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55 Cards in this Set

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Who are the parents of Hercules?

Zeus and Alcmene

Who is Heracles brother?


what did Hera do to try and kill Hercules?

She tried to trap him in the womb, sent to snakes to kill him, (alcmene then abandoned him in the woods.) she sent him into a fit of madness and killed his wife and kids.

What was his first labour?

Killed at wore its skin as a cloak

nemean lion

What was his second labour?

Hydra, his cousin, but the stamps after Heracles cut it off.


Third labour?

Caught it and brought it to the King.

golden hind

What was his fourth labour?

erymanthian boar caught it, and brought it to the king, who hid in a jar


What was his fifth labour?

augean stables rerouted Rivers to clean it instantly.


What was the sixth?

stymphalian birds. shot them down after using a rattle.


what was the seventh labour?

cretan bull, rode it to Mycenae


What was his eighth labour?

Mares of Diomedes freed them

mares of diomedes

what was his ninth labour?

belt of hippolyte she was going to give it peacefully to him, but he killed her.


what was his 10th labour?

cattle of geryon brought them to King, sacrifice to Hera.


What was his 11th labour?

Apples of Hesperides

- tricked Atlas, presented golden apples


what was his 12 labour?

Cerberus Presented to King then taken back


What was the founding story of the Olympic Games?

Pelops beat hippodamias Father is a chariot race and set up the games as funeral games.

what happened in the start of Ovids metamorphosis

Achelous wrestles Hercules because he doubted whether Zeus was his real father.

What is the story of the shirt of Nessus?

he was crossing a river with his wife, when nurses stole her, and Hercules, shot him with an arrow, poisoned with the blood of the Hydra, and Nessus gives his shirt to his wife, and says it will revive the love if it ever goes away, and then she gives it to him, and he’s in so much pain that he died.

What is the story of Cacus?

cacus stolen his cows and hercules was very angry and tore the top off a mountin. dark rage.

what is a naos/cella

where the cult statue was

what is the name for a greek priest who sacrifices things?


who reads entrails?


what is on the Parthenon? who was it dedicated to, and what is on the pediment?

Dedicated to Athena, huge, on the east pediment was her birth and on the west was her and Poseidon’s fight for Athens.

how was Aeneas a bad guy

he left his wife in Troy

how was Romulus a good guy

he rose to greatness, and saved people from tyranny by killing his uncle.

how was Romulus a bad guy

he raped and abducted over 800 women, he was a tyrant too, and he killed his brother. he wasn’t a very good king.

how was Theseus a good guy

he was a good king and introduced democracy to Athens. he was very strong and his labours helped a lot of people.

how was Theseus a bad guy

he left Ariadne in Crete. Also he was a git of a show off. he didn’t need to fight Cercyon. also, he too raped women.

why was the day the great Panathenaia was held on significant?

Athenes bday

what is this

in the middle is the minotaur

the top one is the one where he wrestles the guy to become king Cercyon

next is procrsutes, the bed guy

the next one is sinus the pine bender

bull of marathon

sciron the guy that kicked people off the cliff

the next is the crommenian sow

what was involved in the great panathenaia

music contests, athletics, equestrian events, tribal contests, a boat race, prize giving, and a procession.

when where and why was the city Dionysia?

middle of march

sanctuary of Dionysius

because he cured their disease after they ignored his statue

what was the pompe

procession w statue

Temple of Zeus at Olympia? Talk about statue, and what is on the metopes and pediments.

Obviously its at Olympia, The stature was huge and had an Olive oil pool to reflect the stature, also on the metopes there was Heracles labours, west = centauromachy, east=pelops.

what were the dithrambic contests

choral song and dance

what was the komos

they presented him with leather penises to thank him for their fertility

what did they sacrifice on the third day

a piglet

what happens on the last 3 days

3 tragedies and 1 satyr play

what was the prize

a garland of ivy, a symbol of dionysus.

when was the Lupercalia and what was it for

15th of march for fertility

what where the priests called, what was the god called, and where did the celebrations start?

lupercai, lupercus, and the lupercal

what did they do at the sacrifice

wiped blood on forehead, wiped it off w milk, then laugh.

what was the saturnalia

they worshipped Saturn, who was said to rule in the golden age,and it was morphed into Christmas, and the masters had to serve the slaves.

what do you know about the centauromachy

it was on the temple of Zeus at Olympia, and was a metaphor for the war between the greeks and the Persians, because it showed the triumph over barbarianism

ROMAN what were the roman priests called?


what do you know about the Amazonomachy

it was against the amazons

it also was a metaphor for the war w the Persians, and it showed how they defeated foreigners. it was at bassae, which was very remote so not many people would have seen it, but it cemented their connection w Athens.

what do you know about the Prima Porta

it represented war and peace. the general clothing was war, but the bare feet= peace. cupid also represented Augustus divine heritage.

what do you know about the Ara Pacis?

it was on the Campus martius

north- religious procession

east- ceres= prosperous

south -Augustus followed. by priests

west- aeneas and romulus

priests of the goddess vesta?

Vestal virgins

talk about the temple portunus. where was it.

the forum boarium, and it was dedicated to the god Portunus.

talk about the Pantheon

it was round and dedicated to all the gods. it was round to fit in all the cult statues. campus martius, named after mars.

who were Theseus’s parents

Poseidon and Aethra.

what is this

in the middle is the minotaur

the top one is the one where he wrestles the guy to become king Cercyon

next is procrsutes, the bed guy

the next one is sinus the pine bender

bull of marathon

sciron the guy that kicked people off the cliff

the next is the crommenian sow

what did Theseus do for Athens

he was a good king, and made democracy. he united a lot of smaller town under Athens.

How was Aeneas a good guy.

he was pious by taking the household gods from burning Troy and always following the gods orders. Also he saved his family from Troy which also made him a good guy. Finally, he fought in Troy.