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127 Cards in this Set

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What is the principal act of worship in the Episcopal Church?
The Holy Eucharist (BCP p.13)
Whence cometh the forms for acts of worship not provided for in the prayer book?
In addition to these services and other rites contained in this book (BCP), other forms set forth by authority within this church may be used. (BCP, p.13)
To what does the prayerbook refer when it speaks of "hymns?"
Hymns referred to in the rubrics fo this book are to be understood as those authorized by this Church. The words of anthems are to be from Holy Scripture, or from this book, or from texts congruent with them. (BCP, p.14)
What are the two cycles of the church year?
Two cycles of feasts and holy days: one is dependent upon the moveable date of the Sunday of the Resurrection or Easter Day; the other, upon the fixed date of December 25, the Feast of our Lord's Nativity or Christmas Day. (BCP, p.15)
When does Easter fall each year?
Easter Day is always the first Sunday after the full moon that falls on or after March 21. It cannot occur before March 22 or after April 25. (BCP, p.15)
What are the seven principal feasts of the church year?
Easter Day
Ascension Day
The Day of Pentecost
Trinity Sunday
All Saints' Day, November 1
Christmas Day, December 25
The Epiphany, January 6
(BCP, p.15)
When are Rogation Days observed?
Rogation Days are traditionally observed on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday before Ascension Day. (BCP, p.18)
What feasts always take presedence of a Sunday?
The seven principal feasts. In addition to the seven, only the following feasts, appointed on fixed days, take precedence of a Sunday:
The Holy Name
The Presentation
The Transfiguration

The feast of the Dedication of a Church, and the feast of its patron or title, may be observed on, or be transferred to, a Sunday, except in the seasons of Advent, Lent, and Easter. (BCP, p.16)
What happens to other feasts that fall on a Sunday?
All other Feasts of our Lord, and all other Major Feasts appointed on fixed days in the Calendar, when they occur on a Sunday, are normally transferred to the first convenient open day within the week. When desired, however, the Collect, Preface, and one or more of the Lessons appointed for the Feast may ben substituted for those of a Sunday, but NOT from the Last Sunday after pentecost through the First Sunday after the Epiphany, or from the Last Sunday after the Epiphany through Trinity Sunday.

With the expressed permission of the bishop, and for urgent and sufficient reason, some other special occasion may be observed on a Sunday. (BCP, p.16)
What are the titles of the seasons of the church year?
Advent Season
Christmas Season
Epiphany Season
Lenten Season
Holy Week
Easter Season
The Season After Pentecost (BCP, p.31-32)
Who, according to the prayer book, may officiate at Morning Prayer?
In the Daily Office, the term “Officiant” is used to denote the person, clerical or lay, who leads the Office. (BCP 74)
When may the Lord's Prayer be omitted at the office (2 cases)?
When the Litany or the Eucharist is to follow (BCP, 142)
At what points in Morning and Evening Prayer may a sermon be preached?
After the office,
After the readings,
At time of hymn after the collects.
(BCP 142)
What strictures govern the contents of the office when it is used for the Eucharistic word liturgy?
- Gospel reading is always included;
- Nicene Creed may replace the Apostles’ Creed, - Officiant may pass at once from the salutation (“The Lord be with you”) to the Collect of the Day;
- Prayer for mission is omitted, (BCP, 100)- Intercessions conform to directions on p. 383,
- Service continues w/peace (offertory)
(BCP, 142)
What are the two principal ways to begin Morning Prayer?
- With one or more Opening sentences or
- With the versicle “Lord, open our lips”
When must “Pascha nostrum” be used as the invitatory at Morning Prayer When may it be used?
In Easter week, in place of Invitatory Psalm;
- It may be used daily until Day of Pentecost, (BCP 45, 83)
How many lessons (maximum/minimum) are read at Morning and Evening Prayer?
- Three (max) if it is the only office of the day (BCP 934)
- One (min) or two lessons as appointed (BCP 47)
How many collects follow the suffrages in Morning and Evening Prayer?
One or more of the collects must be used.
When does a prayer for mission follow the collects at Morning and Evening Prayer?
At all times unless the Eucharist or a form of general intercession is to follow, (BCP, 100)
List three ways to begin Evening Prayer.
