands fearing to rip open skin

Labourers or repeated exposure to chemicals

Hands and fingers

Graphites cracking (4)

Honey like discharge

Thick/calloused skin

Junction of mm and skin

<hands, fingertips, bends of elbows and knees, behind ears, lips

Ant crud cracking

Hyperkeratosis with fissuring

Palm, heals

Nit ac cracking (5)

Bloody, deep, surrounding yellow

Thorn-like splinter/sharp

Tendency to bleeding base

Clear cut edges


Hands, borders or skin and mm (graph)

Anal fissures, cracks of lips, genitalia

Sarsaparilla cracking (3)

Runs against normal direction of skin folds

Recurring cystitis

Burning, painful

Skin thick and leathery (mez)

Sepia crackimg (1)

Fissuring on top of psoriatic plaque, haemorrhagic

Cracks <winter/spring <washing

Cellulitis no1


Apis cellulitis

Oedema marked

Bufo cellulitis

Lymphangitis tracking with cellulitis

Red streaks under skin

Effects blood and circulation

Cellulitis bursting (2)



Pyrogenium cellulitis

Streaking and pale area

From wounds, abscesses, bedsores


Offensive discharge


Staph cellulitis

From incision or laceration

Hepar sulph cellulitis

Always hypersensitivity and pain

Ledum cellulitis

From puncture wound

Coldness of affected part

Cellulitis streakimg (2)



Vipera cellulitis

Cannot bare to have affected limb not elevated

Fullness sensation as if limb would burst

<letting limb hang down

Thick crusts rx (5)


Ant crud




Acne vulgaris definition

Common inflammatory pilosebaceos dx

Comodones, papules, pustules, inflamed nodules, superficial pus-filled cysts

Extreme cases canalising and deep, inflamed, purulent sacks


Oral isotretinion side fx

Used if antibiotics are unsuccessful

Teratogenic - must be on contraceptive 1 month before, during and 1 month after

Liver toxic

Raised triglyceride levels

Oral contraceptive effects on acne

Oestrogen dominant: improve

Progestin containing with androginic activity may aggravate acne

Rosacea definition and s&s

Middle age or later

Flushing, telangiectasia, erythema, papules, and pustules

Central areas of face, trunk, extremeties

Comodones never present

Erthrosis of face

Associatedblepharitis, conjunctivitis, and keratitis

Convex areas of face only, nose, cheeks, forehead and chin

Calc sulph acne

Same location for weeks

Ooze yellow, creamy pus day after day

Kali brom acne (5)

Aggressive, beginning in teens, never ceasing

Universal for simple acne

Large, bluish red pimples

Discoloured, depressed scars

Burning and prickling and much itching

Depressed centre

Forehead, especially centre of forhead, above nose amd eyebrows

Lachesis acne rosacea (2)

Large number of large pimples over face

Cirrhosis and menopause (aetiology)

Localised: rhinophyma

Excessive alcohol

Purplish scar

Without pitting

Pitted scar acne (3)


Kali brom

Ant tart

Thuja acne

Very oily

Shame out of proportion to appearance

Arnica rosacea (2)

Very sore

Symmetrical lesions

Aurum met acne


Excessive alcohol

Large cysts rarely erupt

Causticum acne

Pustules and comedones with black centers

Nose, especially tip


Graphites acne

Very itchy pimples

<night, before menses


Puls acne

Pale individual with menstrual problems

Right sided headache and digestive upsets from fatty foods

Sanguinaria rosacea (2)

During menopause or scanty menses

Burning and stinging

<exposure to heat

Circumscribed redness of cheeks

Sanguinaria complementary (2)



Selenium acne


Black heads

Oily skin


Oily skin (3)




Ant tart acne

Bluish, smallpox-like scars

Purplish red craters

Itching acne (2)

Calc sil

Kali brom

Psoriasis aetiology (5)

Onset bt 10 and 40

Common family hx

Associated with deeper problems

Precipitated by: koebner phenomina, sunburn, various drugs chloroquine, lithium, beta blockers, topocal drugs etc

Psoriasis sites (3)

Extensor surfaces

Back and buttocks

Scalp, behind ears

Nails, eyebrows, axillae, umbilicus/anogenital

Occasionally generalised

Psoriasis progresssion (2)

Papules coalesce into large plaques with bizarre annular (rig shaped) and gyrate (spiral shaped) patterns

Guattate psoriasis

Crops of small, drop-like psoriasis papules and plaques

Nummular Psoriasis

Lesions discrete and discoid

Punctata psoriasis

Individual lesions are papules

Each red and tipped with single white scale

Inverse psoriasis (2)

Intertriginous areas as opposed to extensor surfaces

Often don't have silvery scales

Sharply demarcated red plaques

Nail psoriasis vs tinea unguium (4)


