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18 Cards in this Set

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What are some causes of first trimester vaginal bleeding?
- miscarriage: chromosome abnormalities, progesterone deficiency
- ectopic pregnancy
Types of miscarriages.
- blighted ovum: empty embryonic sac
- threatened miscarriage: any bleeding during early pregnancy
- inevitable abortion: fetal heart stopped and cervix open
- complete abortion
- incomplete abortion
- missed abortion
How do you figure out how much Rhogam you need to give for bleeds during pregnancy?
Based on amount of fetal red blood cells
- 300mcg per 15 cc fetal blood cells (deternined by Kleihauer-Betke test)
What is the formula to determine fetal blood volume in Kleihauer-Betke test?
maternal blood volume (5L) X maternal Hct X % fetal cells
Maternla or fetal hemaglobin?

- resistent to acid solution
fetal hemaglobin
What is Rosette test?
detects presemce of RH+ fetal blood in maternal circulation
What are some causes of 2nd trimester bleeding?
- placenta previa
- placental abruption
- preterm labor
- previability: cervical incompetence
- recent coitus
- cervical polyps, cancer
What are different grades of placenta previa?
- low lying placenta
- marginal placenta previa
- partial placenta previa
- complete placenta previa
Risk factors for placenta previa.
- prior c-sections and uterine surgeries
- multiparity
- multiple gestation
- smoking
- h/o placenta previa
- increased maternal age
What is this?

- "sentinel bleed" after 28wk gestation
- sudden profuse painless vaginal bleeding
placenta previa
How to diagnose placenta previa?
- u/s: transabdominal, translabial
- vaginal exam and u/s contraindicated
How to manage placenta previa?
- strict bed rest
- c section if unstoppable labor, fetal distress, or life threatening bleed
How to manage this case?

- placenta previa with accreta
- hysterectomy at the time of delivery (puerperal hysterectomy)
Definitions of these terms:

- placenta accreta
- placenta increta
- placenta percreta
- vasa previa
- placenta accreta: placenta invades superficial uterine wall
- placenta increta: placenta invades myometrium
- placenta percreta: placenta invades uterine serosa
- vasa previa: fetal vessels course over cervix
What are some complications of placenta previa?
- hemorrhage
- preterm delivery
- comgenital malformation
- risk pf puerperal hysterectomy
How to diagnose placenta accreta?
- MRI is the best imaging choice
How to manage placenta accreta?
- surgical planning
- catheter placement, pre-op for embolization if necessary
- expect to transfuse
What is placental abruption?
- premature separation of normally implanted placenta from the uterine wall resulting in hemorrhage between uterine wall and placenta