- With one or more sentence of Scripture (pp 75-78 or 115-116)
- With the service of light pp 109-112, or
- With the versicle “O God make speed to save us.” (BCP, 115)
What may follow each lesson at Morning and Evening Prayer? What must follow?
- The citation “The Word of the Lord” with the answer "Thanks be to God." or
- The citation "Here ends the Lesson (Reading)" or
- Silence or
- A Canticle (must)
(BCP 47, 65, 84, 119)
May the Order of Worship for Evening replace all of Evening Prayer?
Not appropriate for use on the Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday of Holy Week, or on Good Friday or Easter Eve. (BCP 108)
Does the congregation properly join in saying the prayer of St. Chrysostom?
No - it is said by the officiant (the people say the Amen - it is in itallics)
What canticle always concludes Compline?
Song of Simeon [Nunc dimittis] (BCP 134)
May the Apostles’ Creed be omitted from the office, and if so under what circumstances?
- When the Eucharist with its own Creed is to follow.
- It may also be omitted at one of the Offices on weekdays.
(BCP 142)
What provision is made for special intercessions at the offices?
After the collect for mission,
- Individuals may offer their own intercessions and thanksgivings either at the bidding or in the course of the prayer;
- An opportunity may be given for silent prayer (BCP, 142)
At what point in the rite is incense used in the Order of Worship for Evening?
After the candles have been lighted and while singing the hymn Phos hilaron, (BCP, 143)
Must a hymn follow the candle-lighting in the order of worship for evening?
The Phos Hilaron, or a metrical version of it, or some other hymn. (BCP, 112)
When is the Great Litany to be used?
- Before the Eucharist or after the collects of MP or EP; or
- Separately; especially during Lent or Rogation days [Rogation days traditionally M, T, W before Ascension] (BCP, 148)
How does the Great Litany end when the Eucharist follows?
Concludes with the Kyrie, before the Lord’s Prayer (BCP, 153)
May the collect appointed for a Sunday or other feast be used at the evening service of the day before?
The Collect appointed for any Sunday or other Feast may be used at the evening service of the day before. (BCP 158)
Are ashes optional on Ash Wednesday?
“IF ashes are to be imposed...” (BCP 265)
When circumstances permit, what is the suggested way to begin the Liturgy of Palms on Palm Sunday?
The congregation may gather at a place apart from the church, so that all may go into the church in procession. (BCP 270)
What are the options for reading the Passion on Palm Sunday and Good Friday?
May be read or chanted by lay persons. Specific roles may be assigned (may also be read by one reader, in the usual manner) (BCP, 273, 277)
At what point in the Maundy Thursday service does the pedilavium occur?
Following the Gospel and homily. (BCP 274)
What follows the pedilavium?
Prayers of the People, (BCP, 275
How does the Good Friday service begin?
The ministers enter in silence, and all kneel for silent prayer, after which the celebrant stands and begins with the Collect of the Day.
(BCP 276)
If the congregation sits for the beginning of the Passion on Good Friday, when do they stand?
At the verse which mentions the arrival at Golgotha (John 19:17) (BCP 277)
After the Solemn Collects, how may the Good Friday service-continue? (list 3 ways)
1. Conclude with a hymn or anthem, the Lord’s Prayer and the final prayer on p. 282
2. A wooden cross may be brought into the church & placed in sight of the people. Appropriate devotions may follow including any or all of the anthems; then LP and final prayer
3. With HC from reserved sacrament: use of confession, Lord’s Prayer, communion and then final prayer (BCP 280-282)
If Holy Communion is distributed on Good Friday, what form does the administration take?
- A Confession of Sin
- The Lord’s Prayer
- Communion [from the reserved sacrament]
(BCP 282)
At what time of day is the Great Vigil of Easter to be celebrated?
At a convenient time between sunset on Holy Saturday and sunrise on Easter Sunday
(BCP, 284)
What are the major sections of the Easter Vigil?
- Service of Light (Lighting of Paschal Candle)
- The Service of Lessons (Liturgy of the Word)
- Christian Initiation/Renewal of Baptismal Vows
- Holy Eucharist w/administration of Easter communion
(BCP p. 284)
What are the Deacon's prerogatives at the Easter Vigil?
