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139 Cards in this Set

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Homer's hero
noble MAN, ALIVE
Later heroes
Tombs of heroes
HEROA, large mounds of earthen material. Religious cults often performed at them.
Gilgamesh (description)
Mesopotamian hero. King of Uruk. Proud and abusive. 2/3 divine and 1/3 mortal
"The man who saw everything to the ends of the earth, who experienced everything..."
"Sing to me, Muse, of the wily man, who wandered far after he had sacked the holy city of Troy"
Gilgamesh, from "The Odyssey"
Created by the gods to punish Gilgamesh. Wild and long-haired.
what is Gilgamesh's response to Enkidu?
Lures him in with a woman. For many days they have sex, and he becomes civilized.
Gilgamesh vs. Enkidu
Gilgamesh is about to rape a virgin girl, and Enkidu challenges him. They fight, but they become friends.
After Gilgamesh and Enkidu become friends, what happens?
Gilgamesh and Enkidu go to "the land of the living" to face Humbaba. They kill him
Ishtar and Gilgamesh
Gil rejects Ish and she is super mad. She has her father send down the BULL OF HEAVEN.
Bull of Heaven vs. Gil and Enk
Gil and Enk win, and Enk cuts off the bull's genitals and throws them in Ish's face. Baddd idea. The gods make him sick and he dies
Death of Enkidu
Gil is really sad and realizes that he will die one day also. He seeks out Utnapishtim, lover of Eternal life
Beer maid that Gil meets on his way to find Utnapishtim. Advises Gil to give up and just accept his mortality, doesn't listen
Gil and Utnapishtim
Trial: stay awake for six days and seven nights, and doesn't succeed. Tries to find an herb that grows deep in the sea, finds the herb, but a serpent eats it. Gil cannot succeed and returns to Uruk, where he grows old and dies
fertility and "mother" goddess. Goddess of the grain
Demeter's daughter; also known as Kore. Picking flowers in a meadow when Hades abducts her and takes her to the underworld
"Out rode the swallower of hosts, drawn by his deathless horses...he hustled her, screaming, into his car, and carried her off, disregarding the protests which she cried aloud to her father, Zeus, but nobody gave ear to her shots for assistance...once carried under the earth, she wailed aloud her despair..."
Hades abducting Persephone
"Pain seized Demeter's heart. Her hands tore the dark purple veil off her ambrosial hair, and she wrapped a dark garment of mourning over her shoulders, then swooped like a bird over dry land and sea."
Demeter's loss of Persephone
who tells Demeter that Hades abducting Perspephone?
what does Demeter do to retrieve her daughter?
Disguises herself as an old woman and wanders the earth
"...her form was disguised, and nobody, low-waisted woman or man, discerned at a glance the divinity hidden within her"
Demeter as old woman
Where did Demeter go/what did she do next?
She went to Eleusis, and became Demophoon's nanny. Demophoon grew really fast, because Demeter would burn away his mortal soul. However, Metaneira found out and stops her.
"Demeter would anoint him, as if he were a child of the goddess, with ambrosia, food of the gods, and breathed her sweetness upon him while dandling him in her bosom..."
Demeter and Demophoon
"Every night she would plunge him like a firebrand into the flames, all unknown to his dear own parents."
Demeter to Demophoon
"...anxious for her small son, screaming in grief, she said, O Demophoon, dearest child, this strange woman has plunged you deep in the flames, and is causing me terrible sorrow and anguish"
Metaneira about Demeter
"at this, the goddess transformed herself in size and appearance. Vanished was wrinkkled old age, and beauty breathed all around her. Delcious aromas exhaled forom the fragrant folds of her garments, and a radiant halo surrounded the deathless head..."
Demeter revealing her true identity in Eleusis, she then leaves in continuing her search for Persephone.
"she sent men a terrible year, a plague for the earth and its harvest. The land did not foster the seed, for fair-crowned Demeter forbade it...Demeter might well have destroyed the whole of humankind..."
Demeter's reaction to Persephone
Zeus' reaction to Demeter's punishment to the earth
sends Hermes to the underworld, forcing Hades to release Persephone.
Hades' decision
Hades agrees but gives Persephone a pomegranate, bonding them
"But Hades, peering about to be sure that non one was watching, casually gave her a seedlet of a luscious and sweet pomegranate to eat, thus making it certain she could not remain forever by the side of dark-robed Demeter"
Hades gives PERSEPHONE this pomegranate, to bond them
Hades' agreement for Persephone
Persephone must spend 1/3 of the year with Hades and then 2/3 in the world above
The word "mystery"
Eleusian cult of Demeter. Must close eyes to enter the temple. One who closes---> "mystes"
the Hierophant "appeared from out of the Anaktoron in the radiant nights of the mysteries"
Eleusian mysteries of Demeter's temple.
were eleusian mysteries respected/respectful?
yes very much so; yes they fostered community among Greeks and promised a happy afterlife
Inanna and Demeter
Similar stories. Both went to the underworld, and the world went barren.