Usually toenail, rarely fingernails

Nails become thickened, lustreless

Debris accumulates under free edge

Nail plate separated, nail , may be destroyed

No pitting


Pitting, discolouration, oncholysis, subungal kyperkeratosis

Thinning and brittleness

Distal edge separated from nail bed

Ridges or grooves or deformity may be seen

Psoriasis treatment

Lubricants, keratolytics, topical corticosteroids

Sunlight recommended (no excess)

Systemic antimetabolites eg. Methotrexate in severe cases, skin and joints

Lubricating applications after bathing

Ars alb psoriasis

Fine powdery desquamation, parchment-like dry skin

Nummular psoriasis, raised red spots


Itches violently, burns on scratching

Relief when skin is raw --> heals --> itch

>warmth, warm applications


Graphites psoriasis (6)


Thick and whitish, hard skin, cracked

May ooze thick serum

Bland eruptions, without itching

<night, before menses

Nails thick and pitted or split

Head and scalp, behind ears, genitalia, back of hand

Associated obesity

Petroleum psoriasis (6)


Sites of old scars (graph)

<winter, cold dry weather

Hands cracked and painful, impossible to work with

Hands, between fingers, fingertips, palms, scrotum, heels,

Fissures, sore, red scaled, deep bleeding cracks

Ars iod psoriasis

Thick crusts, inflamed underneath

Marked exfoliation

Emaciated and weak

Large scales, raw bleeding skin underneath

>cold/cold application


Fine squams- powdery

Iris psoriasis

Associated migraines

Shiny scales

Raised, irregular, cracked

Right, elbow, knee

Burning (throughout git)

Digestive derangement

Kali arsenicosum psoriasis


Numerous patches


Burning and itching

<undressing, warmth, after hot bath

Asthma <1-3am

Anxiety, del: going to have heart attack

Manganum psoriasis

Thickening and suppuration in folds of skin

Folds of skin, elbows, knees

Thickened becomes fissued

Shiny, hard, scales


Similar to petroleum

Not fingertips


Mezerum psoriasis (6)

Fine white scales covering large areas

Scalp, back, palm

Moist or oozing

Dry, fine plaques

Thick crusts with pus underneath, ulcerating plaques


<heat, after scratching, undressing

>exposure to open/cold air

Mezerum psoriasis (6)

Fine white scales covering large areas

Scalp, back, palm

Moist or oozing

Dry, fine plaques

Thick crusts with pus underneath, ulcerating plaques


<heat, after scratching, undressing

>exposure to open/cold air

Nit ac psoriasis


Scaly spots with deep cracks

Painful stitches/stabs

<night, winter

Oleander psoriasis (4)


<acidic foods

Dry, large, flakes from scalp

Itching and burning

<Night and cold air

Rad brom psoriasis (6)

Inflamed, red spots


Penis and scrotum

Arms, waist, diffuse


Itching and burning

Sarsaparilla psoriasis

Cracking against flow of skin folds

Palms, dorsum of hands, feet


Easily suppurating

Burning UTI at last drops

Lichen planus cf (5)

Recurrent, pruritic, inflammatory eruption

Small papules coalesce into rough, scaly patches

Accompanied by oral lesions

Symmetrical distribution

Koebner phenomenon








Tenia pedis presentation (3)

Trichophytum mentagrophytes

Begins at 3rd and 4th inter-digital spaces --> planter surface of arch

Nails become thick amd distorted

Acute flareups with vesicles and bullae in warm weather


Scaling and thickening of soles, extends just beyond plantar surface

Scaling and thickening of soles, extends just beyond plantar surfaceItching, pain, inflammation, or vesiculation - slight to severeSecondary bacrerial infxn

Itching, pain, inflammation, or vesiculation - slight to severe

Secondary bacrerial infxn

bacrerial infxn

Sepia fungal (5)


Round scaly patches

Dry, mild itch, whitish

Yellowish patches on face

<open air, cold washing


Itch not relieved by scratching

Face, mouth (lower lip), head, scalp


Derm (4)

Generals (6)

●Fine white scales

Falling of hair in spots on scalp and face


Face, scalp, beard


Drowsy during day, restless at night

Talks in sleep, grinds teeth

Appetite poor

Indurated, palpable glands everywhere

Excessive sweats

Rad brom fungal


Lesions very red


Perfectly round patches on skin or scalp

Tellurium (3)

Circular (ring shaped)

May cover whole body or single parts

Barbers itch: hair falling in spots

Offensive garlic or fish brine odors

Tinea versocolor (2)

Noticed in summer

Lesions do not tan, remain pale

White 'sun spots'

Intertrigo (2)

Superficial pustules


Creamy exudates withing skin folds

Thrush (2)

White, adherent, cottage cheese-like plaques on oral mucosa

Perleche (2)