Carry the Paschal Candle & chant the Exsultet.
[Deacons will assist at Baptism and the Eucharist according to their Order] (BCP 284)
How many lessons must be read in the Liturgy of the Word, before the baptism or renewal of baptismal vows, at the Easter Vigil?
At least two Lessons (one is always the Lesson from Exodus). (BCP 288)
When is it customary to burn the Paschal Candle?
- At all services from Easter Day through the Day of Pentecost (BCP, 287)
- At baptisms (BCP, 313)
- At burials (BCP, 467)
When are the altar candles lit at the Vigil?
Following Christian Initiation or The renewal of Baptismal vows, at the start of the Eucharist (BCP 294)
Are the prayers of the people used at the Easter Vigil?
Yes (BCP 295)
What canticles may be sung after the baptism/renewal of baptismal vows at the Easter Vigil?
- Gloria in Excelsis (Glory to God)
- Te Deum laudamus (You are God)
- Pascha nostrum (Christ our Passover)
How do the rubrics define Baptism?
Full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into Christ’s body the Church. (BCP 298)
What does the prayer book require in terms of sponsors for each candidate?
Each candidate is to be sponsored by one or more baptized persons (BCP, 298)
How do the roles of the sponsors of adults and children differ at Baptism?
- Sponsors of adults and older children present the candidates and signify their endorsement of them and willingness to support them by prayer and example;
- Sponsors of infants present them and make promises in their own names and take vows on behalf of their candidates. (BCP, 298)
What instruction is to precede the baptism of infants?
- Parents and godparents are to be instructed in the meaning of Baptism, in their duties to help the new Christian grow in the knowledge and love of God, and in their responsibilities as members of God’s church (BCP 298)
At what two places may the sealing with chrism occur at Baptism?
Sealing may occur after the administration of water either before or after the prayer which follows. (BCP 308)
When is the font to be filled with water in Baptism?
Where practical, immediately before the Thanksgiving over the Water (BCP 313)
When is Baptism especially appropriate?
- Easter Vigil,
- Day of Pentecost,
- All Saint’s Day (or Sunday following),
- Feast of the Baptism of our Lord (first Sunday after Epiphany); or
- When a bishop is present (BCP 312)
What happens on those occasions when Baptism is especially appropriate if there are no candidates?
Renewal of Baptismal Vows may take the place of the Nicene Creed at the Eucharist (BCP 312)
What parts may a deacon or assisting priest have in Baptism?
Assuming Bishop is celebrant…
- Read the gospel (priest or deacon)
- Administer the water (priest or deacon)
- Lead the prayers for the candidates (both)
- Post baptismal prayer (priest or bishop)
- Sealing w/chrism (priest or bishop)
(BCP 300, 307, 308)
How may A penitential Order be used?
- At the beginning of the Liturgy, or
- As a separate service.
(BCP 319)
When the penitential order is used at the Holy Eucharist, what follows the absolution?
Kyrie eleison, Trisagion, or Gloria, (BCP, 321)
Who appropriately assists the principal celebrant?
Priests, deacons, lay people, (BCP, 322)
What are the Deacon's functions at the Eucharist?
- Reads the Gospel,
- May lead the Prayers of the People
- Lead the confession
- Serve at Lords table, preparing and placing on it offering of bread and wine
- Assist in ministration of the Sacraments
- Dismiss the people
What is the only "ornament" the prayer book requires for the altar at the Eucharist?
A clean white cloth (BCP 406)
How may the Trisagion be said/sung at the Eucharist?
It may be sung or said three times, or antiphonally. (BCP 406)
When is the Gloria in Excelsis (or the hymn which replaces it) to be used?
- Christmas Day thru the Feast of the Epiphany;
- Sundays fm Easter Day thru Day of Pentecost;
- On all the days of Easter Week;
- On Ascension Day;
- At other times as desired.
- Not to be used on Sundays or ordinary weekdays of Advent or Lent (BCP 406)
Besides group readings on Palm Sunday/Good Friday, under what circumstances may a layperson read the Gospel at the Eucharist?
When a portion of the congregation is composed of persons whose native tongue is other than English, a reader appointed by the celebrant may read the Gospel in the language of the people, either in place of, or in addition to, the Gospel in English. (BCP, 406)
When may necessary announcements be made at the Eucharist?