Adonis and Aphrodite
Adonis is born of the Myrrh tree and loved to hunt. Aphrodite fell in love with him and he ignored her. Then he died and Aphrodite mourned. Cult of Adonis
Male god of fertility; god of wine; irrational; foreign god
symbols of dionysus
ivy, the phallus, horns of a bull
birth of Dionysus
born twice. hera is not deceived by Zeus' ways. Zeus turns him into a goat and has Hermes deliver goat to the nymphs of nysa
followers of Dionysus
Bacchae (possessed by Dion) and the maenads (raging women) and satyrs (half men, half horses)
Dionysus and Ariadne
finds her island of Naxos, where Theseus abandoned her. Wedding gift was a crown that was later made into a constellation (CORONA BOREALIS)
Corona Borealis
Crown of Ariadne (wife of Dionysus)
People Dionysus drove mad
Lycurgus, King Minyas' daughters, King Proetus' daughters the Proetids,
whose thigh was Dionysus in
What plants and animals is Dionysus associated with?
figs, pines, vine blossoms, goats, lions, panthers
"you will die and be silent. No memory will be left of you, no regret when you are gone. You have never touched the muses flowers. shadowy forever in Death's realm, you will be wafted on a ghost's fluttering wings, one of the black dead"
Sappho on death
Hades regarded as a dangerous god to call by his real name
called him "the invisible" "the enricher" "receiver of many" "host of many"
soul after death as an image
image of the soul
jealous ghost example
how was a ghost banished
one cut the corpse into pieces and burned it in a pyre
hermes' role in death
the psychopompos, led the souls to the underworld
free night for the the ghosts to mingle?
Anthesteria- Halloween
killed the female snake, turned into a woman, killed male snake, turned back into a man. hera punished him by blinding him. zeus gave him prophecy, and he became the most famous seer in Greek myth
Odysseus' first meeting on his journey to the underworld
Elpenor, one of his companions, asks for proper burial
Odysseus meets his mother, Anticlea, who died from grief of his absence
"this is the fate of all who have perished. No more do the sienews hold their flesh and bones in their places, but the burning heat of the pyre overwhlems and crumbles our flesh. Once the soul has abandoned the body, the poor homeless spirit must flutter about like a dream, then vanish forever..."
Odysseus goes to the underworld
"...I pour our offering of drink for the dead to consume: first honey mixed with milk, then sweet honey, and last of all water thickened with barely. I promised the ghosts that safely landed in Ithaca, I would offer there in my palace a heifer that never had calved, my best, and would load an altar with good things for them alone,...UP from Erebus sailed the bodiless souls of the dead-brides and unmarried young men; maidens once happy but now broken-hearted; men killed by the spear; young soldiers still in armor"
people Odysseus meets...?
agamemnon, achilles, ajax, king minos
odysseus meets achilles
"Better to be a peon on some poor landholder's acres, a man who is landless and hungry himself, than here to be ruler of all the shriveled-up dead"
odysseus meets King Minos who is
an arbitrator, a judge who decides quarrels
Tityus in underworld because..
he attempted to rape leto and a vulture ate his liver
at a banquet he offered his son to eat to the gods. cannot satisfy his desire for drink and food
seduced Odysseus mother, rolling the boulder but it rolls right back down
Elysian Fields in which only a blessed few would end up after death. Remote part of earth, a sort of paradise on Earth
Orpheus and Eurydice
girl dies at wedding from snake bite. orpheus goes to underworld to get her back, Hades and Persephone agree because of the beauty of his song, as long as he didn't look back. He looks back and she's gone. invents homosexuality
hope for salvation, comfortable life after death. "the body is a tomb" (soma sema)
metempsychosis- the reincarnation of the soul
life of aesthetic purity, abstention from meat, beans, and sex
Orphic teachings influenced...
Christian notions about the soul and its relation to the body. Christ is often shown as Orpheus.
Plato's skepticism of traditional tales led to...
"Myth of Er"
Myth of Er
people die, and their souls are judged. either sent to heaven or underworld. 1000 years they enjoyed or suffered, then they could have a new life on Earth
Myth of Er. Orpheus and Odysseus come back as...(respectively)
swan and a quiet, simple man
Myth of Er teaches what?
