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97 Cards in this Set

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About how many receptors are there in the olfactory system?
500-1000 receptors
True/False: Olfactory neurons are bipolar.
About how many odors are able to sensed by the olfactory system?
>5000 odors
The bipolar olfactory neurons synapse on what type of cell?
Mitral cells
What is the structure where the bipolar olfactory neurons and the mitral cells synapse?
What are the two components of the "olfactory cortex"?
Pyriform cortex and the entorhinal cortex
Trace olfactory input to orbitofrontal cortex.
Olfactory input - amygdala + olfactory cortex - DM - olfactory cortex
What are two things which diminish sense of smell?
Infections and smoking
If smell is lost, what is possible?
Early neurodegenerative disease
Kallman hormone is the lose of what type of neurons (or absence)?
Lutein hormone releasing hormone (LHRH)
What is a potential second olfactory system?
Vomeronasal organ
What may sense human pheromones?
Vomeronasal organ
What are the four regions/structures located in the limbic system?
Limbic lobe, subcortical structures, anterior thalamus (anterior tubercle), and mammillary bodies
List four components of the limbic lobe?
Subcallosal, cingulate, isthmus of cingulate, parahippocampal gyrus
What are the three components of the subcortex associated with the limbic system?
Amygdala, septal nuclei, and basal forebrain
What coordinates intellect (cognition) and affect (emotions) also involved in emotional processing, has reduced activity in schizophrenia.
Cingulate cortex
What is often associated with chronic pain syndromes resulting in negative emotional responses?
Cingulate cortex
What are the three components of the hippocampal formation?
Hippocampus proper, dentate gyrus, subiculum
What becomes the fornix?
The hippocampal formation's fimbria
In the hippocampal formation, where is the granular layer?
In the dentate gyrus
What looks like a jelly roll or a cinnamon roll?
Dentate gyrus
What is located under the jelly roll or dentate gyrus?
What is located laterally from the dentate gyrus?
Hippocampus proper
How many layers does the hippocampal formation have?
What is the major input region of the hippocampal formation?
Dentate gyrus
What is the major output region of the hippocampus?
Subiculum (small part of the hippocampus proper)
What is the outer output neuronal shell of the hippocampus?
What is between the subiculum and the collateral sulcus?
entorhinal cortex
What is a proposed memory pathway?
Cortex, entorhinal cortex and hippocampus
Trace the flow of memories through the hippocampus to the cortex.
Hippocampus (Dentate) - Hp Proper + subiculum - fibria - fornix - mammilary bodies, septal nuclei (?) - cortex
If bilateral hippocampi is removed what occurs?
Anterograde amnesia
Define: Unable to remember since time of lesion.
Declarative memory
What are the two regions of the brain responsible for epilepsy?
Amygdala, and hippocampus
List the four components of the papez (pape) circuit?
Cingulate cortex, hippocampus, mammillary bodies, and anterior thalamus
How is the hippocampus and mammillary bodies joined?
What connects the mammillary body and the anterior thalamus?
Mammillothalamic tract
Besides the hippocampus what is another region associated with the limbic system?
Septal area
What area is associated with pleasure?
Septal area
What area when lesioned (besides the hippocampus) is associated with learning peseverance?
Septal area
What functions to label stimuli as 'negative' or harmful, fear/anxiety responses, stimulation results in arrest response, followed by fight or flight.
What area has benzodiazepan receptors?
What are the five outputs of the amygdala?
PAG (pain suppression), Autonomic centers, reticular formation (vigilance startle), Paraventricular nucleus (CRH-stress response), DM (planning & judgment)
What part of the brain is associated with 'deja' vu?
In addition to déjà vu with amygdala what is also associated?
Olfactory sensation
If damage to the amygdala, what are the four damages?
Tameness, psychic blindness, hyperoral and hypersexual responses
Define: Unable to recognize the meaning of objects by sight?
psychic blindness
Collectively damage to the amygdala (4 damages) is referred to?
Kluver-Buver Syndrome
What damage is associated with Urbach-Wiethe Syndrome?
Bilateral calcification of Amygdala
What are two characteristics of Urbach-Wiethe syndrome?
Unable to read emotions and unfearful of danger
Besides the hippocampus, and the amygdala what is another part of the limbic system?
Nucleus accumbens
Besides the septal region what other area is associated with pleasure?
Nucleus accumbens
Where are the nucleus basalis of Meynert located?