- Before or after the service;
- After the creed; or
- Before the offertory.
(BCP 407)
According to the prayer book, under what circumstances (only) may lay people administer the chalice?
In the absence of sufficient deacons and priests, lay persons licensed by the bishop according to the canon may administer the chalice. (BCP, 408)
What is done with the excess consecrated bread and wine?
The celebrant or deacon, and other communicants, reverently eat and drink it either after Communion or after the Dismissal.
(BCP 409)
What does one do if one runs out of consecrated bread and wine during the administration of communion?
- The celebrant returns to the Holy Table and consecrates more of either using the prayer provided; or
- May consecrate more of both using the words of the Eucharistic Prayer, beginning with the words following Sanctus and ending with the Invocation. [In the case of Prayer C, end w/narrative of Institution] (BCP 408)
May a hymn be sung after the post-communion prayer?
Yes (BCP 409)
May a hymn be sung after the blessing and before the dismissal?
No (No rubric authorizing it)
Under what circumstances do the disciplinary rubrics say that a minister may refuse a person or group communion?
1) They are leading a notoriously evil life;
2) They have done wrong to their neighbors and are a scandal to the community;
3) There is hatred between members of the congregation. (BCP 409).
[Persons must be spoken to before refusal]
Does the priest notify anyone other than the excommunicated when s/he bars someone from communion?
The Bishop must be notified within 14 days at the most, giving the reasons for refusing Communion. (BCP 409)
When is the Collect for Purity optional at a Eucharistic liturgy?
Rite II only (BCP 355)
What four things may follow each of the lessons at the Eucharist?
- The Reader may say either
-- The Word of the Lord;
-- Here ends the Reading;
- Silence may follow each lesson
- A Psalm, hymn, or anthem may follow each
(BCP 357)
When is the Nicene Creed to be used at the Eucharist?
Sundays and other Major Feast days, (BCP 358)
When may the Confession be omitted after the prayers of the people?
The confession may be omitted
- If said earlier (Penitential order, POP fm VI); - May be omitted “on occasion”
(BCP 359)
What intentions must be included in the prayers of the people?
1. The universal church, its members & its mission
2. The nation and all in authority
3. The welfare of the world
4. The concerns of the local community
5. Those who suffer and those in any trouble
6. The departed (with commemoration of a saint when appropriate)
(BCP 359)
What must happen at the offertory?
Representatives of the congregation bring the people’s offerings of bread and wine, and money or other gifts, to the deacon or celebrant. The people stand while the offerings are presented and placed on the altar. (BCP, 361)
What must be done to the elements during the Eucharistic Prayer?
Bread and wine must be touched by the celebrant at the words concerning each in the institution narrative (BCP 362)
What are the suggested kinds of collect for the celebrant to use at the end of the prayers of the people?
A collect:
- Appropriate to the season or occasion,
- Expressive of a special need in the life of the local congregation
- For the mission of the church, or
- Listed on BCP pp. 394-395.
(BCP 394)
When people are kept from the Eucharist for long periods of time, what is the preferred course of action?
- The priest arranges to celebrate the Eucharist with the person from time to time on a regular basis using the Proper of the Day or one of those appointed for Various Occasions.
(BCP 396)
What are the parts of "An Order for Celebration of Holy Eucharist" (a.k.a., "Rite III")?
1. Gather in the Lord’s Name
2. Proclaim and Respond to the Word of God
3. Pray for the World and the Church
4. Exchange the Peace
5. Prepare the Table
6. Make Eucharist using one of the Eucharistic prayers provided (Rite I or II; Form I or II pp. 402-405.)
7. Break Bread
8. Share the Gifts of God
(BCP 400-401)
Write out the memorial acclamations from Eucharistic Prayers A, B, and D.
A. Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again. (BCP 363)
B. We remember his death, we proclaim his resurrection, we await his coming in glory
(BCP 368)
D. We praise you, we bless you, we give thanks to you, and we pray to you, Lord our God.
(BCP 375)
From where is it desirable that the gospel be read?
The Gospel is read
- From the lectern used to read the lessons
- From the pulpit; or
- From the midst of the congregation
(BCP 406)
If one must use multipul chalices, what does one do during the Great Thanksgiving?