Soul is immortal
Needs to be purified before returning to another human life
There is moral law in the world
"a filthy old guardian boatman kept watch on the banks of the river...and the dead came stretching their hands in longing to cross to the opposite shore"
River Acheron...Aeneas going to the underworld to speak to his father, Anchises
lusted after Hera, Zeus made a fake cloud and Ixion fell for it. He was bound to a wheel of fire
Zeus has sex with her and changes her into a cow to protect her from Hera. Hera wants the cow. Hera uses ARGUS as a guard because he never sleeps. Hermes sings a lullaby and argus falls asleep. hermes kills argus and hera puts his eyes in the tail of the peacock
Io gives birth to...
Epaphus, who becomes the king of Egypt. and has so many kids
50 daughters of Danaus; associated with water and springs
had 50 sons and wanted them to marry the Danaids.
Put in a secret chamber to prevent her from being killed
conceived by Danae; kills Medusa; takes Hades hat (invisibility) and Granae helps (hag nymphs), winged sandals
what did hermes give to perseus
shield and sword
who was medusa pregnant with
pegasus (the winged horse) with Poseidon. showed polydectes the head and they turned to stone
daughter of Cepheus and Cassiopea. chained to a rock, poseidon sent monster to destroy city, and Andromeda was the sacrifice. perseus falls in love her and wants to marry her
perseus and andromeda
"...he sank his curving blade in the writing neck of the monster. struck by that deadly wound, it arched its back to the heavens, then dived beneath the waters, like a wounded but still savage boar twists and turns to hear the barking of hounds who entrap him..."
supposed to marry andromeda, perseus uses medusa's head to turn him to stone
apotropaic device
a means to deflect the evil eye (medusa's head)
Birth of Heracles
Zeus and Aldmena, divine seed is Heracles
hera and heracles
she sends serpents to destroy Heracles
milky way
hera pulls away from heracles while breast feeding
"...But heracles, unheeding, stalked the boy who hid behind a pillar's treacherous bulk. Cornered, the boy turned round to face him, and hercles stabbed...an arrow he aimed at the second, crouched by the altar...like a blacksmith at his anvil. , heracles whirled his club down on the boy's fair hair and shattered the bones beneath..."
Euripides--heracles killing his own son
twelve labors
heracles must perform them to make up for murdering his family
the nemean lion
heracles killed the lion by breaking its neck and taking the skin off with his own hands
the lernaean hydra
poisonous arrows
the ceryneian deer
magical deer. artemis allowed him to show Copreus
the erymanthian boar side-deed pholus
captures it
the augean stables
cleaned stables with a river running through it
the stymphalian birds
shot them down with his arrows
the cretan bull
tosses bull in the sea and rides it back to Eurystheus and is killed by Theseus
the horses of diomedes
brings alcestis back from the dead
the girdle of hippolyta
hera is mean. she pretended that heracles abducted hippolyta and told everyone that, when she was actually willing to give it to him. he had to kill hippolyta then
the cattle of geryon
fought geryon in the desert and took his cattle
3 headed, fire-breathing monster that stole cattle. heracles does work
the apples of the hesperides
had to featch apples from a magical tree on mount atlas. ladon (100 headed monster) guarded it.
picture of heracles choking someone
heracles got permission to bring dog back to above world
centaur holding a woman, heracles in background
death of heracles
"...his whole body broke into sweat, the shirt as tights as any builder's mortise, clung to his ribs, and then to every limb. on every bone came cramping, torturing, fire...he screamed in pain...a wrenching torment tore apart his lungs...the white stuff of his brain, marbled with blood, burst from his skull and soaked his hair..."
death of heracles passage. because he killed Eurytus and seized Iole.
the averter of the eyes, summonded to turn away disease and every kind of harm
handsome in victory
staff with pinecone
prophecy gift
nessis, hercules had dionera
eating flesh
one with gods
out of body
hounds caught everything it chased
PERSEUS, orion, scorpio
first king of athens
king midas
gold touch
gilgamesh seeks whom for everlasting life?
warrior women who hate men
pirtheus' wedding
perseus' mother
gilgamesh's friend
before perseus kills medusa, he sees...
theseus leaves her on the island of maxos
who kills argus?
who was opposed to theseus
aphrodite, for favoring artemis
born into shower of gold?
killed by boar?
pushed from cliff?
aeneus's descendents:
who did aeneus come from?
short and lengthen bed?
offered immortality if someone died in his place?
orpheus' daeth?
decapitation and torn apart
who fought the amazons?
theseus and hercules
sources of afterlife?
Sappho and Odyssey
secretive religion
eleusian mysteries