Substantia innominata
Where are the receptors and cell bodies of the olfactory nerves located?
In the olfactory mucosa
True/False: The olfactory tract and olfactory nerve are the same.
What borders the olfactory trigone?
medial and lateral olfactory stria and the anterior posterior perforated substance
What regions receive input from the olfactory tract?
Amygdala and entorhinal cortex
The parahippocampal gyrus contains two subparts, what are they?
entorhinal cortex and the piriform
Where does the fornix arise from?
The fimbriae of the hippocampus
What are the septal nuclei associated with?
Columns of the fornix
What fiber bundle leaves the amygdala to go to the hypothalamis?
Stria terminalis
What is the clinical importance of the substantia innominata?
Generates acetylcholine for the brain. Degenerates in Alzheimer's
What forms a shell around the globus pallidus?
What structure separates always the dentate gyrus from the subiculum?
Hippocampal fissure
Where does the stria medullaris come from?
Septal region
What is the input layer of the dentate?
Granular cell layer (dark staining C shaped).
What functions are associated with the paez circuit?
memory and emotional expression
Where do the cells of the granule layer of the dentate nucleus project
What is the clinical syndrome characterized by a lack of a sense of smell coupled with reproductive dysfunction.?
Kallmann syndrome
What integrates information about the environment (functions of the association cortex) with the autonomic nervous system (functions of the hypothalamus and midbrain tegmentum).
Limbic system
What connects the mitral cells's axons from the olfactory tract to the primary olfactory cortex and amygdala?
Lateral olfactory stria.
True/False: The Olfactory information projects first to the thalamus which sends the information to the cortex.
False; Olfactory information projects to the cortex without synapsing first in the thalamus.
Where does the primary olfactory cortex and amygdala project to?
Dorsomedial thalamic nucleus (DM)
Where does the dorsal medial (DM) thalamic nucleus project to?
Orbitofrontal cortex
What two parts of the gross brain compose the limbic system?
Telencephalic and diencephalic structures
What are the three components of the limbic lobe?
cingulate, subcallosal (SC), & parahippocampal gyri
What are the three components of the subcortical centers associated with the limbic system?
Amygdala, septal nuclei, & basal forebrain
Wjat are the two components of the diencephalic nuclei?
anterior thalamus and mammillary bodies
What are the three layers of the dentate gyrus?
Outer molecular layer, intermediate cell layter (granule cell layer), inner polymorphic layer
True/False, the hippocampus proper, the dentate nucleus and the subiculum have three layers.
What converts short-term memories into long-term memories?
List in order, the components of the papez circuit.
Cingulate cortex (1) to Hippocampus (2) to mammillary bodies (3) to anterior thalamus (4)
What complex is a small aggregation of nuclei ventrolateral to the septum pellucidum and deep to the subcallosal cortex?
Septal complex
What functions to label sensory stimuli as pleasurable or positive?
What are the three afferent connections received by the septal nuclei?
Fornix (high processed sensory information from the hippocampus), amgydala (via the ventral amygdalofugal pathway and stria terminalis), and medail forebrain bundle (info from hypothalamus and midbrain tegmentum)
What are the three efferent connections of the septal nuclei?
Hippocampus (via fornix), hypothalamus and midbrain tegmentum (via the medial forebrain bundle), habenula (via the stria medullaris thalami)
What is a collection of nuclei in the dorsomedial temporal lobe anterior to the hippocampus and the inferior horn of the lateral ventricle it lies deep to the uncus?
Where is the lesion when a patient displays hyperemotional states and impaired learning expsecially perseveration?
Septal region
Define: Reptition of incorrect response.
What structus is involved with focusing attention and in labeling stimuli as negative or harmful?
True/False; the Amygdala does NOT receive direct olfactory information.
False; The amygdala receives direct olfactory information
What are the four characteristics of Kluver-Bucy Syndrome (associated with a lesion of the amygdala)?
Tameness, psychic blindness, hyperoral and hypersexual responses
What causes Kluver-Bucy syndrome?
Amydala lesions
What is located at the ventral striatum at junction of head of caudate and putamen?
Nucleus accumbens
What structure has a role in drug and alcohol addiction?
Nucleus accumbens
What structure is located ventral to anterior commissure and deep to the anterior perforated substance?
Basal forebrain
What superstructure is the substantia innominata a part of?
Basal forebrain.
Name one group of neurons located in the substantia innominata?
Nucleus basalis of Meynert.