During the Great Thanksgiving, it is appropriate that there be only one chalice one the Altar, and, if need be, a flagon of wine from which additional chalices may be filled after the Breaking of the Bread. (BCP 407)
According to the prayer book, who must be confirmed?
- Those baptized at an early age are expected, when they are ready and have been duly prepared, to make a mature public affirmation of their faith and commitment to the responsibilities of their Baptism and to receive the laying on of hands by the bishop.
- Those adults who were baptized without the laying on of hands by a bishop (BCP, 412)
How do the rubrics define confirmation?
The laying on of hands by a bishop (BCP 418)
From where are the lessons for Confirmation chosen?
- Lessons appointed for the day; or
- At the discretion of the bishop, one provided “at Confirmation”. p, 929 may be substituted
(BCP 414)
If no Eucharist is celebrated, what follows the peace at Confirmation?
The Lord’s Prayer and such other devotions as the bishop may direct (BCP 419)
When is a Form of Commitment to Christian Service to be used?
When a person wishes to make or renew a commitment to the service of Christ in the world, either in general terms or upon undertaking some special responsibility,
(BCP, 420)
What are the minimum requirements for a couple to be married in the Episcopal Church?
- Must be between a man and a woman;
- At least one must be a baptized Christian;
- The ceremony must be attested by at least two witnesses; and
- The marriage must conform to the laws of the state and the canons of the church (BCP, 422)
Besides his/her inability to preside at the Eucharist, why does a deacon not normally preside at a marriage?
Because only a bishop or priest may pronounce the nuptial blessing (BCP 422)
What may a deacon do at a marriage presided over by a bishop or priest?
- Deliver the charge
- Ask for the declaration of consent
- Read the gospel and
- perform other assisting functions at the Eucharist
(BCP 422)
What may replace a wedding ring?
Some suitable symbol of the vows (BCP, 437)
How does The Blessing of a Civil Marriage begin?
The Rite begins as prescribed for celebrations of the Holy Eucharist, using the Collect and Lessons appointed in the Marriage service.
(BCP 433)
Does the Blessing of a Civil Marriage include promises/vows?
Yes. (BCP 433)
When the "rite III" wedding is celebrated, may the couple write their own vows?
NO! (BCP 435)
At what point in the Sunday Eucharist is the Thanksgiving for the Birth or Adoption of a Child used?
Following the Prayers of the People preceding the offertory (BCP 439)
May a person receive only the consecrated bread at Holy Communion?
Yes; “It is suitable to administer the Sacrament in one kind only.” (BCP, 457)
Write out “A commendation at the Time of Death.”
Depart, O Christian soul, out of this world;
In the name of God the Father Almighty who created you;
In the name of Jesus Christ who redeemed you;
In the name of the Holy Spirit who sanctifies you.
May your rest be this day in peace, and your dwelling place in the Paradise of God. (BCP 464)
Under what circumstances does the prayer book envision an open coffin at a funeral service?
None. It is to be closed before the service and remain so throughout, (BCP, 468)
Is the homily optional at funerals?
Yes. (BCP, 480)
May the Committal precede the service of Burial of the Dead in the church?
Yes (BCP 468)
When should bishops be ordained?
On Sundays and other feast of our Lord or on the feast of apostles or evangelists (BCP 511)
Who reads the lessons at the ordination of a bishop?
- Lay persons read the OT and Epistle,
- A deacon or a priest reads the gospel
(BCP, 515-16)
What is unique about the recitation of the creed at the ordination of a bishop?
The bishop-elect says the first line of the creed (BCP, 519)
Why does the celebrant not lead the post-communion prayer at the ordination of a bishop?
Because the new bishop, who is the celebrant, is specifically prayed for by name in the post-communion prayer BCP 523)
When a bishop ordains priests or deacons, how many priests must be present?
At least two (BCP 534/536)
How do the "examinations" in each ordination rite summarize the ministries of bishops, priests, and deacons?
Bishops proclaim & interpret the gospel; guard the faith, unity, and discipline of church; celebrate and provide for the administration of the sacraments; ordain priests and deacons; be a faithful pastor; with fellow bishops share in the leadership of the church.
