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30 Cards in this Set

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What category is Xi Jian - Cornu Rhinocerus
Clear heat and cool blood
What category is Shui Niu Jiao - Cornu Bubali
Clear heat and cool blood
What clear heat and cool blood herb nourishes the yin and promotes body fluids, clears heat from the heart?
Sheng Di Huang - Radix Rehmanniae
What herb treats insomnia, irritibality, and anxiety due to heart fire or menopause?
Sheng Di Huang - Radix Rehmanniae
What two herbs lower blood sugar and can be helpful for patients with Type II Diabetes?
Sheng Di Huang - Radix Rehmanniae, and Xuan Shen - Radix - Scrophulariae
What herb is good for both acute and chronic sore throat?
Xuan Shen - Radix Scrophulariae
What herb clears heat and cools blood, nourishes yin, clears toxic heat, and softens hardneings and dissipates nodules?
Xuan Shen - Radix Scrophulariae
What herb can treat restlessness and irritability in the later stage of febrile disease as well as skin diseases and swollen lymph glands?
Xuan Shen - Radix Scrophulariae
Patient has excessive menstruation, pain, and inflammation, a giant uterine fibroid, boils, night fever, and hot flashes.
Mu Dan Pi - Cortex Moutan Radicis
What herb clears heat and cools blood, activates blood and eliminates stasis, clears deficient heat, and treats pain and inflammation anywhere?
Mu Dan Pi - Cortex Moutan Radicis
What herb is king for Chicken Pox?
Zi Cao - Rx Arnebiae seu Lithospermi
Patient suffers from constipation, eczema, and shingles.
Zi Cao - Rx Arnebiae seu Lithospermi
What herb clears deficient heat and MALARIA?
QING HAO! herba artemisiae Annuae
Patient suffers from low grade fevers, night sweats, five palm heat, is sweating profusely with headache and summer heat.
Qing Hao - herba Artemisiae Annuae
What herb clears deficient heat, clears heat from the lung, and cools blood?
Di Gu Pi - Cortex Lycee Radicis
Patient suffers from night sweats, five palm heat, cough and wheezing with nosebleeds, and vomiting of blood.
Di Gu Pi - Cortex Lycee Radicis
What herb is good for snake bites, and can be used topically or internally for toxic heat and abscesses.
Bai Wei - Radix Cynanchi
What Deficient Heat clearing herb promotes diuresis?
Bai Wei - Radix Cynanchi
What clear deficient heat herb treats tidal fevers and bloating stomach?
Yin Chai Hu - Radix Stellariae
What clear deficient heat herb treats tidal fevers and hemorrhoids or damp heat in lower jiao?
Hu Huang Lian - Rhizoma Picrorhizae
What combination of herbs treats cough due to lung heat?
Di Gu Pi - Cortex Lycee Radicis and Huang Qin - Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis
What are the three Huangs for Damp-heat?
Huang Qin, Huang Lian, Huang Bai
What damp-heat clearing herb clears heat from the upper jiao?
Huang Qin - Rx Scutellariae Baicalensis
What damp-heat clearing herb clears heat from the middle jiao?
Huang Lian - Rz Coptidis
What damp-heat clearing herb clears heat from the lower jiao?
Huang Bai - Cortex Phellodendri
Patient has tension in trapezius muscles, red eyes, bitter taste, cough, wheezing, and thirst, with skin sores, diarrhea and dysentery.
Huang Qin - Rx Scutellariae
What herb clears heat from the Shao Yang, dries dampness, sedates liver yang, clears lung and toxic heat, stops bleeding, and calms the fetus?
Huang Qin - Rx Scutellariae
Patient has bad breath, hunger, reflux, bleeding gums due to stomach fire, and also appears anxious, has suffered from insomnia irritability, and stuttering due to heart fire.
Huang Lian - Rhizoma Coptidis
What Clear heat and dry dampness herb treats toxic heat, stomach fire and heart fire?
Huang Lian - Rhizoma Coptidis
What herb can treat Kidney fire due to deficient heat, as well as UTIs, leukorrhea, and hemorrhoids due to damp heat in the lower jiao?
Huang Bai - Cortex Phellodendri