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11 Cards in this Set

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Chapter 5. Expansion of Settlement and Erosion of Health during the HBC Monopoly, 1821 -1869


1. What impact did the spread of smallpox from the steamboat, the St. Peters, have?

Government implemented a vaccination program, but doctors can’t complete their work in the summer. So the Mandan, hidatsa, arikara, Assiniboine Cree and niitsitapi were not vaccinated. The Sioux bands who were did not die.

St. Peters = agrarian mission was established to help displaced indigenous employees become self sufficient

Smallpox: killed half the Pawnee nation. In 1837-1838, it killed approx 17000 ppl and turned the Missouri region into “One great graveyard”. In Mandan, the death blow came <2 years later.

Estimate 90% weakened by mortality

Killed lots of ppl, the bones of whole Indian camp was bleaching on the plains

The crew on the boat carried the infection

1) what did gov’t implement

2) who got vaccinated

3) which population did smallpox kill

4) how was the death scale

2. In what ways did the HBC work to create disease prevention techniques? Do you think their policies were effective?

Delivered medical and other assistance for men to commercial hunt

Dr. William Todd helped vaccinate ppl

Time tested strategy to Head into the bush or into plains to lower contagion

London committee told George Simpson to implement sanitation regulations at York factory to combat health problems

Quarantine -> Isolation measures to stop scarlet fever spread . It can’t be contained forever as soldiers can’t be maintained

Stop movement of Cree hunters

I think the policies were pretty effective and well-aligned with the science, it’s just hard to implement where poverty, impoverishment and desperation really rules the region. Too many other disease were also circulated.

3. What purpose did the spread of missionary work serve in helping with disease?

Missionaries served to anchor communities to territory that would have been otherwise abandoned

Missions improved material well being

First large scale missionary work outside Red River Settlement in 1840s. Simpson let them in bc fur lands were exhausted , uncontrolled migration of displaced and unemployed, and slump in beaver trade.

They didn’t seem to help with disease as the missionary held mass sessions, which had deadly consequences

3. What purpose did the spread of missionary work serve in helping with disease?

Missionaries served to anchor communities to territory that would have been otherwise abandoned

Missions improved material well being

First large scale missionary work outside Red River Settlement in 1840s. Simpson let them in bc fur lands were exhausted , uncontrolled migration of displaced and unemployed, and slump in beaver trade.

They didn’t seem to help with disease as the missionary held mass sessions, which had deadly consequences

Chapter 6. Canada, the Northwest, and the Treaty period, 1869 - 76


3. What purpose did the spread of missionary work serve in helping with disease?

Missionaries served to anchor communities to territory that would have been otherwise abandoned

Missions improved material well being , help with cheap way to deliver assistance from HBC.

First large scale missionary work outside Red River Settlement in 1840s. Simpson let them in bc fur lands were exhausted , uncontrolled migration of displaced and unemployed, and slump in beaver trade. Ppl were still getting sick, in spite of HBC Measure.

They didn’t seem to help with disease as the missionary held mass sessions, which had deadly consequences. Spread measles; and native blamed Christian’s for death.

Chapter 6. Canada, the Northwest, and the Treaty period, 1869 - 76


1. Hostility towards the traders grew as it appeared they were immune to the deadly spread of illness. What were some of the responses of the Cree at Fort Pitt? (86)

As smallpox spread, aboriginal hostility toward traders, who were immune increased.

They believed that only europeans could cure the disease that they introduced to country and that their own medicine men were not good enough to confront the plague. Treaty 6 needing gov’t to provide a medicine chest was signed.

The cree turned to fatal meaures: “macabre picketing”. Wanted to kill white man for white disease (kill traders). It was awful, Dead bodies were left unburied close to the stockades

Butler says that Indians in the worst stage of the disease were frequently seen trying to force entry into houses, or rubbing portions of infectious matter from their bodies against door handles and window frames (want revenge)

2. Compare and contrast how Protestant missionaries and Catholic missionaries dealt with the suffering of those who had contracted illness.(87-88)

The disease was a lot worse under the minstry of Catholics

Compared to catholics, the protestants adopted isolation from affected individuals to prevent spread(catagion) of the disease (Henry Steinhauber, missionary at Whitefish Lake)

They dispersed as soon as the news of the epidemic arrived

They isolated for a long period of time that nothing was heard from them

The catholics found that this method was due to cowadice. Instead, they dealt with the spread of illness by bring their own communities together

This led to high rates of mortality, but fewer cases where HBC authorities took quick and effective measures

Some people were vaccinated under the catholic ministry, but the serum injected was said to be fake

3. How did the government respond to the need for intervention in the spread of disease? How did this compare to what the HBC had done a generation earlier?(88-89)

The dominion authorities response to the epidemic was completely opposite to the measure that were taken by the HBC

The governement officials did not have any idea about the magnitude of the suffering and how to provide medical support to a vast region in a short time

The HBC, a generation earlier, used its own supplies and transportation to check the epidemic when and where it started

However, the government was unprepared for the scale of the crisis. When the spidemic has started to spread, Board of health was appointed to manage the situation