Priest be pastor/priest/teacher; share in councils of the church; proclaim by word and deed the gospel; love and serve those among whom she/he works; preach to declare forgiveness; pronounce blessing; share in administration of sacraments
Deacons Study Holy Scripture; make Christ known by word and example; interpret needs of the world for the Church; assist bishops and priests in public worship and administration of the sacraments; serve those in need (set example of doing same) (BCP 517, 531, 543)
May the Gloria in Excelsis, prayers of the people, and confession of sin be included at ordinations if desired?
No, (BCP, 552)
What may follow the blessing and dismissal at the ordination of a bishop?
A hymn of praise, (BCP, 553)
What provision do the ordination rubrics make for ablutions?
Deacons are to remove vessels from the altar, consume remaining elements, and clean the vessels in some convenient place (BCP 555)
When is the Celebration of a New Ministry to be employed?
- Institution of a priest as rector of a parish;
- Installation of deans & canons of cathedrals;
- The inauguration of other ministries, including vicars and assistants ministers (BCP 558)
Who should/ may preside at a Celebration of New Ministry?
The chief minister is normally the Bishop; a deputy may be appointed (BCP 558)
In what location does the liturgy for the Dedication/Consecration of a Church begin?
A place apart from the church or chapel,
(BCP, 567)
Who reads the lessons at the Dedication/Consecration of a Church?
- Lay people read the OT and Epistle,
- Deacon/priest reads the gospel
(BCP 571)
Does the Dedication/Consecration of a Church require that the building be debt- free?
No, (BCP, 566)
What two items of church furniture must be blessed only by a bishop?
Altar and baptismal font, (BCP, 577)
Briefly describe the four methods set forth in the prayer book for the reading of the Psalter.
Direct recitation: read whole psalm in unison
Antiphonal recitation: verse by verse recitation by two groups, concluding with either an antiphon or the Gloria Patri in unison
Responsorial recitation: soloist sings psalm with congregation or choir reciting a refrain at the end of a verse or group of verses
Responsive recitation: minister and congregation alternate verse by verse
(BCP 582)
What does the asterisk in psalm verse indicate?
Divides each verse into two parts for reading or chanting providing a pause, (BCP, 583)
Give the stated purpose, acknowledged limitations, and suggested use of the Catechism.
Basic instruction for teachers of the faith providing a commentary on the Creeds but not a complete statement of belief and practice. It is a point of departyre for the teacher and cast in the traditional Q&A form. It provides a brief summary of the Church’s teaching for an inquiring stranger who reads the BCP. It may also be used to form a simple service,
(BCP, 844)
List the contents of the Historical Documents section of the prayer book.
- Definition of the Union of the Divine and Human Natures in the Person of Christ (Council of Chalcedon, 451 AD)
- The Creed of Saint Athanasius
- Preface to the First BCP 1549
- Articles of Religion 1801
- Chicago-Lambeth Quadrilateral 1886, 1888
How many Golden Numbers are there? What are they for?
19; to calculate the date of Easter, (BCP, 880)
Easter is the first Sunday after the full moon closest to March 21st. Easter cannot be earlier than March 22nd or later than April 25th
Outline the major parts (large and also bold type) of Morning Prayer.
Morning Prayer
Confession of Sin
The Invitatory and Psalter
Venite or Jubilate or Christ our Passover
The Psalm or Psalms Appointed
The Lessons
The Apostle's Creed
The Prayers
Outline the major parts (large and also bold type) of Holy Baptism.
Holy Baptism
The Collect of the Day
The Lessons
The Sermon
Presentation and Examination of the Candidates
Adults and Older Children
Infants and Younger Children
The Baptismal Covenant
Prayers for the Candidates
Thanksgiving over the water
Consecration of the Chrism (if bishop)
The Baptism
At Confirmation, Reception, or Reaffirmation
For Confirmation
For Reception
For Reaffirmation
At the Eucharist
Alternative Ending
Outline the major parts (large and also bold type) of Holy Eucharist.
The Holy Eucharist
The Word of God
The Collect of the day
The Lessons
The Sermon
The Nicene Creed
The Prayer of the People
Confession of Sin
The Peace
The Holy Communion
The Great Thanksgiving
The Breaking of the Bread