Creamy exudates at angles of mouth

Paronchia (2)



Indurated proximal nail fold

With or without purulent discharge

Contact dermatitis locations and causes (5)

Eyelids: nail polish, eye makeup, airborne allergen

Earlobes/neck: metal jewellery

Forhead, scalp margins: hair dyes

Face: cosmetics, fragrances, airborne allergens

Waistband: elastic

Dorsal feet: shoes

Diagnosis of atopic dermatitis



Topical morphology and distribution for age

Chronic or relapsing

Personal or family hx of asthma, allergic rhinitis, atopic derm

Psoriasis vs eczema cf (10)



Joint involvmemt

Non pruritic

Nail involvement

Dry, well circumscribed, silvery, scaling papules and plaques


Flexor surfaces

No joint involvement


Erythema, lichenification, weeping

Secondary bacterial infxn

Erythema, lichenification, weepingSecondary bacterial infxn<wool, emotional stress, weather changes, bacterial skin infxns

<wool, emotional stress, weather changes, bacterial skin infxns

Seborrheic derm cf (6)

Inflammatory scaling dx of scalp, face

Gradual onset in adults: dry or greasy, diffuse scaling with variable itching

No hair loss

Yellow-red scaling papules along hairline, behing ears, in external auditory canals, on eyebrows, bridge of nose, naso-labial folds and over sternum

Inflamed scalp covered with greasy scales

Neonates: <1month - thick yellow, crusted scalp lesion (cradle cap), fissuring and yellow scaling behind ears and red facial papules

Older children: thick, tenacious, scaly plaquss in scalp 1-2cm

Housewives eczema (3)

Hand dermatitis

Amongst wet workers

Chronic exposure to abrasive detergents

Pompholyx (3)

Aka dishydrosis

Deep seeted itchy vesicles

On palms, sides of fingers, soles and toes. Scaling, redness and oozing ffg vesiculation

Nat mur

Crops <stress

Candidates for aggravation (5)

Beginning early childhood

Deeper health problems: asthma, emotional problems etc

Poorly controlled with topical steroids

Highly controlled/emotionally suppressed patients

Strong family hx

Steroid reduction (4)

Remove oral steroids, keep topical

Once rx has acted, gradually withdraw as tolerable by pt

If maximum topical steroids fail, then try treating on systemic steroids

Never cease abruptly - taper by 20% each week

Antihistamines for itch (quercetin)

Therapeutic tips skin (3)

Prescription based on skin sx, risk bad aggravation without amelioration

Start low 6c, 9c, 12c daily or at most one 30c or LM

Aggravation= Immediate cessation of remedy until settles, LM--> LM2

settles, LM--> LM2

Sulphur eczema (5)


Voluptuous itch

Scratch until raw, oozing or bleeding

<night, heated bed, wool

>cold application

Dirty, unclean appearance

Rotten odor

Hairline, anticubital and popliteal fossae, groin, feet

Graph eczema (3)

Dry with thick or honey like discharge

Deep cracks (furrows)

<nighy, heated becoming

Hard, thick skin, dry and rough, workers skin

Suppressed eczema, alternates wiyh deep disorders like asthma or peptic ulcers

Mez eczema (7)

Maddening itch, intolerable

Scalp with thick, white flakes, pus from under scabs

<nighy, heat, touch, hot fire, hot bathing

>cold air

Cracked, geometric pattern

Stocking glove, head and scalp

Hairline, face, eyebrows, around eyes


Petroleum eczema


Work with hands

Scratches until bleeds

Coldness in raw spot

<winter, cold weather

Small vesicles break open and crust over

Skin dirty look


Hands, corners of mouth and skin folds, nipples, groin

Calc sulph eczema

Easy infection

Week to months to heal

Yellow crusty

Cicuta virosa eczema (4)

Eczema without itching

Burning on hands from slightest touch

Lemon coloured, yellow, thick crusts in patches

Scalp, hands, between fingers

Neurological disorders from suppressed eruptions

Manganum eczema

Scratches until raw

<perspiration, sea bathing, menses, menopause

>scratching, warmth

Eczema associated with menstrual cycle, sea bathing and vesicles (2)


Nat mur

Eczema associated with menstrual cycle, sea bathing and vesicles (2)


Nat mur

Medorrhinum eczema

Eczema and asthma since birth

Hx of severe diaper rash

Oleander eczema

Head, scalp

Scabs ooze when lifted

Scratches until raw

<oranges, tomatoes, acids

Huge flakes

Chapped or cracked face

Chronic diarrhea

Scalp distribution (3)




Sulph vs psor


Itch- scratch until bleeds

<night, heat of bed, bathing, wool

Dirty appearance

Foul odor



Voluptuous itch

>cold applications

Rotten egg smell



<cold, undressing, winter


Fetid odor


Can be dry