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39 Cards in this Set

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What are gases such as CO2 and water vapour in the atmosphere?

They are greenhouse gases

How does CO2 and water vapour act as a greenhouse and what effect does this have on the atmosphere?

They act as a greenhouse since they absorb long wave radiation. This keeps the temperature moderate for human survival

(would be 15 degrees higher!)

What does a high concentration of pollutants cause?

They cause a rise in temperature in the atmosphere

What does deforestation result in?

Deforestation also means that temperatures on earth will be higher because there are less trees to absorb CO2

Why is the heat at the equator very intense?

It is intense because the sun directly concentrates on this area

Give the name for intense heat at the eqautor

HEAT EQUATOR (0 degrees latitude)

What is the name for:

- the day that summer is experienced

- the day that winter is experienced

1. Summer solstice

2. Winter solstice

What gives the earth its seasons?

It has seasons due to the tilt of 23.5 degrees

What is the name given to the earths placement when we experience autumn and spring?

The earth would be situated in the equinox position

On what date and where does the sun's rays strike when the northern hemisphere experiences summer?

The northern hemisphere experiences summer on the 21 June & the sun hits the tropic of cancer

On what date and where does the sun's rays strike when the southern hemisphere experiences summer?

The southern hemisphere experiences summer on 22 Dec and it hits the tropic of capricorn

Where are the sun's rays and what are the dates when we experience spring and autumn?

The sun hits the equator.

21 March: Northern experiences spring, Southern experiences autumn

23 Sep: Northern experiences autumn and Southern experiences spring

Why does the temp decrease with height in the troposphere?

It decreases since the highest concentration of water vapour and CO2 occurs closest to the surface

What is the rate at which cooling occurs?

It occurs at:

- the environmental lapse rate

- positive lapse rate

Why does temp decrease with latitude?

The further away from the surface, the thinner the air gets so less heat is absorbed; and rather, radiated back into space. This is also because there is less CO2 and water vapour at higher altitiudes

What is temperature inversion and where and why does it occur?

Temperature inversion is when temperature increases with height. It occurs in high polluted areas since the pollutants trap the rising heat

What is and why does a trigger action/lift off occur?

A trigger action is the lifting of warm air from the surface. It is due to convection currents, mountain or cold front

Define DALR

DALR is the cooling or rising air at 1 degree for every 100m

Define WALR

WALR is the slowing of further cooling from DALR. It cools at 0.5 degrees every 100m

What provides balance between extreme heat and cold?

Ocean currents

How does equatorial currents act on climate?

They bring warmer conditions and rainfall to eastern sides of continents

What do:

- western currents bring

- EQUATORIAL (eastern) currents bring

Western currents: cold conditions

Equatorial (EAST) currents: warm conditions

What is the determining factor of heat on continent sides?

Ocean currents

Define maritime climates

They are coastal climates (moderate temps) due to oceans

Define continental climates

They are climates that cause extreme heat and cold due to great distances from the ocean

Define Aspect

The aspect is the direction in which the slope is facing

Where does the suns rays hit the aspect in the hemispheres?

The rays hit directly north of the southern hemisphere and south in the northern hemisphere

The eastern side-facing slope receives this earlier in the day

Radiant energy. This is because the sun rises in east and sets in west

What are three other factors that influence temperature?

1. Winds (wind from cold region reduces temp)

2. Direction of mountains (shields regions of polar winds)

3. Cloud Cover (is like a blanket and can trap radiation and moderate temps)

Define climate change

Any change in global temperatures and precipitation due to nature or human activity

What type of shift is climate change?

It is a long term shift in weather patterns

What can fossils and pollen tell us about climate?

Analysis of the fossils and pollen determines previous climates; thus showing that climate change has been present since the beginning

Describe the two theories of climate change

1. Global Cooling due to cycles in suns radiation

2. Global Warming due to increase of temps

What are 6 ways of reducing climate change?

1. Don't drive when there are alternatives

2. Don't waste food

3. Small cars to reduce mileage

4. Energy efficient homes

5. Buy locally produced food

6. Recycle

How can climate change cause water and food scarcity?

Food: Higher temps so less water for growing food

Water: More evaporation causes less clouds so less rain and water in lakes

What are 4 ecological threats of climate change?

- less water

- drier soil

- ecosystem changes from loss of biodiversity and collapsing food chains (extinction)

What are 4 livelihood threats of climate change?

- fewer crops

- less to sell

- less industry

- less jobs; more poverty and higher crime

How does a greenhouse work?

Short wave radiation moves through glass and the glass then traps heat as long wave radiation

Describe the greenhouse effect

1. Atmosphere allows short wave radiation to heat the surface

2. Absorbs long wave radiation and terrestrial radiation. This traps heat in the lower layers of atmosphere!